Ass 1 Draft

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Question 1.

Describe and provide examples of how you serve as a positive role model in the
workplace through personal work planning and organisation?
There are many ways I serve as a positive role model in the workplace through personal work
planning and organisation. Modelling appropriate behaviour, giving advice to others and
encouraging others to the best of their abilities is a great example. Modelling appropriate
behaviour can be shown through good personal values and attitudes which inspire others to do
well. This is useful in a workplace as behaviours are easily noticed and spread. Giving advice
can simply be sharing my learning experiences whether theyre good or bad, to show where Ive
made mistakes and how Ive overcome them. This will allow others understand it is fine to make
mistakes as long as you can learn and grow from them. It also helps workers avoid the same
mistakes Ive already encountered, and overcome them with the help of my advice. Talking with
positive language will also encourage workers to enjoy their workplace environment. Showing
appropriate behaviour, offering advice and being encouraging are some examples of how I
serve as a positive role model in the workplace, as I am leading by example to help others grow.

Question 2. How do you ensure your work goals, plans and activities reflect your
organisations plans and your personal work responsibilities (as detailed in your job description,
performance plans, codes of conduct, etc)?
There are several ways to ensure my work goals, plans and activities reflect my organisations
plans and work responsibilities. Government and organisations have issued supportive
documents which include industry awards, codes of conduct, position descriptions and personal
development plans. By reading through these it allows you to assist in fulfilling your obligations
as a worker in the company. Responsibility is the obligation that a worker has the management
to do the job assigned. Accountability is being held accountable for the work you are responsible
for. So as a worker, I must be able to fulfil my organisations plans by being responsible and
accountable. Doing this will ensure that my work goals, plans and activities reflect my
organisations plan and personal work responsibilities.
Question 3.

How do you monitor and maintain your personal performance in varying work

I have several different strategies in which I can monitor and maintain my personal performance
in varying work conditions. One is by reflecting on my personal performance by questioning,
how efficient am I working? or how effective am I working? These questions already allow me
to gain insight on how well Im working as an individual and indicate what changes need to be
done to improve my efficiency and effectiveness as a worker. A personal SWOT Analysis is
another strategy used to monitor and maintain personal performance. The Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats analysis aids in identifying key strengths, which can
help open more opportunities, and also help reduce threats. It also identifies weaknesses which
can really help you plan what certain things you can work on and improve about your personal
performance. Reflecting on your personal performance by asking how efficient or effective you
are in your work and doing a personal SWOT analysis are great strategies to monitor and
maintain your personal performance in any work condition.

Question 4. What strategies do you use to prioritise your personal goals and objectives with
those of your team and organisation, to ensure they are all addressed?
There are different strategies I can use to prioritise my personal goals and objectives along with
the team and organisations goals. The urgent-important matrix is a key strategy in prioritising
personal goals. This method allows me to organise the order of work needed to be completed in
the most efficient way. This can be done by filling out four sections. Tasks which are (1) urgentimportant, (2) not urgent-important, (3) not important-urgent and (4) not important- not urgent.
The urgent-important list should be prioritised and completed first, followed by the not-urgentimportant list and so on. This will create a task list, easy to follow and complete for maximum
efficiency. Another strategy is to keep a diary/ time log to help analyse and reflect on your
efficiency at work. For example, if you enjoy working in the morning, completing the non urgent
tasks in the morning will be a great time to get it out of the way while you are refreshed. It will
also help you reflect on what distractions you have during work and how you can minimise that
next time. These strategies are very useful when prioritising personal goals with work goals.
Question 5. What technologies (existing workplace and new emerging) do you use to help
you manage your work priorities and commitments?
There are many forms of technology used to help manage my work priorities and commitments.
Email, electronic diaries, calendars, instant messenger apps are all great examples of
technology which aid in managing priorities and commitments. Email and instant messenger are
very useful and easy for direct contact with clients/ customers, and staff. There is also a group
messaging option to make sending messages to multiple staff/ workers much easier. Electronic
diaries and calendars are also very useful as they provide a visual timeline of whats to be
expected during the day/ week/ month such as specific tasks or meetings. It also provides a
quick list of some tasks that need to be completed and when. Automatic alarms/ reminders on
phones are also very handy when remembering what priorities or commitments are coming up
or need to be attended to. Email, instant messenger apps, electronic diaries and calendars are
some technologies that are used to help manage work priorities and commitments.
Question 6. What strategies do you use to maintain your work/life balance, manage stress
and attend to your health?
There are several strategies you can use to maintain a work and life balance, manage stress
and look after your health. To maintain a work and life balance, having a hobby is an easy way
to balance the two. Being able to switch off from work and focus on a hobby or friends is a fun
and simple way to relax and enjoy time other than thinking of work. To manage stress and look
after your health, this can be done by following a daily routine. This includes eating well,
drinking plenty of water, exercising and getting enough sleep. Following a daily routine that
involves these simple things, will ensure that you reduce stress while attending to your health.
You can also reduce stress by being more organised and having good time management skills.
Having a clean room or work place is the easiest way to reduce stress as it creates a tidy and
trouble free space where you are able to relax. These strategies mentioned are very helpful in
maintaining a work/life balance, managing stress and attending to your health.

Question 7. Describe your preferred learning style (as per student workbook), then discuss
how your specific personal learning style influences the types of professional development
opportunities that you access?
My preferred learning style is independently study and I learn best when working and reading
from books. My personal learning style definitely influences the types of professional
development opportunities that I access. Online is a key professional development opportunity
has been a positive experience for me. It allows me work individually, reading and learning at
my own pace, understanding with confidence before I move on to the next. Accredited training,
mentoring, reading and research also provide positive experiences as my learning style is quite
formal. I prefer having the time to fully understand the work I am learning rather than being
thrown into the deep end. Action learning workshops, I am not as comfortable as I feel I am
rushed to understand. The pressure and expectations to learn quickly does not allow me to feel
confident in what I am learning. It is clear to say that my independent learning style has
definitely influenced the type of professional development opportunities I can access.
Question 8. How do you currently participate in networks to enhance your personal
knowledge, skills and work relationships? What other networks relevant to your industry area
could you join?
Currently, I participate in a few networks to enhance my personal knowledge, skills and work
relationships. I mainly participate in informal and e networks. Informal networks allow me to
converse and talk about whats going on around me. It also allows me to keep up to date with
new trends or ideas, enhancing my personal knowledge and relationships with workers. It is
important to maintain good work relationships as it will improve your whole working experience.
E networks are useful as they help me to keep updated with the social world. I would like to join
a formal network where I can enhance my personal work skills. Being part of a group that is
more progressive and professional would hopefully allow me to benefit through more
opportunities and resources.
Question 9. What legislation do you need to be aware of as you manage work priorities and
professional development? Please list legislation titles, brief purpose and then say how each
impact on your work.
(Minimum 3 required).
There are a few legislations you need to be aware of as you manage work priorities and
professional development. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) purpose is to ensure there
are responsibilities that need to be met regarding the health and safety in the workplace. This
impacts my work by making sure that all requirements to work safely around the workplace is
met. Equal opportunity is allowing everyone the same chances as one another. This is by being
fair and just in the way I carry out my work and other workers. Physical and sexual harassment
is another legislation which creates a safer workplace for all individuals. This impacts my work
as it means I should be respectful of my workers and acknowledge them with high regard.
These legislations definitely have an impact on myself as a worker.

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