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quamuisIda tParimt pastoremdicat amasse

atqueinterpecudes accubuissedeam.
Read Ida deam pastorem. That is, deam, or rather,dea had been
omitted by haplographyin the medieval archetypeand Parim, a gloss
on pastorem, insertedin the line to repairthe meter.' Bad enough that a
goddess loved a shepherd,worse yet that a goddess lay with him among
the flocks. A similar repetitionoccurs in this elegy, 53-54 at cum Deucalionis aquae fluxere per orbem/ et post antiquas Deucalionis aquas,
and in 4.4.33-34 o utinam ad uestros sedeam captiua Penates, / dum
captiua mei conspicer ora Tati. Cf. also 4.7.87-88, 11.39-40.

1 For other
conjecturessee W. R. Smyth, ThesaurusCriticusad Sexti Propertii Textum
(Leiden 1970 [MnemosyneSuppl. 12]) ad loc.

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