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Name: Gabriela andru

Date: 19th March, 2014
Class: 8th A
No. of Students: 33
Level: Intermediate
Language Skills: writing, reading

School: coala Gimnazial

Tudor Vladimirescu, Tg.-Mure
Time of Lesson: 50 min.
Textbook: Snapshot Intermediate
Unit: People
Lesson: Guess Who?

Lesson Aims:
1. to ask and talk about physical appearance.
2. to develop reading and vocabulary skills.
3. to teach the order of adjectives.
Specific competences:

to use multiple adjectives in a context.

to describe physical appearance.
to draw portraits according to the description read.

Anticipation problems: Ss might need some help in the drawing stage of the lesson.
Organization: Whole class, Pair work, Group work, Individual work
Teaching Techniques/ Methods: picture exploitation, listening to the tape, answering questions,
ordering information, drawing, gallery walk.
Teaching aids: SB, CB, whiteboard, slips of paper with multiple adjectives to one noun, handouts,
cards, drawing instruments
ACTIVITY 1: Warmer & Lead-in
Aim: to introduce the topic of the lesson and assure Ss accommodation to the English class.
1. T greets the Ss, asks for the absentees.
2. Ss are asked to stand up if they have certain physical features. E.g. Stand up if you have a mole
on the face / your hair is in bunches / if you have a pointed chin/ a Greek nose, etc.
3. T asks Ss to read their homework & peer-correct the mistakes, if any.
4. T informs Ss about the aim of the lesson.
Interaction: T-S, S-T
Classroom organization: Whole-class
Timing: 7 min.
ACTIVITY 2: Guess who?
Aim: to describe physical appearance and develop listening skills.
1. Ss are asked to open their books on page 78. T asks a few questions picture exploitation. (Who
are they? Where are they? Is it before or after the rehearsal? How are they feeling? Justify. What
are Kelly and Matt talking about? What does Sarah look like? How about Adam? etc.)
Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; LB=Language Booster; Ws = worksheet;
Pw = pair work; Gw = group work; Tw=Team work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer

2. T asks Ss to close their books. T writes the Useful phrases in exercise 8/78 on the board in
jumbled order and asks Ss to predict who said them. Then T invites Ss to listen to the tape, check
their predictions and put the phrases in the order they appear in the dialogue.
3. T writes the sentences in exercise 7/78 on the board. Ss copy in their notebooks. Ss are asked to
open their books again, read the dialogue while listening to the tape and then correct these
4. Ss check their corrected sentences in pairs. T checks answers with the whole-class.
Interaction: T-S, S-T, S-S
Classroom organization: Individual work, Pair work, Whole-class
Timing: 10 min.
Aim: to teach the order of adjectives.
1. T checks that Ss know the position of adjectives in a sentence: before the noun they modify and
asks Ss to give some examples.
2. Ss are given slips of paper with multiple adjectives to one noun. In pairs they establish the order
of the adjectives. T checks answers with the whole class, correcting if necessary.
3. T elicits what each adjective in the examples refer to: origin, material, opinion, shape, etc. and
where it is positioned in a sentence. The rule of adjective order is written on the board:
OpSAShCOMP = opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose + noun.
4. Finally, Ss work in groups and order the adjectives in exercise 10/79.
Interaction: T-S, S-S, S-T
Classroom organization: Group work, Pair work, Whole-class
Timing: 12 min.
ACTIVITY 4: Drawing Portraits
Aim: to develop reading and writing skills.
1. Ss are given numbered handouts. They are to write a detailed description of themselves, without
mentioning their names.
2. Ss perform task. T monitors and helps.
3. Next, all handouts are mixed up. Each student is given a description of a classmate and a card.
They are to draw the portrait of their classmate on the card.
4. All cards are displayed at the board. Ss tour the gallery and try to identify themselves. Further
discussion and comments are encouraged.
Interaction: T-S, S-S
Classroom organization: Individual work, Whole-class
Timing: 20 min.
ACTIVITY 5: Homework
Aim: to use multiple adjectives in a context.
T gives HW exercises 8/58 and 3/132 in their LB.
Interaction: T-S
Classroom organization: whole-class
Timing: 1 min
Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; LB=Language Booster; Ws = worksheet;
Pw = pair work; Gw = group work; Tw=Team work; Iw = individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer

Legend: T = teacher; Ss = students; BB = blackboard; SB = students book; CB = copybook; LB=Language Booster; Ws = worksheet; Pw = pair work; Gw = group work; Tw=Team work; Iw =
individual work; Wc = Whole class; Qs = questions; A = answer

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