An Introduction To Manual Therapy Essentials PDF

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An Introduction to Manual Therapy Essentials

What is Manual Therapy Essentials?

Origins: There are many different approaches within the rapidly growing field
of manual therapy. Ranging from the heavy handed techniques of Orthopedic
Manual Therapy to the gentle, light touch techniques within Cranial Sacral
Therapy, manual therapy is a hugely diverse field that can seem
overwhelming and intimidating.
Manual Therapy Essentials was developed by Ellen H. Helinski MS, PT, and
Jared Van Der Beek PT, L.Ac. to provide students with the essential elements
needed to efficiently become a great manual therapist. It is the result of many
years of learning, teaching, and treating patients in the field of manual
therapy. By pulling the core concepts from traditional manual therapies,
replacing structured techniques with the development of sound hand skills,
and streamlining the diagnostic and treatment process, the creators have
developed a simplified but precise model of manual therapy that will benefit
the beginner and advanced manual therapist alike.

Core Concept
The foundation of Manual Therapy Essentials is
built on the core concept that to be a great
manual therapist you need to develop four areas
of study; Palpation, Anatomy, Thinking it
through and Hands on Tools. These four
principles provide the framework on which each
of our individual seminars are built. A focus on
these four concepts will get you on the PATH.

Four Steps to the PATH

P alpation
A natomy
T hinking it Through
H ands on Tools

Essential Elements of Palpation

1. Being Present: Fully ground yourself, clear your mind and be present in the
2. Appreciating the Subtle: Learn how to gain and apply an awareness of the
subtleties that influence the interface between you and your client
3. Barriers to Palpation: Identify and overcome your individual barriers to
palpation such as over trying, being stuck in old beliefs, being under confident
4. Skills Stations: Practice all these elements and identify your barriers to
palpation in our unique Skills Stations
I have improved my palpation skills and
have more confidence...lots of opportunity
for hands-on learning Wendy D.

Skills Stations for Palpation Development

Skills Stations are a component of each of our
courses. They are designed to provide an
opportunity for hands on palpation
development. Each student will receive one on
one training and feedback with the course
instructor to help you develop skill quickly.

Essential Elements of Applied Anatomy

1. Visual Awareness: The most important aspect of anatomy
learning is being able to picture the tissues youre trying to
2. Application of Images: Applied anatomy is about taking an
image in your mind and applying it to the 3-dimensional body
3. Multisystem Anatomy: Anatomy includes all systems of the
body not just muscles and joints. As manual therapists we
need to be able to picture the multiple systems we can affect
4. Anatomy Flash: A visualization tool unique to Coastal
Seminars courses to improve your ability to visualize anatomy
Excellent visualizations which helped me
grasp the material Karen R.

Thinking it Through: The Assessment

1. What Systems are Involved? Take a good history, make observations, listen
to the story and determine what body systems are significant
2. Let Posture and Gait Guide You: Make an observation of structural
anomalies at rest and during movement. Think multisystem and ask why
might the body be positioned that way?
3. Whats the Root Cause? What is the origin of the presenting problem?
What system is it in?
I often have felt that the primary area of
symptoms wasnt the primary area of dysfunction,
but I didnt know exactly how to figure
it out. I learned a better diagnostic process
to find the primary dysfunction instead
of making an educated guess. Diane D.

Hands On Tools: The Treatment Process

1. Learn the Concepts: A primary focus of Manual Therapy Essentials is
to teach you the concepts you need and how to apply them anywhere
in the body. No need to be limited by clinical manuals and confusing
2. Be Specific: The techniques you will learn in all of our classes are
simple but precise.
3. Apply What Youve Learned: The key to effective treatment is
applying what youve learned about anatomy, presence and palpation;
see the tissues, be present and get into your hands for the best
Great Approach! Easily understandable and
able to be applied right away Kathryn R.

Thank you for taking a look at Manual Therapy
Essentials. For more information and to register
for courses visit us on the web at:

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