Claim Master

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User Guide

ClaimMaster Software (version 3.3)

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Overview of ClaimMaster Menu Options ....................................................................................... 4
View Claim Hierarchy ............................................................................................................ 6
Proofreading - Check Claims For Errors/View Error Reports .......................................... 7
Proofreading Error Rule Editor ......................................................................................... 8
Proofreading - Check Claims for Antecedent Problems.................................................... 10
Proofreading - Check Claims For Antecedent Problems (contd) .................................... 11
Proofreading - Antecedent Parsing Rules ........................................................................... 12
Proofreading - Find Support For Claim Terms in the Specification................................ 13
Proofreading - Check Document Text For Stylistic Errors............................................... 14
Proofreading - View/Check Reference Numbers................................................................ 15
10. Proofreading - View/Check Reference Numbers (contd) ................................................. 16
11. Proofreading - Acronym Checker........................................................................................ 17
12. Proofreading - Generate Document Reports ...................................................................... 18
13. Automation - Generate Claim Charts ................................................................................. 19
14. Automation - Compare Claims ............................................................................................ 20
15. Automation - Generate Summary Of Pending Claims ...................................................... 21
16. Automation - Add or Remove Amendments and Claim Status Indicators...................... 22
17. Automation Convert Track Changes to Standard Formatting...................................... 23
18. Automation - Renumber Claims .......................................................................................... 24
19. Automation - Calculate Excess Claim Fees ......................................................................... 25
20. Automation - Search Document For Text (with citations) ................................................ 26
21. Automation - Browse Rejections in the Office Action/File History .................................. 27
22. Automation Generate Application Summary From Claims .......................................... 28
23. Automation - Generate Application Summary From Claims (Contd) ........................... 29
24. Download Patents/Applications from the USPTO & Generate IDS Forms .................... 30
25. Generate Patent Family Tree From PAIR .......................................................................... 32
26. Compare References Listed in Different IDS Documents ................................................. 33
27. Appendix A: FAQ/Troubleshooting ................................................................................... 34
28. Appendix B: ClaimMaster Rule Specification Syntax ....................................................... 35

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

ClaimMaster is software for attorneys practicing patent prosecution and litigation. It is a powerful collection of essential
utilities guaranteed to shave off minutes (or even hours!) from your everyday prosecution or litigation tasks. In addition, ClaimMaster
catches many costly and difficult-to-detect errors in your patent documents. Some of the things you can do with ClaimMaster are:

View a hierarchy of claims in the patent document

Identify errors in claims and document text, including missing antecedent basis and incorrect status indicators
Print claim charts and compare claims
Identify inconsistent reference terms in the document
Add or remove claim status indicators
Identify claim terms missing support in the specification
Renumber claims
Generate executive-style error reports
Generate Summary sections for your applications from the existing claims
Calculate excess claim fees
Download Patents/Applications from the USPTO/EPO and run post-processing operations on the downloads
Auto-generate IDS Forms (1449 and SB08) from information downloaded from the USPTO/EPO
ClaimMaster works from within of the Microsoft Word, so you do not have to alter your working habits. To run a specific

utility of ClaimMaster, simply choose an appropriate command from the ClaimMaster pull-down menu (shown on the next page).

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

Overview of ClaimMaster Menu Options

1) Word 2002-2003

In Word 2007 or later, ClaimMaster appears in its own Ribbon Tab. However, the organization of the ClaimMaster tab is essentially identical to the toolbar
menu above.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

2) Word 2007-2013

ight 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC
LLC. All rights reserved.

1. View Claim Hierarchy

The Claims Browser lets you quickly view the hierarchy and status of claims in an opened Word document. You can also analyze/sort claims based on a variety
of other information.
1. You can select between different views for analyzing the claim set.
The following views are available: Hierarchical shows the hierarchical
dependencies between independent and dependent claims; Similar Limitations
identifies claims with similar limitations; Number of Dependents shows
hierarchical view as well as the number of dependents for each claim; Claim Class
organizes claims by claim classes; Amendment Type organizes claims by their
status indicators.

2. Use +/- buttons to increase or decrease the zoom of the Claims Browser. For
example, this may be useful when the hierarchical tree is too long to fit a single screen.
3. Claim class/type annotates each independent claim. You can set individual colors
for each claim type in the Settings menu. The following types are currently
supported: method/process, apparatus/device, composition, article of manufacture,
means-plus-function, product-by-process, and Jepson claims.


4. Each claim is annotated with a claim status indicator, if applicable. The following
indicators are available: [X] cancelled; [O] original; [PP] previously presented;
[W]- withdrawn; [CA] currently amended; [WA]- withdrawn and amended; [N]

Clicking this button exports the claim tree as a graphical image


Clicking this button exports the claim tree in text format


7. Clicking this button will full claims, but they will be arranged and tabulated
according to their position in the claim tree. This makes it easier to review large sets of
claims where dependent claims are not grouped together with their parent claims.



Use this button to set colors for different classes.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

2. Proofreading - Check Claims For Errors/View Error Reports

The Reports Browser lets you run user-defined rules on the claims and document text.
1. Each report message is clickable. By clicking on the message, you will expand it
to show all claims that have the same problem. You can then click on individual
claims and, if possible, errors will be highlighted directly in the document. Several
different types of reports exist:

Errors these indicate serious errors in the claims, such as a dependency

from a cancelled claim.

Syntax Warnings these are less serious and indicate potential problems
with syntax, such as mismatches in classes between parent and child claims.

Style Warnings - these warnings indicate potential problems with claim

language, such as the use of potentially limiting or indefinite words.
NOTE: you can right-click on the error message to bring up a menu which lets you go
directly to the rule that generated the message or disable the rule for future runs.

2. Script Log window displays messages related to the loaded scripts. Any errors
associated with the loaded scripts will be shown in this window.
3. Use Configure Rules dialog to launch Rule Editor, which allows you to
specify which rules you want to run on your claims. In addition, you can use this
dialog to edit or specify new rules. For more info, please see the Section 5 (Rule

4. Use Configure Rules dialog to launch Rule Editor, which allows you to
specify which rules you want to run on your claims. In addition, you can use this
dialog to edit or specify new rules. For more info, please see the next page.

Pressing this button runs the selected rules.


Pressing this button clears the Reports window.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

3. Proofreading Error Rule Editor

The Rules Editor lets allows you to select, edit, and add new rules for checking your claims.
1. This view allows you to browse the rules
by categories. You can choose whether to enable or
disable a rule by selecting/unselecting its checkbox.

2. Press Help button to obtain more info

on how to specify rules.

3. Click this button to select all rules for


Click this button to unselect all rules.

5. When editing or adding a new rule, use this

window the specify the rule name.

6. Use this window to specify the rule type

e.g., Warnings, Errors, etc.

7. Rule description window provides

information about the rule.
8. Rule condition is the condition that must
be specified for the rule to execute. See Appendix
B for information on how to write rules or click the
Help button.
Note: for certain rules conditions that include lists,
List Editor button will be enabled, which will let
you edit the contents of the regex lists without
having to deal with the syntax for regular







9. Report message window specifies the

message that is shown in the Reports Browser when
the rule is satisfied.
10. See Appendix B for information about this
window or click the Help button.
11. You can immediately test your newly
edited/added rule on the parsed claimset by pressing
this button.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

12. To add a new rule, press this button.

13. Use this button field to specify the name of
a rule script file that will be applied to claims.
14. To edit the currently selected rule, press
this button.
15. Click this button to save all of your rules

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

4. Proofreading - Check Claims for Antecedent Problems

The Antecedent Browser lets you identify missing antecedents in the claims.

Antecedent Basis browser has two windows: Errors and Term Browser. The Errors
window allows you to view various antecedent errors in the claims. The Terms Browser
window lets you browse definitions of reference terms within each claim.


Each antecedent report message is clickable. By clicking on the message, you will expand it to
show the claims that had the same missing antecedent problem. You can then click on
individual claims and the error will be highlighted in the document, if possible. There exists
several different types of reports:

No Antecedent Basis lets you view terms that have no antecedent support in the
evaluated claim or its parent claims.

Ambiguous Terms lets you view terms that may have ambiguous antecedent
references. For example, two a widget terms in the same claim will become
ambiguous when later referred to as simply the widget

Limiting Preamble identifies terms that are first defined in the preamble and later
referred to in the body of the claim. Because these terms breathe life and meaning
into the claims, their definition in the preamble may be potentially limiting.
NOTE: you can right-click on each term to search for this term using Google or Google

3. Use these checkboxes to enable/disable checking for different types of antecedent problems.

Pressing this button runs selected antecedent rules.



Pressing this button clears the Antecedent Errors window.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.


5. Proofreading - Check Claims For Antecedent Problems (contd)


Each claim number is clickable. By clicking on the claim, you will expand it to
show all reference and antecedent terms defined within the claim body.

Terms annotated with (O) are the original terms the terms that have been
defined for the first time within the claims

Terms annotated with (RA) are the Reference to Antecedent terms these
terms refer to some antecedent definition either within this claim or its

Note: you can right-click on each term to search for this term using Google
or Google Patents.


Pressing this button re-parses antecedent terms in the claims.


Pressing this button clears the Antecedent Term Browser window.


Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.


6. Proofreading - Antecedent Parsing Rules

Occasionally, ClaimMaster incorrectly groups antecedent expressions, which may result in falsely reported or unreported missing
antecedents. Usually this happens because of the ambiguous claim language. For example, when encountering a phrase packet
receiving device driver, ClaimMaster might break up this phrase into two separate sections: packet and device driver, even
though you intended the whole phrase to be a single reference term. :
You can now force the software to parse terms according to your preferences using simple parsing rules. The rules are specified in the
text window of Parsing Preferences tab of the Antecedent Browser.

If ClaimMaster is prematurely stopping parsing before the end of the entire

intended phrase (e.g., parsing "packet" and device driver instead of
"packet receiving device driver"), simply list the entire desired term and the
software will not break it up. Note that certain words, such as the or
said will still cause the parser to break up expressions when they are
encountered in the middle of the full expression.

If ClaimMaster is being overly aggressive when joining terms together (e.g.,

"server system controls" instead of "server system"), then specify the point
where the phrase should stop with the "//" sign. For example, when you
specify "server system // controls", ClaimMaster will group "server system,"
but not "controls."

You can also exclude any last word in multi-word phrases by marking off
the word with "//". You can exclude entire phrases from being parsed by
the antecedent checker using the same technique.

Please do not include articles or quotation marks in your term definitions. Each
term should start on a new line. Once you make changes to the table, make sure to
click "Save." Your definitions are kept in the "antecedent_settings.txt" file in the
ClaimMaster's Settings directory.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.


7. Proofreading - Find Support For Claim Terms in the Specification

You can use this dialogue to determine whether terms appearing in claims are explicitly
supported in the specification. For example, if the claim recites a widget device,
ClaimMaster will search the specification of the patent document and determine if and
where this term appears in the specification.


Use this pull-down menu to specify a claim term. You can either select from a list of
pre-parsed terms or you can directly type in a term into the dialogue this way, you are
not limited only to terms in the claims, but can use this dialog to search the document
for any term you type in.


Check this box if you want to view a table that shows terms that are not supported by
the specification.


Check this box if you want to view a table that identifies every location in the
specification where the searched-for term is used and provides you with a quote/citation
to that location.


Press this button to run the utility.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



8. Proofreading - Check Document Text For Stylistic Errors

The Reports Browser lets you run user-defined rules document text.

Each report message is clickable. By clicking on the message, you will expand it to
show all claims that have the same problem. You can then click on individual terms
and, if possible, warnings will be highlighted directly in the document.


Script Log window displays messages related to the loaded scripts. Any errors
associated with the loaded scripts will be shown in this window.


Use Configure Rules dialog to launch Rule Editor, which allows you to specify
which rules you want to run on your claims. In addition, you can use this dialog to
edit or specify new rules. For more info, please see the Section 5 (Rule Editor.)


Pressing this button runs selected rules.


Pressing this button clears the Reports window.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.


9. Proofreading - View/Check Reference Numbers

The Parts Browser has two sections the Proofreading View and the Drafting View. The
Proofreading View allows you to view and browse part numbers sorted either by numerically or by their
corresponding part names. Any inconsistent part numbers or reference names will be highlighted. Clicking
on the items in the Proofreading View will highlight the corresponding items in the document. You can
also use the Drafting View as a reference number dictionary when working on a patent application.





You can import reference numbers from several sources:

a. The body of the currently open Word document. Note: if only a portion of the text is
selected, then ClaimMaster will parse reference numbers in that section/paragraph.
Otherwise, if nothing is selected, ClaimMaster will process the entire document by default.
b. From an excel file (csv) both numbers and reference names will be imported.
c. From figures only numbers will be imported
Clicking Compare #s to Figures button will bring up a file chooser to select a file with figures. You
can import text pdf, Word, Power Point, and Visio files. The numbers in the figures file will be
compared to the parsed reference numbers in the specification and the software will generate a report of
any inconsistencies or omissions.
Use Sort by selector to select the view. You can sort either by Part Numbers, by Part Names,
and by the order of appearance of a particular part # in the document
a. When sorted by Part Numbers, Parts Explorer will show all reference part names
having the same number. The numbers in parenthesis next to part names indicate how
many times that particular part name has been used with a given part number.
NOTE: red highlighting is applied to reference names that significantly differ from
the default name used by the majority of references for a given part number.
Orange highlighting is applied to those #s that differ slightly.
b. When sorted by Reference Name, the view will show all reference numbers assigned to
the same part name.
c. When sorted by the order of appearance, the view will show all reference numbers sorted
by when they are used in the document first.
You can click on any element in the table and the software will highlight the corresponding reference in
text. Some repeating reference terms are grouped together expand them to browse each of the terms
individual occurrences in text.
To simplify error browsing, select to group plural and singular forms together and also to view only the
part #s that have detected inconsistencies.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Proofreading - View/Check Reference Numbers (contd)

The Drafting View is helpful for drafting an existing patent application. It lets you create
a dictionary of reference terms and add them automatically to the document, as you type.
The table is organized by parts names and their corresponding numbers. You can click on
Part Name and Number headers in each column to sort parts in ascending/descending
order based on part names or numbers. If the claims have been parsed, the Terms in
Claims column will identify claims where the term is recited.

Pressing this button brings up a dialogue that will allow you to renumber reference
numbers within a specified range. You can specify the starting and ending ranges for
part numbers and the desired step, which could be either negative or positive.


Pressing this button lets you add part numbers to claims, such as system (100). This
is helpful for European applications, which encourage such practice.


Pressing this button will bring up a dialog that will let you bold and/or italicize selected
reference numbers in the document.


Checking this box will enable you to perform auto-completion when typing elements in
the specification. To do so, use the following shorthand: //number. For example,
when you type //17, the software will automatically replace //17 with the
corresponding element name + number, such as widget 17.


You can right-click on any element in the table to add a new element, edit the existing
element, delete an element, or add the selected element to the document, including its
Alternatively, to edit/add/delete multiple elements in the table at the same time, you
can press quick edit button, which will bring up a text editor, in which you can edit the
text of the entire table of elements simultaneously. This is much faster than
removing/adding each element individually.


Pressing this button will export the Table of Reference to a CSV file, in the part name,
part number format.


Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.




Proofreading - Acronym Checker

You can check acronyms in your document. Specifically, you can

use ClaimMaster to determine whether acronyms are either (1) not
defined or (2) used before being defined. The software will only
recognize acronyms comprised of all capital letters that are defined
either immediately before or after the acronym, such as HTML
(Hyper Text Markup Language) or Transmission Control Protocol


1. Press this button to import acronyms from the document. If

acronyms are not defined or used before being defined, the acronym
will be highlighted and the Error field will explain the error.
2. Pressing on an entry in this column will bring up the browser
with a webpage pointing to the definition of the acronym. You can
select from sites, such as AcronymFinder, Google, or Wikipedia as
your search sources.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Proofreading - Generate Document Reports

Using this dialog you can run multiple checks on your patent document at once. After the run, you
will be presented with the Word report of errors and warnings found in the document.
1. Select whether you want to generate a Summary-type report or show error messages as
comments in the copy of the existing document.
2. Select various options for checking claims. These are the same options that are available
from the Check Claims For Errors/View Error Reports dialogue. For more information,
please see section 4 of this document, which explains these options in detail.

3. Select various options for checking antecedent references in claims. These are the same
options that are available from the Check Claims For Antecedent Problems dialogue. For
more information, please see section 5 of this document, which explains these options in detail.

4. Select whether you want to check claim terms for support in the specification. The same
feature is available from Find Support For Claim Terms in the Specification dialogue. For
more information, please see section 9 of this document, which provides more detail on this
5. Select whether you want to check document for errors. This feature is also available from the
Check Document For Errors dialogue. For more information, please see section 13 of this
document, which provides more detail on this feature.
6. Select whether you want to check the patent document for consistent reference term
numbering. This feature is also available from the View/Check Reference Numbers dialogue.
For more information, please see section 14 of this document, which provides more detail on this
7. If the checkbox in this section is enabled, ClaimMaster will run the selected features in a
batch mode on all Word documents in the specified source directory. To do so, enable the Batch
Processing checkbox, specify the source directory that contains documents that need to be
reviewed, and also specify target directory where the reports for each reviewed document will be
placed. Once you click Run, the software will start the batch mode run. For each document in
the source directory, the software will created a report in the target directory.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Automation - Generate Claim Charts

Use Generate Claim Charts dialogue to chart the parsed claims. The printed
claims will be the claims that had their edits accepted in other words, if
you are working on an Office Action response and some of your claims have
amendments, the printed set of claims will adopt these amendments

Use the following command to generate simple claim charts with claim
text in the left column and empty space in the right column:
i. Provide claim number or claim range to print only these
claims. Example: 1, 3, 5-8, 18-24
ii. Type ALL (caps) to print all claims


Alternatively, you can select this checkbox to print all claims.


Specify the number of columns in the resulting claim chart


You can also specify fonts & font sizes used in the claim chart.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.




Automation - Compare Claims

Use Compare Claims dialogue to compare parsed claims to each other.

The compared claims will be the claims that had their edits accepted in
other words, if you are working on an Office Action response and some of
your claims have amendments, the printed set of claims will adopt these


1) You can compare claims:

a) Within a single document (assuming claims are parsed).
b) Between documents within a folder.
c) Between patents.
Specifying claims to compare:

Provide claim numbers or claim ranges to compare to each other,

separated by vs command. For example, 1 vs 5 will print claim
1 on the left, claim 5 on the right and highlight the mutual
differences between the claims.

You can also compare claim sets: 1-5 vs 6-8.

You can also compare more than two claims or claim sets to each
other. The number of claim sets is not limited. For example, 1-5
vs 6-8 vs 9-10 will compare claims using three columns. When
you are comparing more than two claim sets, the claims in the 2ndNth column are compared to the claims in the first reference
2) Comparison modes:

Full text compare the full body of the claim against the
full body of another claim.

limitation-by-limitation compare only across

sequential limitations. However, if limitations are out of
sync, this mode will not provide results as accurate as the
full text mode.

Only independent claims.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.






Automation - Generate Summary Of Pending Claims

The generated claim summary report provides you

with a summary of claims (i.e., which claims are
pending, cancelled, amended, etc) that you can cut and
paste into the response to the office action. Instead of
manually keeping track of status indicators in your
response, you can now generate an accurate report
Use this button to configure custom templates for your
claim summary section (see below).
Use the treeview to select pre-existing templates or
add new templates. Once you select a template, its
text will appear in the Summary Text section of the
Edit template text in this section. To specify a claim
summary template, type the text in the "Summary
Text" box. The software will replace placeholders
(e.g., [NEW_CLAIMS]) with appropriate claim
numbers. The software will also place verbs (e.g.,
is/are, etc) in proper singular or plural form to keep
the summary grammatically correct. The following
placeholders are available:
Edit, add new templates, or save existing templates
using these buttons.


Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Automation - Add or Remove Amendments and Claim Status Indicators

You can use this dialogue to perform various operations on claim edits and claim status
indicators within a set of claims:


Checking this checkbox will perform all text manipulations in the existing document.
Claim Text Operations you have two options with respect to edits (e.g., underlined
text, strike through, etc.) made to claim text:

Accept Claim Edits choosing this option removes claim edits. Additions (e.g.,
underlined portions) and deletions (e.g., striken-through portions) will be reflected
in the claim language.

Keep Claim Edits Visible choosing this option keeps claim edits in the claims.

Status Indicator Operations - use this pull-down menu to specify the operation you
want to perform on the status indicators. The following operations are available:

Keep Current Values the indicators will not be changed during the run of the

Remove All - all indicators will be removed after the run.

Replace the table below will become enabled. You can use the table to specify
which indicators you want to replace and how you want to replace them.

Insert New Indicators - useful for inserting new indicators into the claim set
without indicators (e.g., taken from an application). Indicators are based on the edit
status of the claim thus, if the claim has edits in it, the Currently Amended
indicator will be inserted. Otherwise, Original indicators will be inserted.



If Status Indicator Operations is set to Replace, this is table is enabled. For each
type of indicator, the table specifies the new indicator. If the indicators are different,
the old indicator will be replaced with a new indicator.
Note: If you want to remove a specific type of indicator, choose No Indicator option in
the Change to column.

Press this button to run the utility.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.




Automation Convert Track Changes to Standard Formatting

This feature lets you convert amendments in claims (i.e.,

deletions/additions) made with Track Changes into standard
USPTO/EPO formatting (i.e., underlined, crossed-through). Simply
select the area of text that includes amendments in your Word document
and click Convert Track Changes in the Selected Text to Amendment
Formatting. Note that the conversion process accounts for status
indicators and the USPTO rules for indicating amendments to sections
having less than 5 characters.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.





Automation - Renumber Claims

Use this dialog to renumber claims. The renumbering process can take two steps first, claim dependencies can be re-arranged in the claim tree or claims can be
batch renumbered. For example, you can drag & drop claims to change their
dependencies. In addition, you can batch renumber claims - for example,
sequentially renumbering the new claim tree from 1 to N. Once you are satisfied
with the order and numbering of the claim tree, you can then propagate changes
from the tree into the actual claims within the open document.
This field shows the text of the claim.
These tabs allow you to control how the claims within a claim tree are
renumbered. You can renumber all claims in the tree using two different schemes:
a. Sequentially - this tab lets you renumber all claims starting from a
given #, regardless whether there are duplicates or improper claim
numbers . You can renumber the claims based on their order of
appearance in the document or the claim tree.
You can also insert new intermediate claims using claim #x#
notation (i.e., 1x1, 1x2, etc.) and then renumber everything using the
sequential renumbering feature. For example, if you want to insert a
new set of claims between claims 3 and 4, you can simply add claims
3x1, 3x2, etc. after claim 3 and set all dependencies within that set
using 3x# notation. Once you perform sequential renumbering, all
claim numbers will be set to regular integer values consistent with
the overall numbering scheme of all claims.
b. Within a range - this tab lets you renumber claims within a
specified range and using a specified step. For example, if you
specify a step of 100 for range 1 to 10, all claims within range 1-10
will have their number incremented by 100 (i.e., 101, 102, etc.).
Pressing this button renumbers the claims in the tree, based on the selected batch
renumbering mode.
Pressing this button resets the claim tree to the original version before changes
were made
Once you are satisfied with the ordering of claims in the claim tree, you can press
this button to apply changes to the actual claims in the document

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.




Automation - Calculate Excess Claim Fees


You can use these fields to specify the amount of excess claim
fees charged by the USPTO for large/small entities. The
displayed fees are current as of 9/26/2011, but may be changed
when the USPTOs fee schedule changes.


Specify whether to perform an excess claim fee calculation using

large/small entity fees.


Check this box if you want multiple dependent fee applied


Shows the total amount of excess claim fees due

NOTE: that you can also calculate excess fees for

submissions in EPO. To do so, simply follow the same
procedure in the EPO tab of this dialog.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Automation - Search Document For Text (with citations)

This feature lets you search the open document for terms or phrases. It is
built upon Words internal search function, but it also provides you with a
table and highlighted citations to all of the term occurrences in the
document. The search also finds all word forms, so if you search for serv,
it will find serve, server, and service.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Automation - Browse Rejections in the Office Action/File History

This feature allows you to import rejections from an

OCRed PDF file that contains a USPTO Office Action
or File History. The rejections will be parsed and, to the
extent possible, analyzed. Note that if OCR is not 100%
accurate, so some documents may not parse completely,
although every effort is made to extract as much useful
information from the Office Action as possible..

Clicking this button will bring up a dialog that will

let you select a PDF file containing an Office


Once the document is properly parsed, a

hierarchical representation of
rejections/objections/allowances will be shown. For
each rejection, the view shows the rejection type
(i.e., 101, 102, 103, etc) and the numbers of
rejection claims. In addition, for each rejection, the
view provides a list of references for that rejection.


When you click on the rejection, you will be

taken to the page where the rejection is

If a checkbox is selected (default), the software

will attempt to verify the inventor names used
in rejections with the PTO/EPO sites.



Press these buttons to browse the pages of document

on the right-hand side.
Press to start downloading patents listed in the

5. After the Office Action is parsed, you can click on

this button to identify all possible claims that have not
been addressed in the document.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Automation Generate Application Summary From Claims

This feature allows you to quickly generate a draft summary section

for the application from selected claims based on a configured
template. You can specify whether ClaimMaster attempts to rephrase
the claims to a more proper form or simply inserts claim language into
the template. In any case, the process is not always 100% accurate,
so some review/revisions may be required after the application section
is generated.

Use the claim tree to specify which claims to incorporate

into the summary section.


You can quickly select/unselect all claims or specify whether

to only include independent or dependent claims into the


The teach of each claim appears on the Claim Text section

once you click on the claim in the claim tree


You can ask ClaimMaster to rephrase claims to put them into

more standard, narrative format. Depending on the style of
the claim drafting, this may or may not work well, so as an
alternative, you can uncheck the box to have ClaimMaster
insert the claims in unedited form into the template.


The template for the Summary section can be edited when

you click Configure Template button. See the next
section for more detailed explanation.


You can select to highlight the template language in the final

version for ease of reviewing.




Click Generate Summary to generate a draft Summary


Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Automation - Generate Application Summary From Claims (Contd)

When you click Configure Templates in the AutoSummary Generator

window, you will be presented with a template editing window for the
summary section. Here, you can add or edit templates for generating the
summary section. Each template is comprised of the following subsections:

Template name unique name for a given template


Summary Intro - this section is inserted only once at the

beginning of the section


Independent Claim Template inserted for each independent

claims. The section annotated with [INDEP_CLAIM] will be
automatically generated and replaced in the template by the
claim text (either rephrased or not)



Independent claim connector used for improving

readability of the rephrased text, links multiple sentences
within a claim together.
Dependent Claim Template inserted at the beginning of
each dependent claim section, which follows an independent
claim. It will include all selected dependent claims for a given
independent claim. The section annotated with
[DEP_CLAIMS] will be automatically generated and replaced
in the template by claim text (either rephrased or not).


Dependent claim connector used for improving readability

of the rephrased text, links multiple sentences within the
dependent claim section together.


Legal terms Replacements specifies replacements for

various legal terms within the claims, to improve readibility.


NOTE: to view how the template sections are organized in the

final generated draft, click the info button at the top right

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.




Download Patents/Applications from the USPTO & Generate IDS Forms



Click this button to import patent numbers

directly from the open Word document.


Click this button to import patent numbers

from a file. Supported formats are .txt,
.doc, .docx, and pdfs with text.


Use this text field to batch download any

patent from the USPTO or the EPO. You
can specify multiple patent numbers or
patent application publication numbers
(e.g.., 5,888,892 or 20030177337 or WIPO
formats). The number can be either a pure
number string or a comma-delineated
number. You can use semicolons, returns,
or spaces to separate the numbers.

Press this button to download data from the






Select this checkbox if you need to

download bibliographic data for generating
Use this section to specify whether you
want to download PDFs of
patents/publications. You can download
PDFs from the USPTO, EPO, or Google
Patents (USPTO only, but OCRed). You
can also specify whether to send the
downloaded results to a default printer for
the Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.











Use these fields to specify whether you

want to download a full text of the
specification (including the claims) or just

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.


the claims and the corresponding format.


Use this field to download patent data from

the USPO, such as file wrappers (works
best with IE 8.0 or earlier) and maintenance
fee status.


For each downloaded document, you can

specify various post-processing functions
on the document:
Generate claim charts (all or
only independent claims)
Compare independent claims
Generate error reports
You can specify which reports you want to
generate using the Report Settings button

11. Press these buttons to auto-generate either a

1449 form or SB08 form. The SB08 form is
the form supplied by the USPTO. By
default, downloaded information will be
cached, so that downloads are faster the
next time you need to obtain information
for the same patent/publication. You can
choose to not cache or to clear cache
directory before downloads. Note that the
template for the 1449 form is located in
.dot file. You can change this file to make
it compatible with the 1449 forms used in
your firm. {Application Data} is the
Windows application directory for the
logged in user. Its location varies between
Windows Vista and XP. Please ask your IT
department if you are not sure about its

10. Specify location of the directory where the post-processing documents (i.e., claim charts, comparisons,
reports) will be saved. You can also (1) create a sub-directory for each downloaded patent, so that all
generated reports/charts/pdfs will be placed in that director or (2) zip the results for each patent into
individual files.

12. When generating an IDS, you can specify whether to use an assignee name or an inventor name in the
Inventor/Assignee column in the IDS, such as in the SB08 form.
13. You can speed the downloading process by caching the results. This way, you will not have to redownload results for patents which you have previously downloaded. In addition, for EPO patents, you
can save full copies to a specified location to be submitted with the IDS form.
14. Go to this tab to check connectivity issues to the USPTO/EPO.
15. Press these buttons to review the downloaded documents.
16. Switch between the preview tab and the log tab, which shows the download log and if any errors were
encountered during the download.
17. You can adjust the size of the window by pulling & dragging on the ribbed corner.
18. Export all front pages to a single PDF document\
19. Export bibliographic data to an XDP file that can be imported from Acrobat/Reader.
20. Specify whether to download kind codes for US patents from the EPO (this data is not available directly
from the USPTO). Note that selecting this option may slow down the download process.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Generate Patent Family Tree From PAIR

This feature lets generate a diagram of a family tree from PAIR data.
You can specify one or more (separated by semicolons or spaces) of
patent #s, application #s, or publication #s as input. ClaimMaster will
then connect to PAIR and attempt to reconstruct family tree for the
identified #s based on the Continuity Data tab in PAIR. Note that
the use of this feature requires you to pass the CAPTCHA test
administered by PAIR.
1. This is the section where you type in the
patent/application/publication number. Separate multiple
documents by semicolons or spaces.

You can specify custom tags/comments for each

application box, such as your internal matter number for
an application. The tags will appear within the box when
the family tree is generated. The tags must be specified
in a CSV file, where the first column in the application
number and the second column is the text of the tag. You
can introduce line breaks in your tags by using "/n"
expression between the lines. An example entry to the
tag file would be:
99/1234567, MATTER-ID-11\nCLIENT-ID-12


You can specify a save directory where you want to

patent family tree to be save when the process complete.
Note: when specifying multiple patent document #s,
you will be expected to provide a valid save directory.


Here you can select whether to save the patent family

image as an Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file, which
is the desirable format for viewing large family trees
without losing image quality. SVG files are supported by
Internet Explorer.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Compare References Listed in Different IDS Documents

This feature lets you compare cited references (i.e., patent numbers,
patent publications) in two groups of documents, such as
Information Disclosure Statements. You can compare between
individual documents or entire directories (files in one directory vs
files in another directory). The software will identify all references
that are present in one group, but not another. The software will
also identify all references common to both groups.
1. Specify whether you want to compare file-to-file or directory-todirectory.


2. Use file/directory selection dialogs to specify files/directories in

each group.

3. Press this button to compare references in the specified groups A

and B. The results will be printed in three columns the first
column will show references in group A, but not B. The second
column will show references in both groups A and B. The third
column will show references in Group B, but not A.

4. Press these buttons to create an IDS for references listed in each

of the above groups. You can also cut & paste directly from each of
the text boxes.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Appendix A: FAQ/Troubleshooting

Q. Ive ran ClaimMaster on the document, but it cannot find any claims or the claims are not properly parsed. What do I do?
A. Select the text containing claims and hit Parse/Re-parse claims again.
Q. Why does ClaimMaster switch to Normal view for large documents?
A. This is done for efficiency. For some reason, certain internal operations of ClaimMaster trigger background repagination in Word,
which significantly slows down performance. It is possible to avoid background repagination in Normal view. Thus, when the
documents are sufficiently long, ClaimMaster attempts to improve its performance by operating in the Normal, rather than Print
Q. Does ClaimMaster handle edits made using Track Changes feature of Word?
A. Generally yes, although having edits made using both Track Changes and underlining/strikethrough fonts may cause some
incorrect behavior. Thus, it is best to stick to one consistent mode of annotating changes in claims.
Q. Does ClaimMaster handle claim numbers generated using automatic numbering in Word?
A. Generally yes, although claim re-numbering feature might not work. Ideally, the claim numbers are specified using regular text,
rather than automatic numbering feature.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.



Appendix B: ClaimMaster Rule Specification Syntax

ClaimMaster provides a straightforward syntax for specifying claim and document rules. The process of building a rule involves three
simple steps:
set the condition that the claim or the document must meet for the message to be generated
set the message that will be shown in the Reports Browser when the condition is satisfied
specify whether you want to associate the message with a claim number and highlight any text in the document when the error
message in the Reports Browser is clicked.
All of the above steps are performed via the Rule Browser interface.
1) Setting a rule condition
A rule condition is a text string that specifies the condition that the claim or the document must meet for the specified message to
be generated. Claim rules are applied to each claim in the parsed set of claims. Document rules are applied for the entire patent
document. You can think of a rule as a condition in the <if then> statement:
IF (condition = True) THEN generate message, where you can specify both the condition and the message.
ClaimMaster rules engine allows you to operate on three objects claim, parent, and document. When constructing a rule, you need
to reference both the object and its attribute separated by a dot for example, claim.number. The claim object has attributes that
specify various information about the claim, such as its number, text, type, etc. The parent object provides similar information for
the claims parent(s), if the claim is dependent claim. The document object provides information about the type and text of the
entire patent document. To specify a condition, you can use various well-known logical operators shown below to compare the
attributes of the three described objects. For example, a condition such as claim.number == parent.number, will evaluate to True if
the claim has the same number as its parent, which means that it has a looping dependency. To search for a specific text within the
claim/document, you can use the includes statement, which allows you to use Regular Expression. The use of RegEx for
sophisticated pattern searching makes ClaimMaster rule interface a powerful tool for extracting context out of claim language.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.


For more information and examples about the available operators and object attributes, please take a look at the tables below.

And; Or
includes string
includes <Regular
includes string.syn

less, greater
not equal
logical AND, logical OR
logical NOT
Check whether the element
includes the specified string.
Alternatively, the expression can
be any Regular Expression which
follows IE Scripting RegEx
syntax (
This operation will check whether
the element includes any string
which matches the specified
regular expression.
If a word is followed by .syn,
ClaimMaster will attempt to find
all synonyms of that word when
searching for matches. You can
use this syntax with Regular
Expressions as well.




Possible Values

product by process

claim.number > 5; claim.number < parent.number
claim.number == 5
claim.number <> 5
(claim.number > 5) and (parent.number < 3)
Not (claim.number < 5)
claim.text includes method

claim.text includes

claim.text includes never.syn

ClaimMaster will attempt to find not only
the word never, but also all synonyms
of never as specified by the Microsoft

The claim object refers to the current claim. The
parent object refers to all parents of that claim (the claim
will have multiple parents if it has multiple
dependencies. An independent claim will not have a
parent at all.
Specifies the type of the claims statutory class, as well as
some other special types of claims (e.g., Jepson). If the
class for the claim cannot be determined, such as for the
cancelled claims, the class is set to invalid class.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

claim.number < parent.number checks
whether the claim has a lower number than
its parent.

claim.class == means - checks whether the

claim is a means for claim.
claim.class <> parent.class - checks whether
claim and its parent have different classes




Specifies the claim number

claim.number == parent.number - checks

whether there is a looping dependency, such
as when the claim depends from itself
(claim.edits == edited) and (claim.class
== invalid) checks whether a possibly
cancelled claim has edits inside its body



Specifies whether the claim is edited (i.e., has underline,

strikethrough, brackets, etc) inside its body or not.


previously presented
withdrawn and

Specifies the claims status indicator. Status indicators are

used primarily during the prosecution of the patent

(claim.indicator.indicator <> amended)

and (claim.edits == edited) - checks
whether the claim is edited, but its status
indicator does not reflect this.

Specifies the type of claim dependency. If the claim is

dependent, then it can either depend of a single parent
(single dependency) or multiple claims (multiple

(claim.dependency == multiple) and

(parent.dependency == multiple) checks
whether a multiple dependent claim depends
from at least one other multiple dependent
claim.text includes system.syn (checks
whether the claim includes the word
system and its synonyms)
claim.preamble includes consists (checks
whether the claims preamble includes the
word consists)
claim.text_pos includes
"(\w+(?=(/JJS|/RBS)))" - uses RegEx to
determine whether the claim text includes
any superlative expressions.



Provides access to the entire text of the claim.


Provides access to the text of claims preamble.

Provides access to the text of the claim, where each
word is annotated with a Part Of Speech tag
according to the University of Pennsylvania (Penn)
Treebank Tag-set see e.g.,
n.html for more info.

Appeal Brief
Response to OA

The document object refers to the current patent

Specifies the type of the document, such as appeal brief.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.

(document.type == response to OA)

checks whether this document it a response to




Provides access to the text of the document

an Office Action.
(document.text includes invention)
checks whether the word invention appears
anywhere in the document

2) Setting the message

If the specified rule evaluates to true, the message you specify will be shown in the Reports Browser. Of course, it helps if the
message you choose is informative about the specific error.
3) Setting additional message parameters
You have control of how the message is shown in Reports Browser. The Reports Browser will first group messages by their
type. You can choose a specific type for your rule. For example, rules that catch serious problems (i.e., claim numbering, etc) should
be classified as Errors, while less problematic or optional rules can be classified as Warnings. You can create as many types as
you want.
In addition, you can specify whether you want to include a claim number in your message. If you choose to include the claim
number (recommended), then you will be able to browse the messages in the Reports Browser by claim numbers.
Finally, you can specify whether a specific portion of the document/claim text is highlighted when you click on the message in
the Reports Browser. This allows you to highlight the exact words/conditions in the claim or the document that triggered the error.
The table below summarizes various sections available to you for highlighting.




Highlights the text section which includes the

claim number.
Highlights the text section which includes
edited text within the claim.
Highlights the text section which includes the
claims status indicator.
Highlights the text section which includes the
claims parent number.
Highlights the claim text section which

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.


matches the result (such as the one found

using RegEx) of includes condition.

Highlights the document text section which

matches the result (such as the one found
using RegEx) of includes condition.

For more information, please take a look at the sample rules provided with ClaimMaster.

Copyright 2015, ClaimMaster Software LLC. All rights reserved.


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