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ARTICLE 1: NAME: The group is the Highland Springs Garden

Club, hereafter referred to as the Garden Club, and includes
members using both the greenhouse and the outside garden
beds. It is located at 8000 Frankford Road, Dallas, Texas, 75252.
ARTICLE 2: PURPOSE: The purpose of the Garden Club is to (1)
bring together residents with an interest in quality gardening and
other compatible plant crafts, (2) establish and maintain a clean
and efficient greenhouse and outdoor garden area, and (3)
provide rules for practicing the safe and efficient use of the
gardening facilities.
ARTICLE 3: MEMBERSHIP: Each Apartment in Highland
Springs is eligible for membership in the Garden Club, providing
the owner(s) (1) follow the Garden Club By-Laws, (2) pay the
annual club dues and (3) follow the operating rules. The
membership year is from January 1 through December 31. Each
apartment shall have only one vote in all matters before the
ARTICLE 4: STRUCTURE: A five (or more) member Board, which
shall include three (or more) elected officers, plus the Greenhouse
Chairperson(s) and the Outdoor Garden Chairperson(s), shall
manage the business of the Garden Club. Board Members shall
serve for one calendar year. The Board shall meet monthly to
prepare an agenda for regular membership meetings and to
resolve problems that may arise. The following are the duties of
the Board Members:

Shall be elected for a one year term, but may serve no

more than three consecutive terms, shall become ex-officio
member of the Board first year out of office;

Shall preside at all regular and called meetings of Club;

Have disbursement authority in the absence of the


Call special meetings of the membership or Board as

Appoint a member to conduct an audit of finances at year
end or upon a change of treasurer. Vice President/President

Act as parliamentarian at general and special meetings:

Act as Program Manager

a) Plans for speakers and other social functions
b) Liaison with library
c) Liaison with off campus organizations
d) Liaison with Resident news, the Voices", and other on
campus organizations.

Votes as a Board member and participates in all Board


Acts as President in the absence of the latter.

Assists operating managers and other officers as needed


Elected for a one (1) year term;

Responsible for all correspondence;

Keeps minutes of all meetings, names of members in

attendance at meetings;

Is to conduct all elections, and appoint a committee to

count ballots

Elected for a one (1) year term;

Receives all money paid in and retains it in a petty cash


Has primary disbursement authority. Petty cash

disbursements must be authorized by any two Board members;

Accounts for all expenditures. Presents a financial status
report at regular meetings. Maintains a file of receipts backing all

Greenhouse Chairperson(s)

Is appointed by the Board to a one (1) year term;

Is the overseer of the Greenhouse and responsible for

assignment of space in the Greenhouse;

In conjunction with the Board determines the operating

rules for the greenhouse and posts them;

Determines how the greenhouse is kept neat and clean, and

that plants are disease and pest free before entering the

Shall attend all regular and called special meeting of the

Board and report to the membership at regularly scheduled
Outdoor Garden Bed Chairperson(s)

Is appointed by the Board to one (1) year term;

Is the overseer of the outdoor Garden beds, including the

responsibility of assignment of beds to club members by

In conjunction with the Board, sets the rules for operation of

the outdoor beds, including the tools and equipment in the two
(2) tools sheds and posts them in each shed ;

Keeps posted in the sheds, the assignment of beds.

Shall discuss with the Treasurer the need for any

expenditure concerning the outdoor beds;

Shall attend all regular and called special meetings of the

Board and report to the membership at regularly scheduled
Other Positions:

. Other Chairs and elective positions are permissible as


ARTICLE 5: MEETINGS: The President shall call meetings of the
Board and or the membership as needed. Regular meetings
(November-December-January) will convene on the third Thursday
of the month at a location in Highland Springs. Special meetings
may also be requested by a petition signed by a simple majority
of the membership.
ARTICLE 6: ELECTIONS: In September the President shall
appoint a committee to nominate a slate of officers for the
coming year. The slate is to be presented to the membership for
election at the November meeting. Election requires a simple
majority of members present. The elected officials shall be
installed at the December meeting. The Board may fill offices that
become vacant with interim appointments.
ARTICLE 7: DUES : The Board, in consultation with the
Treasurer, shall suggest at the December membership meeting,
the amount of the dues for the ensuing year. The membership
shall then vote on the recommended change. New members
joining the Garden Club shall pay the full years dues at time of
ARTICLE 8: AMENDMENTS: These Articles may be amended
by a simple majority vote of all members voting, including
proxies. Proposed amendments shall be detailed in writing and
distributed, with a ballot, to all members at least seven days in
advance of a duly called meeting. All members attending the
meeting shall have the opportunity to discuss and comment on
the proposed amendments.
ARTICLE 9 LIABILITIES: Highland Springs, the Garden Club and
their officers, members, heirs, successors, or assigns shall not
assume liability and shall be held harmless for any and all harm,
damages, injury or illness, apparent now or anytime in the future,
incurred or alleged to be incurred, during the use of the space

provided or the use of any equipment, machinery and/or tools

ARTICLE 10 Public ACTIVITIES/EVENTS: Any proposal voted
upon as favorable shall be presented by the President to the
Highland Springs Administration via the Community Resource
Coordinator. The final decision shall rest with the Highland
Springs Administration.
ARTICLE 11 SAFETY: Safe use of tools, equipment, facilities,
and materials is the responsibility of each member and common
rules will be posted to optimize safety and efficiency.
ARTICLE 12 BY-LAWS: The Garden Club may establish its own
by-laws consistent with these Articles of Organization.

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