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Do we need to mention our weakness

while preparing the resumes?
Your resume is NOT the place for you to discuss your weaknesses. It's meant to
show your skills, your experiences, and the value you bring to the table - all positive

A good way is to simply play up your strengths on your resume and cover letter. For
instance, if youre applying for a job that seeks a highly organized personand
youre really bad at organizingfocus on strengths you have that correlate with
qualifications on the employers wish list.
The topic of weaknesses may come up during the interview, that's where you can
shine by turning the question around and answering positively.

Q2. While switching the field how it can be





Job seekers should address the career-change issue directly in the cover letter. Its
not necessary to self-disclose your long struggle with a job you hate, but rather
briefly describe:

what compels you toward the new field and


what skills you can offer that are transferable.

We have to highlight skills which are relevant to future job post.

No matter how much you know about your legacy occupation, when interviewing for
a career change, you need to show youll be able to fill unavoidable gaps in
knowledge required for your target field. Instead, be prepared to demonstrate
understanding of common technologies in your target industry and to project comfort
with learning new technologies.

Q3. Should we mention

activities in the resumes?


For recent graduates with little or no work experience, extra-curricular activities

can demonstrate important transferable skills that are highly valuable in the
work place. They also illustrate an individuals ability to manage their time and often
show a well-developed soft skill set in regard to leadership, training, community
involvement or team playing capabilities. Yes, in increasing format starting from
school to current company job role.

Community Service and Volunteering

No volunteer assignment is too small to mention. Community service and
volunteering demonstrates that you care about the community, that you're selfless
and that you arent just motivated by money.

Foreign Languages
Are you studying another language? Being proficient in a second language is
important and can be a valuable asset in many workplaces particularly within
global businesses. If youre fluent or have basic conversational skills in another
language, state that on your resume. Just be sure not to exaggerate your proficiency

Q4. What should be the length of the

resume in terms of each job role?
Keep these facts in mind when deciding on resume length:

Your resume is a career marketing tool, not an autobiography. Strive to keep your
resume concise and focused on your key selling points. Let go of past experiences
that don't market you for your current goal. Every word in the resume should sell
your credentials and value to a potential employer. You should also leave something
to talk about in the interview.
It's common for employers or recruiters to sort through hundreds, or even thousands,
of resumes to fill one position. Hiring managers often give resumes just a cursory
glance before deciding if the applicant deserves to be added to the "maybe" pile.
While your resume will probably get a more thorough read if you are called for a job
interview, ensure that your strongest selling points are immediately visible to make
the first cut.

Use a one-page resume if:

You have less than 10 years of experience.

You're pursuing a radical career change, and your experience isn't relevant
to your new goal.

You've held one or two positions with one employer.

Use a two-page resume if:

You have 10 or more years of experience related to your goal.

Your field requires technical or engineering skills, and you need space to list
and prove your technical knowledge.

Put the most important information at the top of the first page. Lead your resume with
a career summary so your key credentials appear at the forefront of the resume. On
the second page, include a page number and your name and contact information.

Consider a three-page resume or longer


You're a senior-level manager or executive with a long track record of

leadership accomplishments.

You are in an academic or scientific field with an extensive list of

publications, speaking engagements, professional courses, licenses or

Q5. Should we disclose if we are pursuing Higher

Yes, we need to disclose for the ethical code of conduct if we are applying to new

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