Lab 5 Control

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The main purpose of this laboratory experiment is to use Bode plots to design a
controller such that the specified set of steady-state and frequency response
requirements are satisfied.
The goals are such that:


Use frequency based design method for an Open loop feedback control
system using MatLab.
Design a controller to the performance specifications including transient
performance and steady error.
Use lead lag compensators for desired poles and zeros.
Robust analysis in the presence of 5% variation of the system parameter
Investigate and comment on the robustness of the system to the


In modern control engineering the graphical representation of frequency

responses is an important tool in understanding and studying the dynamics of
control systems. In this report we review bode plots for presenting frequency
responses and use the frequency responses method to design the controller. The
frequency response method may be less intuitive than other methods but it has
certain advantages, especially in real-life situations such as modelling transfer
functions from physical data.
The frequency response is a representation of the system's response to
sinusoidal inputs at varying frequencies. The output of a linear system to a
sinusoidal input is a sinusoid of the same frequency but with a different
magnitude and phase. The frequency response is defined as the magnitude and
phase differences between the input and output sinusoids. In this tutorial, we will
see how we can use the open-loop frequency response of a system to predict its
behaviour in closed-loop.
For plotting the frequency responses, a vector of frequency is created (varying
between zero and infinity) and at those frequencies calculates the value of the
plant transfer. If G(s) is the open loop transfer function of a system and w is the
frequency vector, we then plot G(j*w) versus w. Since G(j*w) is a complex
number, we can plot both its magnitude and phase (the Bode plot) or its position
in the complex plane (the Nyquist plot).

3.0 Design Specifications:

In order to meet the design specifications for the given field-controlled
servomotor and its load the following parameters has to be achieved.
Such as the following specification to be satisfied:
The step response of the reference input has zero steady-state error .
2. Completely rejects step disturbances at steady state.
3. The velocity error constant (or coecient) is K v = 40.
4. A phase margin of 50+5.
5. A gain margin ofat least 15 dB

The Simulink Block diagram of the closed-loop system is shown in Figure

1, Where K(s) is the transfer function of the Controller.

The reduced plant transfer function along with the Controller is given in
Figure 2 below.

Step 1:
For plotting the open loop bode plot and the closed system response and for
checking the steady state error, the system transfer function has to be
developed using MatLab. Such that:

Checking the system step response and gain margin, it can be noted that the
Steady state error (ess) is 0.987 and the Gain Margin (GM) infinite db. at infinite
rad/s and Phase Margin (PM) is 27 degree at 63.8 at this stage.
From the previous studies, we can tell that the system is a type 0 system;
therefore a pole at 0 will make the system type 1 which can satisfy the steady
state requirement i.e. ess=0; For such purpose integrator controller will be

developed. The system response and Bode plot after adding a pole at origin is
given in figure 5 below.

The steady state requirement has been fulfilled. However the gain margin and
phase margin requirement are not fulfilled yet. The gain margin and phase
margin at this stage are 7.4db at 7.75 rad/s and -11.7 degree at 11.7 rad/s
respectively. The velocity error constant KV is given to be greater than 40.
Therefore, using steady state error the gain at is calculated to be 0.533. By
adding the gain the bode plot becomes as shown in Figure.

The gain margin and phase margin requirement are still not fulfilled yet. The gain
margin and phase margin is -1.93 dB at 7.75 rad/s and -3.07 deg at 8.65 rad/s
Lead Compensation: The required gain margin is 15dB. Therefore the 15+1.93=
16.93 dB, for better approximation we choose 22 db. The lead compensator has
to add 22 dB gain to move the bode plot.

The compensator found to be cascaded at this stage as:

GClead =0.0793

(s +0.77)
(s +0.061)

By cascading the compensator found to the previous system transfer function

the bode plot has been shifted such that the required gain margin is achieved.
The bode plot is given below with the system response; the system shows
stability with zero steady state error.

The gain margin is 16 dB at 6.11 rad/s and phase margin is 20.2 degree at 2.23
rad/s. The required phase margin is 50 5% therefore there is a need of 30
additional phase margin to the system. For better approximation we add 40
additional phase margin by introducing a lead compensator to the system. For
such achievement the compensator has to be :

GClead =3.27

(s +2.367)
(s +7.7)

By cascading the lead compensator to the previous transfer function the phase
margin is expected to change and attain the desired 50 5 value. The bode

plot after the cascading is given in figure below

By analysing the bode diagram, the required 50 5 phase margin has been
achieved, However the gain margin is raised to 21.3. This error can be fixed by
better approximation of poles and zeroes of lead and lag compensators, which is
given in the controller design section below.

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