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1. Why are conflicts good?
2. What are the different styles of negotiation?
3. What do you mean by Accommodation as a Negotiation Style?
4. What do you mean by Avoidance as a Negotiation Style?
5. What do you mean by Competing as a Negotiation Style?
6. What do you mean by Compromising as a Negotiation Style?
7. What do you mean by Collaboration as a Negotiation Style?
8. What do you understand by win-win style of negotiation
9. A negotiation style in which both the parties loose?
10. A negotiation style in which one party looses and the other wins?
11. Stress is good and bad . Explain?
12. How can you reduce stress at work?
13. How can you bridge individual difference?
14. What role does differences play at work place?
15. Why goal setting is important?
16. What is SWOT analysis? WHY is it important for an individual to do a
17. Mention two strengths and weakness
18. Mention 2 opportunities & weaknesses
19. How can you be professionally successful?
20. Explain how professional and personal success go hand in hand?
21. What does personal success mean to you?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
23. What does success mean to you.
24. What role does optimism and resilience play in making one achieve their
25. Why is perseverance important to success?
26. Mention the role of effective communication in being successful.
27. What are the different aspects of voice modulation? Explain through
28. What do you understand by gestures?
29. What do you mean a crossed posture in body language?
30. Give examples of negative body language
31. Illustrate effective handshake. Explain dos and donts


1. What do you understand by group dynamics?
2. What do you understand by groupism why is it considered negative?
3. What are the important aspects of group cohesion?
4. Explain adaptability in group by citing an example?
5. What according to you are important attributes of a team?
6. Team spirit is important. Explain?
7. Explain the different stages of group formation?
8. Which stage according to you is most productive?
9. What according to you are the most important qualities of a leader?
10. Why is it said that leadership is situational?
11. Explain 3 different styles of leadership?
12. Why is an autocratic leader not very popular?
13. In a work scenario when all the members of the team are experienced and
well informed which style of leadership will be most appropriate? Why?
14. Are leaders born or made? Explain
15. What is Spirituality Quotient?
16. Why SQ is important to be considered?
17. What is CSR?
18. Explain Social responsibility?
19. Impressions are important? Explain the rule of 6
20. First impression is last why impression building could be important.
21. What is the significance of work ethics and values?
22. What do you understand by workforce diversity? Give examples.
23. Workforce diversity is an asset to the organization. Explain
24. Diversity and Inclusion is important and a must to be practiced by all
organizations? Why?
25. Mention the role of effective communication in being successful.
26. What are the different aspects of voice modulation? Explain through
27. Explain word stress in modulating voice.
28. What do you understand by gestures?
29. What do you mean a crossed posture in body language?
30. Give examples of negative body language


1. Mention the role of effective communication in being successful.
2. What are the different aspects of voice modulation? Explain through
3. Explain word stress in modulating voice.
4. What do you understand by gestures? Give examples of International
5. What is sign language?
6. What is the significance of eye contact while communicating?
7. What do you mean a crossed posture in body language?
8. Give examples of negative body language.
9. What do you understand by proxemics
10. What is self esteem?
11. What is self efficacy?
12. Why goal setting is important?
13. What is SWOT analysis? WHY is it important for an individual to do a
14. Mention two strengths and weakness
15. Mention 2 opportunities & weaknesses
16. What is a team?
17. What is team spirit?
18. Explain adaptability in a Team by citing an example?
19. What according to you are important attributes of a team?
20. What are the important qualities of a good team?
21. What role does culture society and media play in our attitude?
22. What do you understand by workforce diversity? Give examples.
23. Workforce diversity is an asset to the organization. Explain
24. Diversity and Inclusion is important and a must to be practiced by all
organizations? Why?
25. What are etiquette? Give examples
26. What is the role of business etiquette in becoming a professional?
27. Give examples of business etiquette?
28. Mention the dining etiquette involved in hosting a dinner for a client in a
29. Mention two important visiting card etiquette
30. Mention the Dos and Donts of E-mail etiquette
31. While travelling in a metro give some general etiquette to be observed.
32. While waiting in a room at doctors clinic mention general etiquette
33. While waiting in a room for interview mention the business etiquette
34. While meeting someone for the first time mention the etiquette.
35. Enumerate significance of etiquette in our life?

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