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Ht. Of person is equal to the width of person open arms.

Staircase should be clockwise so that person can use right side handrail.
Door washroom -800 and room 1050 mm.
Min sixe of habitable room is 3x3 m.
Kitchen slab depth-600 mm.
Water closet-500x700., HT.400 mm, c/c 450 (in cubicle) c/c 400 (in washroom
7. Min cubicle size=1500x900 mm.
8. Wash basin-400x500 HT.850 mm
9. Indian water closet- 550x750 foot rest 150 mm
10. Urinal 400x400 mm c/c distance 700
11. Bath tub -800x1700mm
12. Shower space-900x900 mm activity space 100x900 mm
13. 1 inch=25.4 mm
14. I feet= 304.8 mm
15. 1 inch=0.083 foot
16. Wheelchair size=1075x630 mm
17. Dresser width 600 mm
18. Sofa width -850 mm 3 setter sofa 1850X850 MM
19. Bedside table -450x400 mm
20. Car parking space is 3x6m but in group its 2.75x5 garage 2700x6000 mm
21. Handicapped toilet min size-1500x1750 mm
1000mm wide door opening outward with latch at distance of 900 to
1100 mm
W.C HT. 450mm
Mirror ht-900 mm
Wash basin ht 750mm
W.c size-400x750 c/c 500 mm
Grab bars: there should be slip resistant and have a min. clear space of
40 mm form the wall and be installed at the height of 800mm to 900 mm
The water closet grab bars should be mounted at ht between 280 mm to
300 mm from the closet
Dimension of washbasin 520mmx410mm should be used
Min. distance between the centreline of the fixture and side wall is
recommended to be 460 mm
Urinals should gave a min. clear space of 750 mm by 1200 mm
There should be no steps in front of the urinal

There should be no grab bars

The privacy shield should allow a clear width of 759 mm and should not
extend beyond front edge of urinal
It should preferably be of wall hung type with rim not more than 430 mm
from the floor

1. Sun does not rises its stable ,the earth rotation is from west-east thus wind
also moves from west to east but to corolosis effect ,the wind changes its
direction to s-w.
2. But since the Earth does rotate, the Coriolis force deflects these winds to the
right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.
3. Cymk means cyan yellow magenta and key (black).
4. RGB is used mainly in displays while CMYK is used in printing, each
specialized to the media they use.
5. Both doc and docx are word file formats, but doc is a format that was a part of
Office 2003 and earlier, whereas docx is a newer format that is there with
Office 2007 and Office 2010.
6. Joint Photographic Experts Group (jpeg) is a standard method of
compressing graphic images.
7. VIRUS-vital information resource under seize.

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