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Lesson Week Feedback Log






I provided written feedback

on their graphic organizers
regarding the read aloud
Spookley the Square Pumpkin

I reminded both students that

they are in charge of their
learning and rewarded them with
hole punches for their great
effort. I reminded the students of
how hard work usually produces
good outcomes and reminded
them that they are capable of
producing these grades the rest of
the week.

Child 1 R- R had a lot of

fun with the read aloud and
shared some information that
he already knew about
shapes. He was excited to see
that he scored a 100% and I
praised his work in hopes that
his excitement would pour
over into the next day.


Child 2 K K was
allowed to write a summary
of the book on the back of the
assignment once he was
finished. I told him to
remember 3 main parts within
the story. I provided him with
verbal and written feedback
on his work which made him
feel proud. I told him that I
would call home to share how
well he did.
All feedback this day was
verbal and immediate. The
written feedback was given as
part of the math worksheet
the next day. All of the
children absolutely loved this
activity. It was so fun for
them to get their hands messy

All feedback I gave this day was

verbal. I gave the students
choices in order to eliminate a
power struggle while helping
them realize their triggers and
where they struggle. I also gave
them phrases to use in order to
eliminate possible frustration.

while learning through


Both R and K struggled in

working with their groups
and were triggered to become
upset. However, throughout
my walking around the room
providing oral feedback, I
stepped in and taught their
groups a method in which
they were able to effectively
take turns to gut the pumpkin.
I provided both verbal and
written feedback to all
students on this day. Verbal
feedback was given
throughout the activity
whereas the written feedback
was placed on their exit slips/
R did his best to be a team
player throughout this
exercise. He used the phrases
I had taught him the previous
day in order to deescalate the
normal behaviors from others
that would otherwise trigger
him. I provided him verbal
praise throughout the activity
commending him on his great
K was unable to contain
himself with his ability to do
this lesson correctly with a
group. His was the only
group that correctly grasped
the goal of skip counting with
10s because it is quicker. I
verbally commended them
for that but politely reminded

I told students that it isnt always

the first time that we fully grasp a
lesson. I reminded them that
sometimes you have to do the
best you can with what you know
and then repeat the process each
day trying your best to learn



him how working as a group

requires everyones input and
effort, not just his. He then
stepped back and let others
participate in the counting
and grouping as I had desired.
The feedback given this day
was in the form of a checklist
in which the students were
graded on their ability to
work together with a group to
produce a time line of their
own showcasing a day in
history that would be placed
on a full timeline of
Christopher Columbuss life.
R was able to work together
with his group to create a
awesome illustration and
sentence strip to place on the
timeline. I rewarded him with
positive praise both verbally
and written on his checklist.
K was unable to work with
his group and separated in
order to complete the
assignment on his own. I
assisted him with verbal
formative questioning to
engage higher thinking.

I reminded students of the

importance of being able to work
with a group in order to complete
a task. I praised R for his efforts
on his checklist and reminded K
that although there are times to
do assignments on his own, this
assignment was designed to be
completed with a group and due
to his lack of cooperation he was
unable to receive points for that

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