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Question Paper - 6
---------------------Q. I. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
The heavy damage caused by the recent spell of rain has made the experts in highways put
forward a strong case for laying of Cement Concrete (CC) roads. They say that the
advantages of CC roads far outstrip those of bituminous roads in cost, longevity, maintenance
and riding comfort. They stress that while the Tamil Nadu Government spends Rs. 10 crores
for relaying the bituminous roads in Chennai alone after strong monsoon, the CC roads will
last 40 years and require no maintenance. Moreover, cement is available plenty now.
As Cement Concrete roads have a smooth surface, they provide better riding comfort and the
consumption of fuel will be less. Visibility at night will be better. It will not disintegrate due
to ageing. Many experts say that laying of CC roads on the national highways will be cheaper
than the laying of bituminous roads. However, the supervisory engineering staff and the
quality control staff should be strict while laying CC roads. According to rough calculations,
while the laying of bituminous roads over a stretch of one km will cost Rs. 15 lakh, the CC
road will entail as expenditure of Rs. 10 lakh only. But the construction of CC roads in rural
areas will be initially costlier than bituminous roads.
Bituminous roads do not last long because water penetrates the bitumen layer and seeps into
the cavities below, thus forming film between the two. Later, when vehicles ply over the wet
surface, the upper layer is stripped away pot holes are formed. But this does not happen on
CC roads.
Cement Concrete roads have a few disadvantages. It is not easy to cut them open to lay
electricity or telephone cables. During day-time, visibility is better at night. Joints pose a
problem on CC roads and research is being done on how to avoid joints in them.
Answer each question in about 25 30 words.

Why are bituminous roads no longer an economical proposition?

Why is it necessary to relay bituminous roads after the monsoon?
List out any two disadvantages of CC roads.
How are pot holes formed?
Explain how CC roads are advantageous than bituminous roads?

Q. II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:











tournament Indian


The Pro Kabaddi League (PKL) is making _______1________ and giving a glamorous, wellmarketed spin to the sport across the _______2________. The Indian kabbadi players admit
that continuing with the same format in international _______3________ should be the way
forward to spread kabaddis appeal further. The _______4________ kabaddi team was in
town for a felicitation by Sport Minister Vijay Goel. The team recently _______5________
the World Cup after a tight 38-29 win against Iran in the final. The _______6________ was
played according to the same rules as the PKL including the likes of bonus points and loud,
cheering music. Indian _______7________ Anup Kumar said that there were not many
_______8________ competitions in kabaddi barring the Asian Games and PKL was what
most _______9________, both Indian and foreign, were used to through the year. Goel also
_______10________ a cash prize of Rs. 10 lakh each for the players.

Q. III. Read the given passage and match the words given in column A with those in
column B
Owned by business tycoon Mukesh Ambani, Antilla is the worlds most expensive home
valued at $1 Billion. The 27 story, 400,000 sq/ft home is located at the Altamont road, in
South Mumbai, an area where land prices are estimated at US$10,000 per square meter. The
majestic mansion stands 570 feet tall above ground and is considered one of the tallest
structures in Mumbai. The 60-storey building includes 27 habitable floors, including six
parking floors for capacity upto 168 cars. The luxury amenities include a well-equipped
movie theater with seating capacity for 50 people, a health club and a stunning pool. Several
gardens and terraces glorify the buildings architecture while three helipads on the roof, an
in-house garage, and nine elevators enhance the comfort of living to huge extents. Designed

by Chicago based architects Perkins and Will, the luxurious home can easily endure an 8richter scale earthquake. The splendid interior details include a traditional lounge with
stunning decoration, a ballroom equipped with designer lighting, and an ice room infused
with artificial snow flurries and a completely furnished lobby. The home that we look at has
been built in one of the prime areas for real estate in the port of city of Mumbai, India. This
tower has 6 floors for vehicle parking, a majority of which houses Mukesh Ambanis fleet of
luxury vehicles apart from the 600 member staff quarters and multiple floors for the members
of Ambanis family. Antilla is well maintained by a dedicated staff of 600 people.
Column A

Column B

1. Tycoon


2. Estimate


3. Amenity


4. Stunning


5. Garage


6. Enhance


7. Splendid


8. Infused

pervaded; spread through

9. Furnished

parking space

10. Dedicated

increase; improve
business magnate

Q. IV. Read the following passage and match Column A with Column B.
Japan was hit by an enormous earthquake on March 11, 2011, that triggered a deadly 23-foot
tsunami in the country's north. The giant waves deluged cities and rural areas alike, sweeping
away cars, homes, buildings, a train, and boats, leaving a path of death and devastation in its
wake. Video footage showed cars racing away from surging waves. The United States
Geological Survey reported the earthquake and on Monday revised its magnitude from 8.9 to
9.0, which is the largest in Japan's history. The earthquake struck about 230 miles northeast
of Tokyo. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center issued warnings for Russia, Taiwan, Hawaii,

Indonesia, the Marshall Islands, Papua New Guinea, Australia, and the west coasts the U.S.,
Mexico, Central America, and South America.
Tsunami is a series of huge waves that occur as the result of a violent underwater disturbance,
such as an earthquake or volcanic eruption. The waves travel in all directions from the
epicenter of the disturbance. The waves may travel in the open sea as fast as 450 miles per
hour. As they travel in the open ocean, tsunami waves are generally not particularly large
hence there is difficulty in detecting the approach of a tsunami. But as these powerful waves
approach shallow waters along the coast, their velocity is slowed and they consequently grow
to a great height before smashing into the shore. They can grow as high as 100 feet; the
Indian Ocean tsunami generated waves reaching 30 feet.
Disaster struck again on Saturday, March 12, 2011 when about 26 hours after the earthquake,
an explosion in reactor No. 1 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station caused one of
the buildings to crumble to the ground. The cooling system at the reactor failed shortly after
the earthquake. Officials feared that a meltdown may occur, and radioactive material was
detected outside the plant. More than 200,000 residents were evacuated from areas
surrounding both facilities. Problems were later reported at two other nuclear facilities. The
fire, which happened at reactor No. 4, released radioactivity directly into the atmosphere. On
Wednesday, March 16, while safety workers were still trying to contain the fire at reactor No.
4, officials announced that reactor No. 3 may have ruptured and appeared to be releasing
radioactive steam.
The Japanese government told people living within 20 miles of the Daiichi plant to stay
indoors, not use air conditioning, and keep their windows closed. More than 100,000 people
are in the area. According to Tokyo Electric Power, the plant's operator, 5 workers have died
and 22 more have suffered various injuries since the quake. At a news conference on Sunday,
Prime Minister Naoto Kan emphasized the gravity of the situation. "I think that the
earthquake, tsunami, and the situation at our nuclear reactors make up the worst crisis in the
65 years since the war. If the nation works together, we will overcome," he said. The
government called in 100,000 troops to aid in the relief effort. The deployment is the largest
since World War.

Column A
1. Paragraph I
2. Paragraph II
3. Paragraph III
4. Paragraph IV

Column B
Earthquake in the northeast of Tokyo
Tsunami warning system
Disaster Management in the country
The Science of Tsunami
Massive earthquake and Tsunami in Japan
Tsunami generally creates high waves
Problems reported in Nuclear power station No.1
Nuclear Disaster in Japan

Q. V. Rearrange sentences ABCD in the logical order. Pick the right answer from the
given options. Sentences S1 and S6 are in the correct position.

S1. Smoke oozed up between the planks.

A. Passengers were told to be ready to quit the ship.
B. The rising gale fanned the smouldering fire.
C. Every one now knew there was a fire on board.
D. Flames broke out here and there.
S6. Most people bore the shock bravely.





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