Artificial Magnetic Monopoles

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artificial magnetic monopoles, invented by Juan Carlos Aviles Moran 1980.

in 2010. his general theory of magnetic kinetics.). you consider my project


“ by: Juan Carlos Aviles Moran

This theory is based on the physical virtues presented by the magnets (The Stone
“lover” It was so poetic name the Chinese gave the natural magnet or lodestone. The
stone mistress (tshu-shi) – the Chinese say – attracts the iron , as well as a loving
mother brings her children. It is interesting that the French, who inhabit the opposite
end of the Old World, the imam gave a similar name, because in French the word
“aimant” means “magnet” and “lover”. The strength of this love of natural magnets is
very small and it seems naive to the Greeks call the Lodestone “Stone of Hercules.” If
the inhabitants of ancient Hellas were amazed at both the modest attraction natural
magnet.) or magnets (The name of magnetism probably derives from the city of
Magnesia in ancient Asia Minor, where it would proceed first natural magnets or Iman,
Sweden, in the Ural mountains, in North America, is are large masses of a mineral
called lodestone iron ferrous ferric oxide, magnetic oxide, Fe3O4).
These virtues natural or physical phenomenon rather “Natural” present in the magnet or
magnets, are to attract or repel depending on their magnetic polarity, ie the magnet is
formed by a set of molecular magnets, neatly arranged with all north poles In the same
direction (magnets is to sort the molecular magnets).
The molecular magnets are grouped one after another in rows that are called magnetic
The magnetized iron locks, according to this view, molecular magnets grouped in no
particular order.
Imanes elementales orientados al azar ; son propios de sustancias no magneticas.
Randomly oriented elementary magnets, are typical of magnetic substances. No existe
atracción ; la polaridad de algunos compensa la de otros, quedando el conjunto no
magnetico There is no attraction, the polarity of some offsets the other, leaving all non-
In a magnet all elementary magnets are oriented in the same way.
In a magnetic substance the elementary magnets are randomly oriented.
We could then say that a magnet to a magnet is made up of many electric charges in
motion . Microscopic level we think that the atoms that form the magnet behave like
elementary magnets arranged and oriented with their respective poles.
Imam Al breaking a magnet, each piece retains the properties of the magnet
original.Un magnet is formed by many elementary magnets. Each of the pieces obtained
by breaking a magnet retains the same properties as the original magnet, also with two
In the steel without imanitos magnetize these atoms are in disorder, so the action of
each of them is overridden by the other located on the reverse.
In the magnet, on the contrary, all elementary magnets are arranged, all the poles of the
same name are headed in the same direction .
Un imán es pues un cuerpo o masa ferrica con un campo magnético significativo, de
forma que tiende a alinearse con otros imanes. A magnet is then a body or mass of iron
with a magnetic field significantly, so that tends to align with other magnets.
The ends of the magnet are called magnetic poles (Poles: The two ends of the magnet
where the attractive forces are more intense. These poles are the North Pole and South
One of the main features that distinguishes the magnet is the force of attraction or
repulsion exerted on other metals, the magnetic lines that form between its
polos.Cuando face two or more independent magnets approach each at both ends, if
facing the poles have different polarities are attracted (eg conpolo north pole south), but
if the polarities are the same (north pole north or south pole south), are rejected.
When approaching the poles of two magnets, immediately establishing a number of
lines of magnetic force of attraction or repulsion, acting directamentesobre opposing
poles. The lines of force of attraction or repulsion established between these poles are
invisible, but their existence can be visually checked dehierro sprinkle filings on paper
or cardboard and place it over one or more magnets.
Under this premise (magnetic strengths of the magnets or magnets) I base my “General
Theory of Magnetic Kinetic” Kinetic understood the enegia displacement generated by
a body (The kinetic energy of a body is an energy that arises in the phenomenon
movement. It is defined as work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest
to the speed it has. Having gained this energy during acceleration, the body maintains
its kinetic energy unless its speed changes. For the body back to its state of rest is
required work of the same magnitude negative its kinetic energy).
. The adjective “kinetic” energy in the name comes from the ancient Greek word
(kinesis “movement”). The term kinetic energy and work and scientific meanings of the
nineteenth century.
The kinetics can be best understood with examples that demonstrate how it is
transformed from other forms of energy and other types of energy. For example a
cyclist will use energy chemical which provided food to accelerate his bicycle at a
speed chosen. . Its speed can be maintained without much work , except for the
resistance of air and friction. The energy converted into the energy of movement ,
known as kinetic energy but the process is not completely efficient and the cyclist also
produces heat .
Taking as an example we compare the energy kinetics of the rider’s pedaling,
comparing it with the thrust generated by the shock of the same polarity magnetic fields,
(the magnetic fields that interact with other like polarity magnetic fields do not suffer
from variations in temperature maintain a temperature that is stable or constant.
remember no friction in this system rotating so there is no heat loss or heat gain). Thus
the kinetic energy gained by the force of magnetic repellency is an efficient process.

Magnetic fields: magnetic field . “

Magnetic fields are usually represented by “magnetic field lines” or “lines of force . “
At any point, the direction of the magnetic field is equal to the direction of the lines of
force, and the field strength is inversely proportional to the space between the lines.
the lines of force emerging from one end and bend to reach the other end, these lines
can be considered as closed loops, with a portion of the loop in the magnet and away
matches. At the ends of the magnet, where the force lines are closer, the magnetic field
is more intense, on the sides of the magnet, where lines of force are farther apart, the
magnetic field is weaker. According to its shape and magnetic force, the different types
of magnets produce different patterns of lines of force. The structure of the lines of
force created by a magnet or by any object that generates a magnetic field can be
visualized using a compass or filings of iron . The magnets tend to be oriented along the
magnetic field lines. Therefore, a compass, a small magnet that can rotate freely, will be
oriented in the direction of the lines. Making a compass direction that points to put in
different spots around the magnetic field source may be inferred the pattern of lines of
force. Similarly, if iron filings are agitated on a sheet of paper or plastic over an object
that creates a magnetic field, the filings are oriented along the lines of force and thus
can display its structure.
It is the application of so-called drag lines or attraction of the magnetic field generated
by bodies of different magnetic polarity which would slow a perpetual rotation system,
which is why the cancellation of these lines of drag (magnetic attraction) gives way to
new study kinetics directed magnetic repellency creating artificial monopoles that serve
to unify the magnetic fields in order to use repellent collisions between like polarity
magnetic fields to produce a continuous motion or mobile “perpetual.” the inclination of
the rotor magnet inserts it into wedge in the cascade of rotating magnetic repellency
Magnetical kinetics thermodynamics does not contradict because the magnetic fields
that interact with other like polarity magnetic fields do not suffer from variations in
temperature is kept stable or constant temperature. remember there is no friction in the
rotary sitem therefore no heat loss or increased calor.Aislante magnetic shield is a
forwarder or flow of the magnetic fields, you disable the faces of your selection, making
the artificial monopolar magnet. : without shielding the magnets are turned repel and
attract magneticos.Resumen thereby balancing the fields of the project URM (unit of
magnetic repellency)? system called magnetic repellency unit taking into account
certain parameters that they had not given much before:
. 1) The magnetic repellency when confronted result in the displacement of the lower
body mass.
2) Using a ring or circle which is a geometric shape that manages power efficiently we
can manage the repellency contained within the Aro towards thus creating a continuous
movement and inside the ring if there is a succession of artificial magnets whether
individual or a single that are part of the same polarity magnetic reject or repel the
magnets placed on the ends of a shaft or rotor inside the ring will be given an imbalance
or shock like polarity magnetic fields, this transfer of a magnet to another created a
3) for the above is possible should be taken into account that there will only ring in
magnetic repellency ie we shield or insulate the sides and edges of attraction to achieve
this absolute repellency inside the ring
4) in the middle of the rotor shaft or give a twisting force whose strength and speed
depends on the alloy and the mass of artificial magnets.
5) the force of torsion will be used to rotate or boost the shaft of a generator and thus
generate electricity for free and without consumption of other energy repellency
because it gives me unlimited power. MIS insights and opinions are personal and while
this issue of the unit of magnetic repellency in swaddling clothes, I published on the
internet in an attempt to work with an alternative system of electric generation that
deserves to be researched and developed.
I firmly believe that the unit of magnetic repellency will be in the very near future a
reality that is why I promote that there is still much we do not know in alloys and better
insulation and being that the youth is the future I leave you all the proposed analysis and
make their own guesses. Le annoying again to ask me to analyze magnetic repellency
unit (MRU) in a thorough and impartial, I’ll tell certain parameters that govern my
URM dispocicion or shock angle between magnetic fields of like polarity is critical in
my URM as well as the disposition from the magnetic shielding or insulation ie these
redirect the rotor, there is a multiplicity of variables to consider, such as artificial
magnet alloy shield either the rotor or stator forms and surfaces of the magnets are
reflected in magnetic repellency rather than its magnetic attraction. And do not forget
the active unipolarity is an important factor seems easy but the MRU is a constant
power imbalance repellency than willing to work the right way. . PLEASE discuss this
project with friends URM professors and professionals. I demand of myself Remember
the MRU that enhances or rotate the shaft of a dynamo The MRU is exactly like the
traditional mills used just that URM repellency constant magnetic repellency
funcionar.unidad name him that way because they have joined same design geometric
shapes and physical effects of repellency long time ago trying to create a perpetual
motion but it is until you discover the shielding has been possible to say this is artificial
magnet magnetic fields give a boost magnified in proportion to their alloy if we add the
suitable shield to prevent the distortion or deformation of one-pointed path repellency
(CRM cascade of magnetic repellency) continually gets a movement. Magnetic Field =
increased artificially magnified optimal shielding magnet alloys and interrupt lines drag
force between the shielding imanesel must have a density greater than block the
magnetic field of attraction of the magnets thus establishing a cascade of magnetic
repellency is a path like a road along which the magnets of the shaft to be pushed back
any bad positioning the ring is equivalent to a road bump magnets so no rotaranel shaft
shielding should be proportional to the magnetic field of attraction remember but they
are brought magnets the same polarity and repel at the same time trying to attract the
attraction is there eliminarSI that you can create a continuous movement to generate
electric power as knowing if you can I have my project for the unit of magnetic
repellency and if If you can create a perpetual motion machine look visit my blog
http : / / energia.obolog. com /

Shields How can you stop a magnetic field?

How can you stop a magnetic field? Is there anything that can prevent the passage of
an electromagnetic field?
You can not completely stop a magnetic field, but you can reducir.Un alternating
magnetic field, such as that produced by a transmitter of radio or resulting from an
electric current (AC) in a transmission line or transformer may be

reduced by magnetic fields inside a container are electrically conductive, like a box or
cylinder, induce currents in the container. By careful design, these containers can be
constructed so that they cancel the magnetic field. These containers are usually made of
copper or aluminum . Containers made from most types of steel static magnetic fields
reduced (from a permanent magnet) and the fields changing (alternating) time, since the
field prefer to travel to through the steel walls and not by the aire.La magnetic
permeability is a measure of the amount of magnetism that material available in an
applied magnetic field. For specialized applications, for example, some oscilloscopes
tubes, magnetic fields are constructed using materials with very high magnetic
permeability. One of these materials is & μmetal (mu metal), which has a magnetic
permeability much higher than steel, copper or aluminum. Deformation (folding, for
example) from & μmetal can dramatically reduce the magnetic permeability. The
heating (annealing) at temperatures above 400 ° C can do to recover the magnetic
properties & μmetal special.
Some materials are diamagnetic, which means that when exposed to a magnetic field,
these materials in turn induce a weak magnetic field in the opposite direction. Es decir
rechazan débilmente a un imán fuerte. That is weakly reject a strong magnet. Bismuth
(Bi) and graphitic carbons are strong examples of diamagnetic materials. Other weaker
diamagnetic materials are the water , the diamond and the tissue alive. Because of this
property diamagnetic materials are capable of being used in so-called magnetic
levitation, in which objects made of these materials can get to float on a strong magnet.
Explicación. Explanation.
Ferromagnetic materials are those that are strongly attracted by magnetic force.
Ejemplos de materiales ferromagnéticos son: el hierro (Fe), níquel (Ni), cobalto (Co),
gadolino (Gd). Examples of ferromagnetic materials include iron (Fe), nickel (Ni),
cobalt (Co), Gadolin (Gd). The reason that these metals with a strong magnetic
attraction lies in the configuration e of its atoms, so that the atoms quickly alienate the
magnetic field direction giving rise to domains, or groups of atoms alienated by the
magnetic field. . Some ferromagnetic materials like iron alloys, nickel, cobalt and
certain ceramic materials, magnetic properties may retain these for a long time can
become permanent magnets or magnetic materials. In the case of carbon materials
nanofoam of carbon has interesting magnetic properties and ferromagnetic.
Paramagnetic materials are metals that have a weak attraction to magnets. El aluminio
(Al) y el cobre (Cu) son ejemplos de estos materiales. Aluminum (Al) and copper (Cu)
are examples of these materials. These materials can become very weak magnets, but its
attractive force can be measured only with sensitive instruments. The strength of a
Paramagnetic magnet is about a million times smaller than that of a ferromagnetic, so
these materials are considered non-magnetic.
Temperature affects the magnetic properties of a material. So paramagnetic materials
can become magnetic at very low temperatures, whereas at high temperatures can reach
ferromagnetic materials lose their magnetic properties. The temperature at which a
material loses its magnetic properties is called the Curie temperature.
Autor: Author:
Juan Carlos Avilés Moran.

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