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In thie ofd world during the time of times forgot there laid the great city of Mordheig This damned tity lay atop-a rare ore known as Warpstone, its magieal qualities thrusting it into darkness. Many raiding parties would trayel io this abysmal collection of erowked (owes dnd crumbling srutires insearch ofits Warpstone deposits for W ype 8 edie... 1 During the End of Tines this grand city of corruption was held ina slate of suspended animatio, protécted from the universes de- ‘struction by the ores magical qualities. Suddenly in the realm of light, this desolate place rises from the sea ripe forthe picking! In Age of Mordheim you will take command of a Warband on the hunt for the rarest of ores, Warpstone. The game will usg thé same rules as Age of Sigmar but wit afew exceptions as noted bellow. Warband Creation. Your Warband is a small party of elite fighters sent by your chosen race to retrieve as much Warpstone as you can carry not matter the odds! Its kill or be killed in this cesspit of a city so pick weil! ‘A Warband should te around 20 models large and be made up of the following. 2-5 warscrolls - (no minimum unit size) Pi 1+ hero ‘Some Warbands may be larger than this, some may be smaller. As long as both you and your opponent agree the sdes are fair before the game kicks off then all's good! It's a good idea to have a few extra Grunts (more on Grunts later) 0 add in if needed. It’s also a good idea to expect to sit a few Grunts out in the interest of fairness and good sportsman- ship. After this the next step is to assign roles to your Warband. These are as follows. Leader — One model with the Hero key word must be elected as your Leader. He wil follow the same rules as a Gen- eral in Age of Sigmar. Captains - Any model that has the Hero key word and is not your leader is a Captan. Furthermore, any model that is upgraded as a leader of a warscroll (not the musician or banner bearer) is also a Captain. Grunts — Everyone else. I's a good idea to have a few spare to equal up Warbands from time to time. Fighting on the streets of Mordheim. Fighting down narrow streets while trying to pull chunks of Warpstone from wreckage is no mean feat and nothing like going toe to toe with someone on the battlefield. Learn how to use this decrepit maze to your advantage. Don't allow it become your tomb! The following rules are designed to run alongside, and in some cases override, the normal Age of Sigmar rules. AS always if faced with ambiguity do whatever would be most awesome! Every Man for Himself — After you have created your Warband every model counts as his/heriits own unit. From this point on all rules that effect a unit effect your Warbands members individually instead! (magic Null Area - Due to the Warpstones magical qualities a lot of wizards and sorcerers struggle fo summon Ihing evergles tough ts protecve aura, No summoning alowed Btjng, the Beast Down! — if ycu find yourself pitted against a Warband that brought a key word “Monster” to the fight ‘and you'didn't don't panic! Your men are hardened fighters trained to use this city against the beast, For every one ‘“;ehemy monster more than you have select 3 of your models (no War Engines! Monsters) in the first turn before the Hero ows. ree. 8 “Engine Hunter —If you find yourself pitted against a Warband that bought a key word "War Engine" to the fight and "4", YoU didn't don't panic! Your men are hardened fighters trained to use this city against the device. For every one enemy .War Engine more then you have select 3 of your models (no War Engines! Monsters) in the first tun before the Hero Fire eee re wl ae nel eta Oe ee | 1A Down! — At the’end ofthe combat phase models that are within 6” ofa slain friendly model must take a Batle- hack lest +1 fo thie dice rol for every friendly model within 6” that has been slain, +1 to the braveryof the model for lin friendly model wit 6 Ifthe model fits then it les off the table ‘ Warpstone Warpstone is the rarest of all ores. With it comes huge amounts of magical radiatiog with un-tapped potential. Just being in its presence is enough to feel its effects change your body and mind... but its effe in bé Jess then welcoming. During games of Ag2 of Mordheim itis your Warbands mission to retrieve as much Warpstone as you can and bringit back to your realm to help your race in the fight for survival. Alongside any scenario objectives your Warband has it must search for the ore in the wreckages of the city. Warpstone will be spent on upgrading your Leader and his Cap- tains with new abilitiss as the magical radiation takes hold! choosing your Scenario and setting up buildings roll 306 and make a note of the number. This is how much Warp- tofle there is in this area. When this amount has been located by you and your opponent (see below) then there is no more to hunt for. ‘Searching — A model can sacrifize its Hero, Shooting and Combat phase to search a building within 1”. They cannot search if they are within 3” of an enemy. Roll a D6. On a 5+ a chunk of Warpstone is ‘ound! If that model didn’t move it gets +1 to its rol. ‘That Was Awesome! — During the game you can award your opponent up to 3 chunks Warpstone for doing fantas- tic, fluffy, cinematic things in game. To do so, award it to them then and then tell the staff member what they did and that you're giving them a chunk. These chunks do not interfere with the amount you rolled for at the start of the game or your stockpile, How Much is This Chunk Worth? - After a game you Warband have to sort out the Warpstone they have col- lected and Break it down in to manageable sizes called shards. For each chunk you found roll on the table below to de- termine how many shards you get. 4=0 Shards 2-5=1 Shards 2 Shards Upgrading Your Warband As your mission pulls you deeper and deeper into the dark city your men start to lose their humanity in search of this 4 magical ore. With every win and every trip to the stockpile the rocks strange properties begin to alter the party in new , ‘and exciting ways...excitement can soon turn to terror! For every 10 Warpstone Shards your Warband have you may make a roll on the General Table below and assign the result to your Warbands Leader or a Captain. These are accumulative. Make a note cf who gets what upgrade on ycur Warband sheet. General Table now no Fear- +1 toBravery Inoreased Speed - +2 movement fougher Hide - +1 wound = Fury +1 Attack (close combat) {20x - Choose ffom above and rll again but ths time, E> Preleraed Exposure Roll DE onthe Abily Table ‘Or'spend 30 Warpsione shards to roll 206 on the Ability Table below and assign the results as mentioned above. fq? Ability Tabi erdbatios ~ This madel can now ty ‘HelgofLeedershio This mode! can now use ts Command abity even i's not your leader . "3. Lunging Advance ~ This mode! may now pile m 6 towares any enemy. Hawk Bye ~ When Srooting a missie weapon from cover in a turn tvs mode has not moved add +1 t allt it ce ral = RAGE Every successtu to itll generates another attack. These do not generate more attacks 16 fapod Lust Every uisaved wound caused generates +1 atackin the next comb phase £7 Sland and Shoot wien an enemy mekes charge agains! ths model it may make a shooting altack wth any missio weapons ithas, wl hiton ‘5+ tit no melee alowed. is damage ie ediced 101 ‘Opbortunié When an enemy model fas to charge tis model and this model snot within of another enemy tan perform a charge ack Ft “$8 puccesstl i gets +1 on alo ht and to wound ols 95 Alterd Aliance —Ths model may add any one Key Word tos warsrol RM es cack ebuserin mail fewtees $e exbegensenesta eae 2 big sip dan coping Tole model may ue one mage pover a tun, Kinews te ercane bl and mye hid POWETS, $3225 tanto o Grot.—Fromnow on this modelhes haf ts movement. hitand io wound fo a minirum of6= |

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