Curriculum Vitae

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A. Self Identity
Full name
: Pahad Abdullah
Nick name
: Pahad
Place/date of birth : Tasikmalaya, 16 January 1997
: 19 years old
: Moslem
: Sunda
: Foot ball
Mobile phone number: 085863018272
: Jl. Karaeng Makkawari, Samata, Gowa
B. Background Education
1. Kindergarden at Asy-syifa in Tasikmalaya.
2. Elementary school at Sirojul-Athfal in Cianjur.
3. Yunior high school at Syariful-Anwar in Cianjur.
4. Senior high school at Al-Ittihad boarding sschool in Cianjur.
5. Makassar islamic university in Makassar, department of pharmacy.
C. Family Identity
1. Fathers name is H Wahyu Saepudin
2. Fathers job is enterpreneur
3. Mothers name is Hj Ai Maryam
4. Mothers job is housewife
5. I have three brothers and a sister
Parents address: village of cimalati, subdistrict of langensari, district of karang
tengah, regency of cianjur, west java.

D. Job Experience
- (october 2010 january 2012) work as pharmacist at Juanda Farm company
in Kediri, East Java.
- (march 2012 april 2014) work as pharmacist at Cianjur Drug Factory in
Cianjur, West Java.
- (juny 2014 december 2015) work as pharmacist at Hasan Sadikin Hospital
in Bandung, West Java.
E. Specific Qualification
- I can speak English, Arabic and Japan languange.
- I can operate the computer (microsoft office, adobe photoshop, accountancy
and administration).

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