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Wear 232 1999.


Influence of the relative positions of tool and workpiece on tool life, tool
wear and surface finish in the face milling process
Anselmo Eduardo Diniz ) , Jose Caldeirani Filho
DEF r FEM r UNICAMP, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica, CP 6122, Campinas, SP 13083-970, Brazil
Received 2 October 1998; received in revised form 13 April 1999; accepted 4 May 1999

The main goal of this work is to study the influence of the relative positions of tool and workpiece on tool life and on surface finish of
the workpiece in the process of face milling flat surfaces. Aiming to achieve this goal, several milling experiments were carried out with
different relative positions of tool and workpiece. The tool flank wear and the surface roughness of the workpiece were measured as
cutting time elapsed. The tools were photographed at different stages in their lives. The main conclusion of this work is that, as the j
parameter increases this parameter measures the distance between the end of the mill diameter and the beginning of the workpiece, as
can be seen in Fig. 1., tool life decreases. The surface roughness of the workpiece is not strongly influenced by the variation of this
relative position and its growth is not closely related to the increase in wear of the primary cutting edge. q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All
rights reserved.
Keywords: Face milling; Tool wear; Tool chipping; Tool life

1. Introduction
The face milling process is frequently used in industrial
machining to machine large, flat surfaces in a very fast and
precise way. As can be seen in the articles cited in this
work w2,4,6,7x, as well as in others, a lot has been done to
achieve a better understanding of the degradation phenomena that occur in this process caused by the interrupted
cutting each edge performs. It is frequently found in the
literature discussions about how the relative positions of
tool and workpiece and how the workpiece width r tool
diameter ratio affect tool. In addition, it is reasonably well
established all the consequences of the intermittent cutting
in terms of milling tool wear and damage. However, one
gap in this knowledge is still apparent. The literature does
not address, at least quantitatively, the influence of the
relative positions of tool and workpiece on tool life and on
the surface roughness of the workpiece. The main goal of
this work is to contribute to filling this gap. Several
milling experiments have been carried out with different
relative positions of tool and workpiece. The tool flank
wear and the surface roughness of the workpiece were

Corresponding author. Tel.: q55-192-7887995; fax: q55-192-2893722; E-mail:

measured as cutting time elapsed. The tools were photographed at different stages during their lives.
2. Mechanical considerations surrounding the relative
positions of tool and workpiece
In a face milling operation, the relative positions of tool
and workpiece have an important influence on operation
results. It is important to take into account the following
a. Length of Cut when the cutter diameter is larger
than the width of the workpiece and the whole width is
machined in a single pass, the symmetric position of the
cutter Fig. 1A. results in the shortest possible length of
cutterworkpiece contact and, thus, may result in a longer
tool life w1x. To verify whether this affirmation is true for
face milling process of low alloy steel with carbide P25
carbide inserts is one of the objectives of this work.
Comparing the contact angle C 0 . between the symmetric
and asymmetric positions Fig. 1B., we have:
C 0 sym s 2arcsin
C 0 asym s arcsin 1 y
q arcsin
a q j . y 1 2.
D e

0043-1648r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 4 3 - 1 6 4 8 9 9 . 0 0 1 5 9 - 3


A.E. Diniz, J.C. Filho r Wear 232 (1999) 6775

Fig. 1. Symmetric and asymmetric face milling.

where the j parameter measures the distance between the

end of the cutter diameter and the beginning of the workpiece, as can be seen in Fig. 1B.
For a cutter diameter of D s 125 mm and ae s 87.5
mm the dimensions used in this work. and j s 0.05D, we
have C 0 sym s 88.858 and C 0 asym s 94.168.
b. Number of Teeth engaged in the cutting this also
depends on cutter position. If the cutter diameter is large
compared to the width of the workpiece, the difference in
the contact angle C . between symmetric and asymmetric
positions may result in one more tooth being engaged
when asymmetric milling is used. In this case, asymmetric
milling would be smoother than the symmetric milling.
c. Cutting Forces the absolute direction of radial
cutting forces depends on the instantaneous position of the
tool edge. In symmetric milling, vibration can occur due to
this variation of the direction of the force, as can be seen
in Fig. 2A. This is worse when only one edge is engaged
in the cutting at a time. As can also be seen in Fig. 2B,
asymmetric cutting minimizes this variation of force and,
thus, minimizes the vibration. Making it clearer, for example, if there is just one tooth engaged at a time in a
symmetric milling, the force component in the direction
perpendicular to the feed direction has, on average, the
same magnitude either when the tooth is in the first half of
the workpiece, or when the tooth is in the second half of
the workpiece, but they are opposite to each other. Therefore, the variation of force is great. In an asymmetric
milling, using the same example just one tooth engaged.,
more than half of the time the tooth is engaged in the

cutting, the force component in the direction perpendicular

to the feed direction points to the same side. Just close to
the exit of the tooth, this component turns backwards, but
its magnitude is, on average, smaller than when the component was in the former direction. Therefore, the force
variation is smaller.
Another aspect to be noted related to cutting forces and
relative positions of tool and workpiece is that, for a
certain feed per tooth, the symmetric position will result in
a larger average chip thickness due to the smaller tool
workpiece contact angle.. Therefore, for the same cutting
conditions, the symmetric cutting will present a lower
specific cutting force tangential force needed to cut a chip
of a cross-section of 1 mm2 . and a lower consumption of

Fig. 2. Variation of cutting force direction in symmetric and asymmetric

milling w2x.

A.E. Diniz, J.C. Filho r Wear 232 (1999) 6775

d. Engagement of the Tooth with the Workpiece

the initial contact between cutting edge and workpiece is
always an impact. The intensity of this impact depends on
the workpiece material, chip cross-section and also the
relative positions of tool and workpiece. When the centre
line of the cutter lies outside the width of the workpiece,
the initial contact occurs in an improper way, as can be
seen in Fig. 3A. In this case, the initial contact between
insert and workpiece is made by a portion of the insert
very close to the edge, which can cause its breakage. If the
cutter centre line lies within the width of the workpiece
Fig. 3B., the initial contact is far from the edge and the
risk of breakage is smaller.
In addition, as the j parameter decreases, chip thickness
at the moment the edge enters the cut also decreases.
Therefore, at this moment, tool chipping and breakage
becomes less likely because the energy of the impact is
lower. On the other hand, j cannot be zero or close to it
because in this case, chip thickness at the beginning of the
cutting would also be zero or close to it, which would
cause a high specific cutting force at this moment w2x.
Ferraresi w1x suggests that j should be around 0.05D. Since
the same author suggests that ae should be around 0.6 D
for the milling of steels, to use j s 0.05D means that the
cutting is asymmetric. Coromant w2x recommends a diameter 20 to 50% bigger than the width of the workpiece.
Concluding this discussion of the relative positions of
workpiece and tool, if symmetric cutting is used, the
contact length of each edge is shorter and, therefore, there
is less tendency for the tool to become worn. On the other
hand, because the j parameter is greater in symmetric
cutting than it is in asymmetric cutting, initial contact
between edge and workpiece is not the most suitable and
the tendency for the tool edge to chip and break is greater.
Therefore, the choice between symmetric and asymmetric
milling must be based on the answer to the following
question: in a milling operation, which phenomenon is
more important in terms of tool life: tool wear or tool
chipping and breakage? To answer this question is the

Fig. 3. Tool edge position in the beginning of the cutting: A. cutter

centre line outside the workpiece width; B. cutter center line inside the
workpiece width.


main objective of this work. In other words, this work tries

to establish the relationship between the j parameter and
tool life in a face milling process. If tool wear is more
likely, a symmetric milling must be chosen large j value..
If tool chipping and breakage is the main cause of the end
of tool life, asymmetric cutting with small j value must be
the choice.
3. Tool wear and damage in the milling process
In the milling process, the end of tool life is more
frequently caused by chipping, cracks and breakage of the
edge rather than regular tool wear. than in other machining processes, such as turning and drilling. This occurs
because milling is an interrupted operation, where the tool
edge enters and exits the workpiece several times per
second. In addition, chip thickness varies while the edge
penetrates the workpiece. Regular tool wear will be predominant only if the tool is tough enough to resist the
mechanical and thermal shocks of the process.
Bhatia et al. w3x and Chandrasekaram w4x concluded that
the major cause of tool failure at high cutting speeds is
cracking of a thermal origin. This occurs because the edges
are exposed to high level of thermal shock due to the high
temperatures caused by the high speeds and to the high
degree of temperature variation characteristic of the process. At low cutting speeds, cracks of a mechanical origin
are the main reason for tool failure, because, in this
situation, cutting forces are higher and temperatures are
Cracks of a mechanical origin may occur due to shocks
either upon entrance of the edge into the cut w5x or during
the exit of the edge from the workpiece w68x. Problems
due to the shocks upon entrance of the edge into the cut
can be worsened by the tendency of the chip to adhere to
the tool rake face w9x.
Pekelharing w6x affirms that one of the causes of the
excessive chipping of the carbide tools used in milling
operations is a phenomenon he called foot forming.
When the tool edge is ready to exit the workpiece, it
causes a rotation of the primary shear plane, making its
angle negative and instantaneously increasing the force on
the edge.
w11x studied the relationship among cutting temPalmai

perature, cutting speed and the machined arc length per

revolution during intermittent cuttings. After having carried out face milling experiments on AISI 1055 steels with
feedrate f s 0.1 mmrrev, depth of cut a p s 2.5 mm using
a cutter made of P35 carbide material and with rake angle
equal to 68, he concluded that if the cutting speed is above
120 mrmin and the machined arc length per revolution
above 50 mm, a coat will be produced on the tool surface
by the oxide-silicate inclusions in steel, which will increase tool life.
Bhattacharyya et al. w12x studied the behaviour of three
different carbide inserts ISO P25, K20 and K40. during


A.E. Diniz, J.C. Filho r Wear 232 (1999) 6775

face milling tests of martensitic stainless steel and low

alloy steels. They concluded that a combination of thermal
and mechanical cracks leads to the edge chipping of all
these tools during the machining of both materials. However, when machining the low alloy steel, chipping was
less severe and was followed by regular flank wear. P25
carbide showed better performance when feedrates were
high and the K40 carbide showed to be unsuitable for
machining the low alloy steel. In addition, they realised
that the surface roughness was not deteriorated by the wear
due to the conservation of the insert geometry in the
secondary cutting edge.
DErrico et al. w13x tested four different types of cermets during face milling of AISI 1045 steels. The cermet
type that presented the longest tool life was the one with
the highest hardness and TiCN content. The end of tool
life in this cermet type was caused by fractures on the
edge, due to its low impact resistance. The cermet type
with the lowest content of TiCN and with high content of
NbC presented the largest crater wear formation among the
four inserts, which proves that the substitution of TiCN by
NbC decreases the ability of the insert to resist to abrasive
and diffusion wear mechanisms.

4. Materials, equipment and experimental procedures

The experiments were carried out on a very rigid CNC
milling machine with 15 kW of power in the main motor.
The ISO codes of the tool used were: inserts SEKR
1204AZ-WM P25 Sandvik GC-A carbide class.; cutter
R260 22-125-157 rake angle s 98.. The tool had eight
edges and its diameter was 125 mm.
Tool flank wear was measured by an optical microscope
and photographed by a Digital Scanning Electron Microscope. The surface roughness of the workpiece was measured by a portable Mitutoyo instrument.
The workpieces, made of AISI 1045 steel, were of
rectangular face with a length of 520 mm and a width,
ae s 87.5 mm, such that the cutter diameter D .rworkpiece
width ae . ratio was 1.43 125:87.5., within the range
recommended by Coromant w2x.
The cutting conditions used were: cutting speed c s 240
mrmin; feed rate f s 587 mmrmin; feed per tooth f z s
0.12 mm and depth of cut a p s 1 mm. The relative
positions of tool and workpiece were varied to give the
following values of the j parameter see Fig. 1.: j1 s 4.75
mm; j2 s 11.75 mm; j3 s 18.75 mm symmetric cutting.;
j4 s 25.75 mm and j5 s 32.75 mm.
The experiments were terminated when flank wear
V Bm ax reached 0.7 mm, which was considered the end of
tool life. The experiments were each interrupted several
times in order to measure the flank wear of the tool and
the surface roughness of the workpiece. In fact, all the
eight cutter inserts had their wear measured. Each point on
curves of Fig. 4 is the value of the biggest flank wear

Fig. 4. Flank wear VBm ax . vs. machined feed length Lf . for different j

among the eight teeth. Nevertheless, it is important to say

that the dispersion of the flank wear values was not high,
mainly for high values of flank wear. The inserts were not
removed from the cutter to have the flank wear measured.
After having done each experiment at least once, the
experiments with j1 , j3 and j5 were repeated in order to
photograph the tool edges at several times throughout the
experiments. In each of these experiments, the tool edges
were photographed at least three times during the whole
tool life. In these experiments, the inserts were removed
from the cutter to go the Scanning Electron Microscope
and went back to the cutter after the photograph because it
is impossible to fix the whole cutter in this kind of

5. Results and discussion

Fig. 4 shows the behaviour of flank wear VBm ax . of the
mill edges vs. the length machined length in the feed
direction L f . for different j parameters. It can be seen
in this figure that the relative positions of tool and workpiece have a strong influence on flank wear and, consequently, on tool life. As the j parameter increases, the
flank wear value also increases throughout the tool life.
The lowest values for tool wear were obtained with the
lowest j value. Therefore, the advantage anticipated for
symmetric cutting intermediary value of j j3 ., the
shortest length of contact between each edge and workpiece was not confirmed. Other relative positions with
values of j lower than j3 j1 and j2 . and, consequently,
greater lengths of contact between tool edge and workpiece presented a better performance related to tool wear.

A.E. Diniz, J.C. Filho r Wear 232 (1999) 6775

In one attempt to explain this occurrence, the experiments with j3 symmetric cutting., j5 highest j value.
and j1 lowest j value. were repeated and several pictures
of the tool edges were taken throughout the experiments.
In the pictures in Figs. 57, the flank face of one of the
tool edges at three different moments in the tool life
roughly at 1r3, 2r3 and in the end of the tool life. can be
In Fig. 5 highest j value j5 . and in Fig. 6 symmetric cutting j3 ., it can be seen that the tool edge is much
more chipped than worn, at least for the pictures related to
2r3 of the tool life and the end of tool life. On the other
hand, in the pictures of the milling operation with the
lowest j value Fig. 7 j1 . almost only flank wear with
almost no chipping is seen. Therefore, when j is high, the


shock between the insert and workpiece upon entrance of

the cut is also high due to the large chip cross-section at
the beginning of the cutting., which causes edge chipping
and, consequently, a rapid increase in VBm ax . In fact, in
these cases, what is called VBm ax is not properly just flank
wear, but the sum of the height of the chipped area on the
flank face and the flank wear. At the lowest j value,
shocks are weaker, decreasing the occurrence of chipping.
Therefore, at low j, VBm ax increases more slowly and is
due mainly to the wear caused by the friction between tool
and workpiece. It can be concluded that, at least for cutting
conditions similar to those studied in this work, asymmetric cutting with a low j value is more suitable in terms of
tool life, because, under this condition, the shock upon
entrance of the tool edge into the cut is minimized. There-

Fig. 5. Evolution of tool wear: first picture 1r3 of tool life; second picture 2r3 of tool life; third picture end of tool life. j s 32.75 mm j5 ..


A.E. Diniz, J.C. Filho r Wear 232 (1999) 6775

Fig. 6. Evolution of tool wear: first picture 1r3 of tool life; second picture 2r3 of tool life; third picture end of tool life. j s 18.75 mm
symmetric cutting j3 ..

fore, the edge chipping that was the most important cause
of the end of tool life in other relative positions of tool and
workpiece is also minimized, and tool life is increased.
Probably, if the tool material presented higher degrees of
toughness and lower wear resistance than the material used
in these experiments ISO P25 carbide., the shocks upon
the entrance of the tool edge into the cut would not cause
so much chipping and tool wear would be predominant. In
this case, tool life in symmetric cutting could be longer,
and in asymmetric cutting, shorter, because the latter needs
more wear resistance due to the longer contact between
edge and workpiece. This situation was not tested in this
work, but a suggestion for future work is to repeat these
experiments with another tool material, such as ISO P45

With these considerations in mind, the behaviour of the

curves shown in Fig. 4 can be discussed. The curve with
the lowest j value j1 . presented a slow increase in wear
with feed length, up to almost the end of tool life, when
the tool wear value begins to increase faster. This can be
explained by the fact that, as in this case little chipping is
occurring and this tool is coated and very wear resistant,
initially tool wear increases slowly. After a period of
cutting time, all the thickness of the tool coating is consumed by wear, and the workpiece begins to rub the
substrate of the tool, which is not very resistant. Therefore,
flank wear begins to increase quickly and reaches high
values in a short period of time. In the curves with higher j
values, chipping is dominant. When chipping occurred, the
parameter V Bm ax increased quickly, because chipping ac-

A.E. Diniz, J.C. Filho r Wear 232 (1999) 6775


Fig. 7. Evolution of tool wear: first picture 1r3 of tool life; second picture 2r3 of tool life; third picture end of tool life. j s 4.75 mm j1 ..

celerates the wear process. In other words, when chipping

occurs, the substrate of the tool, that is much less resistant,
is exposed and the tool wear rate increases quickly.
Other conclusion that must be pointed out in these
results is that the exit of the edge from the workpiece is
not as important as the entrance. As the j parameter
increases, the chip thickness upon entrance of the edge into
the cut also increases and decreases at the moment of the
exit from the workpiece. Therefore, the foot forming
process cited by Pekelharing w6x was not important to the
tool wear process in this case because its influence was
diminished as the j parameter increased, but the tool wear
grew stronger.
Fig. 8 shows tool life in feed length Lf . vs. the
relative positions of tool and workpiece measured by the j
parameter.. The end of tool life was reached when flank

wear VBm ax . reached 0.7 mm, as already stated previously.

It can be seen in this figure that the tool life for the
asymmetric cutting with the lowest j value was 8750 mm,
while for the symmetric cutting it was 7200 m. Therefore,
only changing the tool position, without varying any other
parameter that could cause an increase in either the workpiece cutting time or the machining cost, tool life increased
more than 20%. This fact reaffirms the importance of
using the most suitable relative positions of tool and
Fig. 9 shows the behaviour of the average surface
roughness of the workpiece Ra. vs. the machined feed
length L f . for the five relative positions of tool and
workpiece used in this work. The following aspects can be
seen in this figure: a. Ra values near the beginning of tool


A.E. Diniz, J.C. Filho r Wear 232 (1999) 6775

Fig. 8. Machined feed length in the end of tool life vs. j parameter.

life low values of Lf . were very close, at least for the

positions j1 , j2 and j4 . This fact shows that the relative
positions of tool and workpiece do not influence the
average surface roughness, at least at the beginning of tool
life. The first roughness value shown in the figure when
the j parameter is j5 is higher than the others. This
occurred, probably, due to the rapid increase of V Bm ax for
this relative tool position, as previously cited. Therefore,
when the first roughness measurement was done, flank
wear and chipping were already high. Probably the wear
on the secondary cutting edges were also high at this
moment, which strongly influenced the surface roughness
of the workpiece. When the j parameter was j3 , the first
roughness value measured was much higher than the other
values on the same curve. Something that could not be
perceived may have occurred to make this value high,
because if the tendency of the Ra = L f were followed, this
first Ra value would be smaller. Therefore, we do not
believe that this point nullifies the conclusion of this item,
i.e., that the relative positions of tool and workpiece do not
strongly influence the surface roughness of the workpiece
at the beginning of tool life. It is important to say, however, that all these analyses have been done based on the
fact that when surface roughness profile changes, the Ra
parameter is strongly influenced. But, frequently, this parameter is not enough to represent all the features of a
surface topography. Therefore, we believe that some of the
facts related to the surface roughness behaviour that cannot
be easily explained, would be better understood if more
surface roughness parameters were taken into account. b.
As the machined feed length increases, the surface roughness of the workpiece also increases due to tool wear.
However, some observations must be pointed out with
respect to this topic. The first is that the roughness values
obtained were very low. Initially, when the tool had almost
no wear of any kind, either in the primary or in the
secondary cutting edge, the Ra values of around 0.4 mm
were much lower than the values typical of milling operations w10x. This value is usually obtained in grinding
operations. This fact occurred mainly due to the action of

the secondary cutting edge called parallel land in the

milling inserts.. This is a straight edge, parallel to the
plane of tool rotation w2x. This edge was 2.0 mm long in
the kind of insert used in this work, while the feed per
tooth used was 0.12 mm. This means that the same portion
of the workpiece touched these tool edges 16 times in two
successive rotations of the mill the cutter used had eight
edges., after chip removal. Therefore, each portion of the
workpiece was smoothed thoroughly by the parallel lands
after the cutting, resulting in the low Ra values obtained.
As feed length increased, roughness also increased, but it
never exceeded 1.6 mm, which was the value expected for
a milling operation, according to Agostinho et al. w10x.
This occurred because the primary cutting edge wore much
more than the secondary edge which, as stated before, is
responsible for the surface finish of the workpiece. As can
be seen in the pictures in Figs. 57, while wear on the
primary edge was great and clearly seen in the pictures,
wear on the secondary edge cannot be seen with the
magnification used here. Therefore, the surface roughness
of the workpiece increases with the increase in tool wear,
but because wear on the secondary cutting edge never
reached high values, roughness always remained at low
values, even though much higher than those obtained at the
beginning of tool life. In addition, it can be seen in Fig. 9
on the curve related to j5 that the Ra value when Lf s 5500
mm is closer to 1 than when Lf s 3000 mm, but the flank
wear is very different see Fig. 4.. Probably, in this case,
despite the fact that the wear on the primary cutting edge
largely increased, the wear on the secondary cutting edge
did not increase so much and, consequently, surface roughness remained almost the same. c. The experiments with

Fig. 9. Average surface roughness vs. machined feed length for different
j parameters.

A.E. Diniz, J.C. Filho r Wear 232 (1999) 6775

j1 , j2 and j4 presented similar Ra values at the beginning

of tool life when the tool is almost unworn., but they had
very different values for surface roughness at the end of
tool life, when V Bm ax s 0.7 mm. As can be seen in Fig. 8,
this value of tool wear was reached when L f s 4500 mm
for j4 , L f s 7300 mm for j2 and Lf s 8750 mm for j1. At
these moments, the Ra values were 0.5 mm, 1.2 mm and
0.9 mm, respectively. This fact reinforces the idea that
wear on the primary cutting edge was not responsible for
the worsening of the workpiece surface finish. Moreover,
it also points out that the amount of flank wear on the
primary cutting edge is not related to the wear on the
secondary cutting edge, which is responsible for surface
roughness. In other words, the surface roughness of the
workpiece did not increase in relation to the increase in
wear on the primary cutting edge because the wear on the
secondary cutting edge did not increase either.

6. Conclusions
Based on the results obtained in this work, the following conclusions can be drawn for the face milling process
with conditions similar to those used here.
v Asymmetric cutting with a small j value is the most
highly recommended in terms of tool life.
v As the j parameter increases, tool life decreases.
This occurred because, as the j value increases, edge
chipping becomes predominant.
v The relative positions of tool and workpiece do not
influence the surface roughness of the workpiece at the
beginning of tool life.
v The values obtained for average surface roughness
were always below the expected values.
v The wear on the primary cutting edge does not have
any relationship with the surface roughness of the work-


piece. Surface roughness increased during tool life due to

wear on the secondary cutting edge, which was always
small. This fact made the surface roughness of the workpiece remain low, even on the end of tool life.

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