11 Chapter 3

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Educational problem need to be attempted on a systematic manner. The

present specificity of methodology to be adopted is a must for the researcher as

it controls & regulates his/ her work since the recent selected problem is of
high importance & form the major portion in the preceding pages. The
problems unfold themselves & show their distinguished nature. A methodology
chosen unfolds the problems but provides valuable information regarding the
type of tool to be used, the hypothesis framed and tested for the procedure of
the research etc. Therefore every prudent investigator thinks before planning
the design of the study so also for an investigation a correct design & planning
must be done before the investigation starts. Research design decides the fate
of any research and its outcome. As such it is regarded as the heart of any
research design providing a picture for those who study before starting the
work. The researches in this study entitled Impact of emotional intelligence of
student-teachers on effectiveness of teaching in relation to self-concept,
motivation and academic achievement.

The study is descriptive survey

method. So the following aspects of the research design have been discussed in
detail. The sampling selection of tool procedure for the construction and
validation of a tool, procedure for collection of data, method of administration,
method of scoring and statistical technique etc are involved in this study.

Research Procedure and Strategy

The present chapter provides the research methodology/ design of the

study. A research design is a plan of action. According to Kerlinger, Research

design is the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to
obtain answers to research questions and to control variance. Research is
considered to be the more formal systematic and intensive process of carrying
on the scientific method of analysis. It involves a more systematic structure of
investigation usually resulting in some sort of formal record of procedure and a
report of results in conclusion.


A major purpose of educational research is to provide evidence to help

people decide which opinions are correct or at least more correct. Decisions
affecting the greatest resource that human beings have; their children, should
be informed by knowledge, not by the loudest voices that can be heard. A
second purpose of the research is to develop better ways to impart education.
Just as other forms of scientific research that have changed our conceptions of
both physical world and our own psychological world, educational research can
be expected to lead to more effective and efficient ways of schooling.
Hence the present section deals with the method of the study, population
and sample of the study, hypothesis formulated for the purpose of testing, tools
used to collect the data and the statistical techniques used to analyze the data.

The present study aims to study the relationship between Emotional

Intelligence and effectiveness of teaching of Student Teacher studying in B.Ed.

colleges of Kalaburagi District in Karnataka in relation to their scores on SelfConcept and Achievement Motivation Scores. Taking into account the need
and requirement of the study a descriptive survey method is designed to deal
with the problem in hand. Keeping in view the advantages of the method and
nature of the current research work, descriptive survey method has been chosen
by the researcher. The descriptive survey method of investigation is very
common in educational research, which attempts to describe and interpret what
exists at present in the form of conditions, practices, processes, trends, effects,
attitudes, beliefs, etc.
In descriptive survey method, the term descriptive implies the
determination of normal or typical conditions or practices at present time and
the term survey indicates the gathering of the data regarding current
conditions. The descriptive survey method is an organized attempt to analyze,
interpret and report the present status of a social institution, group or area.
Survey studies collect information on what exists, on what we want, and on


how to get there. The descriptive survey of research is generally designed to

obtain permanent and specific information concerning the current status of
phenomena, whenever possible and to draw valid general conclusions from the
facts discovered. It does not restrict itself only to fact finding but may often
lead to research that results in the formulation of important principles of
knowledge and solutions of significant problems.
Descriptive survey research represents one of the common types of
quantitative approach in social sciences including educational research i.e., in
survey research the researchers aims at the sampling of a target population &
administers a standardized questionnaire. The questionnaire is a written
document which has to be completed by the person being surveyed. In the
present study the Questionnaire was the major tool for the collection of data
employed for the research work.
Emotional intelligence scale [2001] [Anukool Hyde Sanjyoth Pethe] &
Upindher Dhar.
Effectiveness of teaching rating scale [2010] [Dr.Mrs.Umme Kulsum].
Self concept rating scale [1998] [Pratibha Deo].
Achievement motive test based on sentence completion method
[V.P.Bhargava] [1994] & check list method by the investigator herself
to obtain the background information of the respondent like age, sex,
area. The entire data was obtained through questionnaire was processed
and compiled and presented with regard to 12 major objectives of the
study. The t-test was used to find out the mean difference between two
levels, Pearson product moment coefficient of correlation was used to
find out the relation between selected variables and SPSS data package
software was employed for statistical analysis of data.

Formulation of Problem:
This research seeks to study and analyze the present educational status

and the impact of emotional intelligence of student-teachers on effectiveness of

teaching. The problem for the present study was conceived and formulated in

consultation with research guide and discussions with the help of the experts in
this field. Though the researcher was aware of the fact that in a specialized
investigation pertaining to Impact of emotional intelligence of studentteachers on effectiveness of teaching in relation to self-concept, motivation
and academic achievement. The choice of present topic was a difficult task
which would take a great deal of time, energy, search of literature and also it
was difficult to get correct feedback as many questionnaires were used. Hence
the present investigation also deals with the conception of both physical and
psychology of student-teachers, educational research can be expected to lead to
more effective teaching and emotional intelligency, self-regulation is a key
component of understanding of any process to inculcate, develop emotionally
intelligent student-teachers, to encourage patience and self-concept.

Variables of the Study:

The following are the major variables of the study including

independent variables, dependent variables and demographic variables.

1. Independent Variables:

Emotional Intelligence

Effectiveness of Teaching

2. Dependent Variables:


Achievement Motivation

3. Demographic Variables:




Profile of the Study Area:

The profile refers to the study area that includes geographical area and


An Overview of Kalaburagi District:

Kalaburagi district is one of the 29 districts in Karnataka State, it was a
part of the Hyderabad state during pre-independence period. It is a part of the
Karnataka state from 1st November 1956 when the states were reorganized on
the basis of language and culture. The Kalaburagi district is located in the
northern part of the state and lies between north latitude 1710 and 1745 and
between east longitude 7610 and 7745.
The district is the biggest one in the state covering 8.449% of the area
and its population is 5.9% of the state, it is bounded on the west by Bijapur
District of Karnataka and Sholapur District of Maharastra on the east by
Maheboob Nagar District of Andhra Pradesh on the north by Bidar of
Karnataka and Osmanabad of Maharastra and south of Raichur District of

Population and Sample:

As the present study focuses at studying the relationship between

emotional intelligence and effectiveness of teaching of student-teacher studying

in B.Ed. Colleges of Kalaburagi District in Karnataka in relation to their scores
on self-concept and achievement motivation scores and further study also
delimits itself to the colleges of teacher education affiliated to Gulbarga
University of Kalaburagi District, Karnataka. Hence universe or the population
of the study comprises of all the B.Ed. colleges affiliated to Gulbarga
University of Kalaburagi district.


Map of Kalaburagi District with talukas


Sample Selection:
Conceivably the main imperative issues in resolving the universal ability

of investigation outcome is the selection of sample executed in accumulating

the research data. Sampling is a tiny snap of the example of the whole


assemblage from which the sample has been taken for the study. As per the
official records there are altogether 25 colleges that meet the above said
criteria. Hence the population of the study is all the student teachers studying in
the below mention colleges.
Table-3.8.1: Population of the Study indicating the Colleges in the
Kalaburagi District, Karnataka

Sharanabasveshwar B.Ed. College

Mohammadi B.Ed. College



K.C.T. B.Ed. College

N.V. B.Ed. College
Murugarajendra B.Ed. College



Smt.M.C.Vasanta B.Ed. College

Hingulambika Societys B.Ed. College
Dharamsingh B.Ed. College


S.B.Patil B.Ed. College



Aryan B.Ed. College

Mother Theresa B.Ed. College
Government B.Ed. College



National B.Ed. College

Al-Badar B.Ed. College
Hameed Pyare B.Ed. College
Deccan B.Ed. College
Jai Hind B.Ed. College
Indira Gandhi B.Ed. College
Taj B.Ed. College
G.Jawali B.Ed. College
Siddeshwar B.Ed. College
Bujari and Biradar B.Ed. College
Mahateshwar B.Ed. College
Ganga Parameshwari B.Ed. College
Siddartha B.Ed. College

Lad Chincholi

Name of the College



Taking into account the size of the population and requirement of the
data, it is decided to cover 50 percent of the colleges as sample, i.e., all the
student teachers studying in 13 B.Ed. colleges are taken as sample. The
colleges were selected on the basis of random sampling. The table below shows
the list of colleges that are selected along with the number of student teachers
studying in these colleges.
Table-3.8.2: List of Selected Sample Colleges

Name of the College


Al-Badar B.Ed. College


Taj B.Ed. College


Murugarajendra Swami B.Ed. College


National B.Ed. College


Aryan B.Ed. College


Nutana Vidayalaya B.Ed. College


Deccan B.Ed. College


Government B.Ed. College


Siddeshwar B.Ed. College



Ganga Parameshwari B.Ed. College



Mahanteshwar B.Ed. College



Siddharta B.Ed. College



Bujari and Biradar B.Ed. College


Hence a total of 964 student-teachers identified from above mentioned

colleges become the sample of the study.

Objectives of the Study:

1. To study the relationship between emotional intelligence and selfconcept, achievement motivation of student-teachers of B.Ed.
colleges of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.


2. To study the relationship between effectiveness of teaching and selfconcept, achievement-motivation of student-teachers of B.Ed.
colleges of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.
3. To find the significance difference between rural and urban studentteachers of B.Ed.

colleges on

emotional intelligence


effectiveness of teaching.
4. To find the significance difference between male and female studentteachers of B.Ed.

colleges on

emotional intelligence


effectiveness of teaching.
5. To study the correlation between emotional intelligence and selfconcept, achievement motivation of student-teachers in B.Ed
colleges of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.
6. To study the correlation between effectiveness of teaching and selfconcept, achievement motivation of student-teachers in B.Ed
colleges of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.

Research Hypothesis:
1. There is a significant difference between emotional intelligence and
self-concept, achievement-motivation of students-teachers of B.Ed.
colleges of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.
2. There is a significant difference between effectiveness of teaching
and self-concept, achievement-motivation of student-teachers of
B.Ed colleges of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.
3. There is a significant difference between urban and rural studentteachers of B.Ed colleges on emotional intelligence and effectiveness
of teaching.
4. There is a significant difference between male and female studentsteachers of B.Ed colleges on emotional intelligence and effectiveness
of teaching.


5. There is a positive correlation between emotional intelligence and

self-concept, achievement-motivation of student-teachers in B.Ed
colleges of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.
6. There is a positive correlation between effectiveness of teaching and
self-concept, achievement-motivation of student-teachers in B.Ed
colleges of Kalaburagi district in Karnataka.

Tools Used for Data Collection

1. Emotional Intelligence Scale by Anukool Hyde Sanjyota Pethe &
Upindher Dhar.
2. Kulsum Teacher Effectiveness Scale by Dr.Mrs.Umme Kulsum.
3. Self-Concept Rating Scale by PratibhaDeo
4. Achievement Motive Test (Based on Sentence Completion Method)
by V.P.Bhargava
5. Check List: Check list is prepared by the investigator herself in order
to obtain the background information of the respondents like Area
[Rural/ urban] Sex [Male/ Female] etc.

3.11.1 Description of the Tools

The present chapter deals with the description of the tools. Tools are
means of data collection. Suitability appropriatness, relevance, reliability,
validity & language are the main criteria for selection of research tools. It may
be revealed that tools play a crucial role in data collection. A researcher
therefore must possess considerable knowledge about a wide variety techniques
& instruments, he must be familiar with the nature of the data they produce
their advantages & limitations the assumption upon which their use is based &
the extent of their reliability, validity & subjectivity. Moreover he must be very
skilled in employing, constructing & maintaining tools & interpreting the
information they produce [Van Dalen, 1973]. The following tools have been
used in the proposed study & discussed as below.

Emotionally intelligence scale [EIS] By Anukool Hyde Sanjyot

Pethe Upindar Dhar [2002]

Tool-2: Self-concept rating scale [SCRS] by Pratibha Deo [SCRS] [1998]

Tool-3: Achievement Motivation test [ACMT] by Dr.V.P.Bhargava [1994]

Kulsum teacher effectiveness rating scale [KTES] [2010] By

Dr.Umme Kulsum


Check list Method: It is prepared by the investigator itself in order to

obtain the background information of the respondents like there age,
sex [Male/Female] aria [Rural/Urban] through college records.

3.11.2 Tools:
1. Emotional intelligence scale [EIS] is developed by Anukool Hyde
[Indore] Sanjyot Pethe [Ahmedabad] & Upinder Dhar [Indore] [2001]
This inventory has followed Golesmans Model of EI & attempts to
measure five core dimensions of EI namely self-awareness, selfregulating, motivation, social skills there are 34 positive statements
which were measured on a 5-point scale i.e.,

Strongly agree








Strongly disagree

Construction of the Scale:

Emotional intelligence scale consisted of 34 items & the items having
correlation less than the value 25 [PL. 01] were dropped. The value is taken
from fisher & Yates [1992] table of correlation coefficients & their level of
significance. The reliability of the scale was determined by calculating
reliability coefficient was found to be 0.88. The Scale has high content validity
from coefficient of reliability [Gaarrett 1981] indicated high validity is 0.93.
This Scale can be used for research & survey purposes it is suitable for group
as well as individual testing. It should be used as a tool for individual diagnosis


unless supported by other evidences and observation of other self-related

perceptions is also required.
Administration of Scoring: The scale is meant to know the difference
between individuals & not meant to rank them as good or bad. It should be left
unanswered. Manual Scoring is done hence no scoring key is provided. Each
item or statement is scored for 5 for strongly agree, 4 for agree 3 for neutral, 2
for disagree, 1 for strongly disagree.
2. Kulsum Teacher Effectiveness Rating Scale [KTES]
Dr.Mrs.Umme Kulsum [Banglore] [2010] Teacher effectiveness rating
scale includes traits which have been given under the heading of Role/
Function. The respondent has to assign marks 1 to 5 for each trait of the
teachers effectiveness which he/ she observe in the behaviour of the teachers.
She/ he has to write the name of the teacher in the second column whose
effectiveness is to be rated all the 5 traits of teacher effectiveness are to be rated
on a 5 point rating scale, which indicates points as.


Preparation & planning for teaching


Classroom Management


Knowledge of Subject Matter

Very good D

Teacher Characteristics


Interpersonal Relations

Construction of the Scale:

Kulsum Teacher effectiveness rating scale consisted of 60 statements &
the statements would be rated by students. Reliability of the teachers
effectiveness rating scale was established through test-retest method. The
teachers were rated by their students with the help of teachers effectiveness
rating scale on 2 occasions [Having an interval of 2 months] were correlated by
using Pearsons product moment correlation coefficient method. The value of
test-retest reliability coefficient is 0.79 & the split half reliability is 0.82 and
the validity coefficient of the scale is 0.85 as indicated.

Administration of scoring: This test is based on self-anchoring scale (centile

technique) claims to measure five areas of teacher effectiveness, it is
standardized on the secondary school teachers. It should be duly emphasized
that all the statements have to be responded and no statements should be left
unanswered manual scoring is done. Each statement or item is scored for:


Very Good




3. Self-Concept:
Self Concept Rating Scale [SCRS] is developed by Dr.Mrs.Pratibha Deo
[Pune] [1998]. This Scale is used to measure the self-concept of an individual
himself/ herself. The scheduler consist of go words which is measure by a 5
points scales it is used to measure the self-concept of student teachers selfconcept is best conceived as a system of attitudes towards oneself self-concept
scale measures ideal self social-self real self & perceived self. It is based on
self-reporting technique is available as check test & as well as rating scale
Construction of the Scale: The self-concept rating scale consists of 90
adjectives & it is rated by the subject on five points scale as under:

Nature of responses

Positive Negative


Very much like this


Much like this




Not like this


Not at all like this


Out of 90 adjectives 53 are related to positive & 31 related to negative

traits & 6 related to neutral traits scores with separate stencil hand scoring key.
There is no right or wrong answers.
The reliability of deos was done by test re-test reliability with time
intervals varying between 15 days & 3 months. Reliability coefficient for this
was in the range of 0.62 to 0.86 & the convergent validity of various traits in
the list ranges from 0.40 to 0.65. The validity coefficient of scores of deos selfconcept list was 0.56.
Convergent and discriminate validity for perceived self on PWL(N=100)

Intelligent (I)


Emotional (E)

0.57** 0.69**

Social (S)

0.67** 0.55** 0.80**

Character (C)

0.45** 0.41** 0.46** 0.89**

Aesthetics (A)

0.43** 0.31** 0.37** 0.18** 0.73**

Neutral (N)


Significant at **0.01 level






Significant at *0.05 level.

Administration of Scoring: is done with the help of stencil hand scoring key.
There are separate transparent keys for the positive words & negative words as
well as for neutral words. The neutral words are not given any weightage &
are ignored in the scoring for positive the scores are taken as 4,3,2,1,0 & for
negative words 0,1,2,3 & 4 respectively. The total composite scores are
considered on the indices of the subjects self-concepts. The composite scores
are obtained by subtracting the total negative scare from the positive score. The
Composite scores for all dimensions can be calculated.
4. Achievement Motivation:
Achievement Motivation test is developed by late V.P.Bhargava
[ACMT] [1994] [Agra] It is a sentence completion test. It is used to measure


achievement motivation. It consists of 50 incomplete sentences which are to be

completed by students by choosing any of the 3 alternative response given
against each of them.

I Like to


Do things for my friends


Undertake tasks requiring skills


Keep things neat & orderly.

Construction of the scale: It has been used to study the achievement

motivation of student-teachers & for the collection of data on the subjects. To
prepare the present scale an effort has been made to study factors suitable for
measuring the achievement motivation. Them out 115 items those which
yielded negative or zero values were rejected outright finally, it consist of 50
items &15 areas/ dimensions of needs. In the 50 items 13 are negative & 37 are
positive items carrier the weight age of 4,3,2,1 & 0 & negative items carrier the
weight age of 0,1,2,3,4 the reliability of the scale is done by the test re-test
method was applied to obtain the reliability coefficient of the scale taking
different set of sample the administration of scale was repeated several times.
The Coefficients of reliability are sufficiently high & scale can be considered
as reliable for use for mixed group it is 69 & the significance level is 0.01 &
the validity established by the high-low discrimination method was accepted as
the validity of the whole measures. The coefficient of correlation between the
verbal scale & projective test is 0.54 finally the scale score were also correlated
with the scores obtained by administering the Aberdeen academic motivation
inventory of Entivislle [1968] yielding a coefficient of correlation as 75 for a
mined sample of 93. This correlation is high enough for the validity scale.

Administration of Scoring: Two stencils keys are used for positive items &
other for negative items. The positive items are given weight age of 4,3,2,1 & 0
respectively for the categories of always, frequently, sometimes rarely & never.


The negative items & scored 0,1,2,3,4 for same categories. The summation of
all the positive negative items gave the total score.


Data Collection:
The Entire data collected was conveniently grouped as primary &

secondary data aiming at the critical processing of data for meaning full


Collection of Secondary Data:

The process of gathering reliable & meaning full information is the

cardinal aspect of the enquiry & forms of a central link in the plan of the entire
research design. The principal sources of information for the present study are
various research article, reviews articles, published books, compendiums &
education survey books, educational journal, bulletins & other books were also
a source of information for the study also various websites are available for
emotional intelligence with incredible sources. The secondary source of
information was also collected by visiting the libraries and the B.Ed. Colleges
of Kalaburagi District affiliated to Gulbarga University as mentioned in


Data Analysis:
The investigator visited personally each and every selected college and

met the Principal and clarified the purpose of visit. With his kind permission
the student teachers in that very college were met and the purpose of meeting
them was explained. They were assured that information collected from them
will be kept confidential and will be used for the research purpose only. All the
tools were administered to them with some amount of time gap. The procedure
of filling the scale was made clear to all of them. The investigator collected all
the inventories and thanked all of them including the principal for their
cooperation. The same procedure was followed in all the colleges. The


inventories thus collected were scored as for the prescribed procedure and the
data obtained were recorded for analysis and interpretation.
After verification of the obtained data, it was observed that a total of
only 1058 schedules were filled up by the respondents from the 13 number of
colleges as few student teachers were absent on the day of visit and few have
not agreed to fill up the tools. Further out of these only 964 schedules were
found to be filled in by the respondents correctly. Hence the final data analysis
is carried out on a total number of 964 student-teachers.


Statistical Technique Used:

Taking into account the need of the study as spelled out in the objectives

and the hypothesis and also on the basis of the nature of data that was collected
from the identified target group in the present study the data was analyzed with
the help of mean, SD, correlation and t-test.




Persons product moment coefficient of correlation. This method is used

for calculation of coefficient of correlation is an advanced & accurate


x 2 y 2

= Coefficient of correlation

x = Difference between scores and mean for the first group

y = Difference between score and mean for the second group
= Sign of summation

Correlation: Correlation Means interrelationship between 2 or more

variables. Between any 2 variables correlation of high medium & low
order may exist



Coefficient of Correlation: A Constant which denotes the extent of

correlation that exist between the 2 variables is known as coefficient of
correlation and it is denoted by r


Standard Deviation: Standard deviation is also known as mean square

error it was coined by Karl Person and standard deviation is denoted by
[] or SD.
SD () =

x 2

= Standard deviation


x= Sum of the squares of the deviations from mean

N = Total number of samples




M = Mean
X = Sum of scores
N = Total number of samples


t test


X1 X 2
S12 S22

N1 N 2

X1 = Mean of experimental sample

X 2 = Mean of control sample

N1 = Number of cases in experimental sample

N2 = Number of cases in control sample
S12 = Variance of experimental sample
S22 = Variance of control sample


View of Selected B.Ed. Colleges of Kalaburagi District


View of Selected B.Ed. Colleges of Kalaburagi District


View of Selected B.Ed. Colleges of Kalaburagi District


View of Selected B.Ed. Colleges of Kalaburagi District


View of Selected B.Ed. Colleges of Kalaburagi District


View of Selected B.Ed. Colleges of Kalaburagi District


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