Read The Poster Below

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Read the poster below. Then answer questions (a) (j).

Boosts energy
Exercising can improve muscle
strength and boost endurance

Weight control
Exercise can help prevent
excess weight gain or help
maintain weight loss

Improves health
Exercising regularly can help to
prevent or manage a wide
range of health problems.

Importance of

Improves the mood

Exercising stimulates various
brain chemicals that may leave
you feeling happier and more

Promotes better sleep

Exercising helps to make us fall
asleep faster and deepen our

Exercising is fun
Exercising gives us a chance to
unwind, enjoy outdoor
activities while spending time
with friends

Questions (a) (d): Based on the poster , state whether the following statements
are TRUE or FALSE.
a) The poster is about the importance of exercising.
b) Exercising makes us grumpy because it makes us tired.
c) There are five important points given in the poster.
d) Exercising helps to control weight.

Questions (e) (i): Read the poster carefully and answer the questions below.

e) How does exercising help our sleep?

It helps us to
f) How does exercising help to boost our energy?
Exercising helps to boost our energy by improving
g) Fill in the table with an appropriate word or phrase from the poster.
too much
release tension


h) Why do you think exercising with friends is more fun?

Exercising with friends is more fun because
i) What do you think you will be like if you do not exercise?
I think I will be


In about 50 words, write an email to your friend about the benefits of

In your email:
State what kind of benefits there are
Give reasons to support your advice
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.

Dear, _______________________
How have you been? I heard that you have not been exercising much lately. I am
Yours truly,

Read the following text. Then, answer questions (a) (j)

Sheenas hobby is baking. Today, she is going to bake a special cake

for her sisters 17th birthday.
The ingredients she needs to bake the care are 300 grams of flour,
100 grams of castor sugar, 150 grams of butter, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon
of baking powder and 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence.
First, Sheena beats the eggs. Then, she mixes sugar and butter
together in the bowl. After that, she adds the eggs to the mixture and
beats well. Next, she pours in the vanilla essence and adds the
baking powder. She blends the mixture well. Finally, she adds the
flour and mix properly.
When the cake mixture is ready, Sheena pours it into a baking tray.
She bakes it in an oven with a temperature of about 350 degrees
Fahrenheit. After 20 minutes, she removes the cake from the oven
and lets It cool. The cake is now ready to be served at her sisters
birthday party.

Questions (a) (j)

Using the information from the text, complete the following graphic organizer.

a) ___________ of flour
b) ___________ of castor sugar
* 150 grams of butter
* 2 eggs
c) 1 teaspoon of _____________
d) 1 teaspoon of ____________



Beat the eggs.

Mix (e) _______________ together in a bowl.
Add the eggs to the mixture and beats
Pour in the (f) ______________ and adds
the baking powder.
Add the flour and mix properly.
Pour the cake mixture into (g)
Bake it in (h) ___________ with a
temperature of about (i) _______________.
After 20 minutes, (j) ________________ and
let it cool.

Read the advertisement below. Then, answer questions (a) (i).

Essay- writing Competition

In conjunction with Earth Day, we are organizing an essay-writing competition on:
The importance of Protecting our Planet Earth
This competition is open to all students of Sekolah Menengah Sri Meranti.
There are two categories of participants:
a) Group A: Forms 1 3
b) Group B: Forms 4 5
The essay must:

Be typewritten with double spacing

Not be more than 300 words
Be original
Attractive prices to be won!

Winner RM1000
1 runner up RM500
2nd runner up RM 300

20 consolation prizes await you !

All entries must be submitted to:
The Selection Committee,
Essay- Writing Competition,
Sekolah Menengah Sri Meranti
No later than 30 June 2016

Questions (a) (d): Based on the advertisement, state whether the following
statements are TRUE or FALSE.
a) All students from the school can join the competition.
b) There are five categories of participations.
c) There are altogether twenty-three prizes which will be given away.
d) The essay must be handwritten.
Questions (e) (i): Read the advertisement carefully and answer all the questions
e) Why is the essay-competition held?
f) How old are the students in Group A?
g) Fill in the table with an appropriate phrase from the advertisement.


something unique or unusual


prizes given to participants who fail to



h) When is the last day to hand in the essays?

i) What do you think is one main point that could be included in the essay?

J) After reading the information from the advertisement, you would like to
invite your friend to In about 50 words, write an email to your friend.
In your email:
Persuade him/her to join you
Give reasons why you want to join the competition
Add other relevant information to make your writing interesting.
Dear, _______________________

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