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Love Calculator Unique Love Calculator. Find out your love compatibility by birthday and name. Numerology, ast rology, destiny card s. Love Cards.

How Compatible Are You?

Monika Dhankhar & Ankur Lathw al
- Choose from list -

Your Name
Monika Dhankh

Date of Birth



Ankur Lathw al

Your Partner's Name

Ankur Lathw a

Date of Birth




Total Connections Found: 24

Monika Dhankhar: September 19, 1992
Monika Dhankhar
Commitment Index: 1.5
20% Complete (success)


Birth Card


Karma Card

Karma Cousin

Ankur Lathwal: January 31, 1992

Ankur Lathwal
Commitment Index: 4.2
40% Complete (success)


Birth Card


Karma Card

Karma Cousin

We Found Very Special Connections!
Can you have secure, loving, committed relationship you've
always dreamed about with Ankur?
We found strong indicators of long-term relationship, and this ensures that with Ankur you can
experience the deepest and most tender love possible in this lifetime. When you meet someone
with whom you share this type of connections you feel an immediate feeling of likeness and
emotional comfort.

The Role Of Emotional Intimacy In Relationship

In our closest relationships, we seek safety, acceptance of who we are, and the status of being
valued by another person. Safety includes being safe from betrayal and intentional harm. We
depend on honesty, commitment and discretion from others to maintain our sense of
interpersonal safety. "Acceptance" means freedom from being judged as bad, worthless, or
incompetent. We know we are valued when another knows the particular character of our lives
and then finds us desirable or important to them.

How Organic Is You Match?

When you have long-term connections it is vital to know your roles in this relationship. Even the
gender roles have slightly changed in the last century, we expect men to take care of their wives
and children. Originally, men are designed to provide for their families. Most women like to see
mature, responsible spouse who is able to lead and to make major decisions.
There are, of course, situations when a woman is highly independent and don't mind to take a full
charge of her family, and if her husband is ready to play supportive, more feminine role, providing
safe harbor and an emotional support, you can count on successful outcome.

Why Do You Need To Know?

Once you are committed to relationship with long-term connections, you can't change the
direction of your leadership. If one of you starts to resist either the role of a provider or a
supporter, the relationship tend to fall apart. Being aware of your leadership direction is vital for
happy and satisfying marriage.

Delux Compatibility Report

So Much Information in One Report!

Compatibility Chart - Harmony, Intensity, Beneficence, Challenges, Illusions, Family,

Special Connections

Long-term Relationship Indicators (if any)

Unique Analysis Based On Two Systems - Not Just One

Planetary Energy Flow between you and your partner

Attraction, Intensity, Compatibility Indexes

Psychological Portraits - How It Feels, Why You Do Things

Past Life Connections Revealed

Your Partner Motivations - Please, Understand Me

Numerological Compatibility By Birthday - Life Path, Karmic Numbers, Attitudes

Numerological Compatibility By Name - Expression, Soul Numbers, Personality, Family


Timeline Compatibility - Attitudes and Life Purpose Changes Side by Side

What Is Your Attraction?

Attraction index: 3.15
Attraction index tells how much attraction you experience in your communications. There are
some birthdays that have negative Attraction index between them, but this is rather peculiar from
a scientific view, because those people will rarely or never meet each other. Most relations are
based on mutual attraction of some kind.

Ankur Lathwal's Personality Traits

Ankur Lathwal
What Is the Nine of Clubs Birth Card Mean?

The Nine of Clubs people are warm and friendly with a keen sense of responsibility. They keep
promises and pay debts. They are adventurers. They are willing to take a chance for the
satisfaction of curiosity or interest. Their intellectual gift, quick-mind and originality allow them to
create solutions to problems that others consider unsolvable. They have a genius for thinking in
broad terms and may take it to extremes and produce fruits of benefit for the whole humanity.
Emotional balance is important for them. They need stability to control their dynamic energy and
achieve success. The less they express through their personality, the surer their

You Share Your Card With

Rhea Perlman

Laura Smet

Uma Thurman

When you first see your Birth Card you may believe that the number and the suit is all that
matter. But in the system you have a lot more cards to consider. It totals up to 15 cards for most
birthdays, and the combination of your cards is more important than a single Birth Card itself. For
example, the Two of Hearts people are often more successful than the Queen of Diamonds, and
that is for multiple reasons. To understand life patterns and personal characteristics of a person,
there are numerical, symbolical and planetary influences to be researched on two entirely
different levels. The system is pretty complicated than it seems at first, but the practical outcome
is proven to be more accurate than any other method of classifications and distinctions.
Results are truly astonishing from the practical standpoint, specifically when we are looking at the
area of relationships. This is why a slogan - "You will not find anything like this - anywhere, at
anytime..." is not some promotional campaign you hear everywhere all the time, but even the
less impressive way to say it. People who experienced results and know for a fact how valuable
the system is, have stopped looking into other methods a while ago.

Do you truly want to know all that is about you and your partner?

Are you ready to find out?

If you are, this is the only one source that can give you what
you truly desire.
Find Out Your Intensity Relationship Index!
Intensity Score represents challenges and excitements in relationships. Further investigation of
links between two of you tells exactly what areas of your life are affected. It might be associated
with an intense sexual life, desire to dominate one another, criticism or deep contradictions in
beliefs and life styles. It might come as a surprise to have long-term relationships with high
Intensity index, but it is true in some cases.
People who have more than 15 links found between them, have their Compatibility Score higher
than someone with 5 connections or less. These indexes are interesting mostly from a step point
of their relatedness. Relationships with higher Attraction and lower Intensity scores have more
chances to last long and bring positive energy and mutual understanding into your life. The
prevalence of intense links between people usually leads to break-ups and challenging
experiences. If you research your personal relationships in depth, you will discover your very own
Compatibility scores that feel most comfortable with you.

Negative Minus Positive = Compatibility?

Not Necessarily! Relationships are not defined just by amount of love, emotional intimacy and
sexual attraction as we may believe at first. There are factors that are crucial for successful
and lasting marriage. They include:
Honesty - Being honest and not lying is crucial to a good relationship. Even "white lies" are not
healthy for a good relationship.
Respect - A healthy relationship has a key element of mutual respect for one another. Its okay to
disagree but you must respect each others opinions and differences.
Dependability - It is important to have dependability in a relationship. Having a partner that is
dependable and reliable will give you a great sense of security within the relationship. When
times are tough and you hit rocky patches in your life it is important to know that somebody will
be there for you.
Trust - If you can't trust your partner, than there's a problem. You know you're in a good
relationship when you don't worry about your partner cheating on you. Those thought aren't on
your mind at all. You never worry when your partner is working late. If you find that you're
becoming suspicious of your partner, than that's not a good sign.

Can You Trust Each Other?

There Are Five Possible Scenarios Of Relationships.

Which One Is Yours?
Possible Scenario #1 (Excellent)
Attraction index: 2.71
Intensity index: 0.72
Compatibility: 3.14

Possible Scenario #2 (Good)

Attraction index: 4.52
Intensity index: 1.6
Compatibility: 2.54

Possible Scenario #3 (Medium)

Attraction index: 3.56

Intensity index: 2.73
Compatibility: 1.5

Possible Scenario #4 (Intense)

Attraction index: 2.2
Intensity index: 3.56
Compatibility: 0.5

Possible Scenario #5 (Worst)

Attraction index: 0.84
Intensity index: 4.96
Compatibility: -2.99

What Are Your Chances To Have An Excellent Relationship?

We Have Calculated All Possible Combinations For You!










Some people have only 3 EXCELLENT options!

Some people have as many as 60 WORST options!

What Are Ankur Lathwal Chances?









Don't Wait! Get A Clear Picture Of Your Relationship Now!

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Only If Your Are Seriously In Love

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It Sounds Great, But How Do You Know If Your Results Are

When you open your report, you will find the whole set of information.

Don't You Get Frustrated With All Those Long Lists Of

Connections and Descriptions That Make No Sense at ALL?
This is what I find really confusing about most reports online. To understand all these multiple
often contradicting each other paragraphs, you always need a "translator" to help you figure out
what's that mean. This is a reason I have built our reports in a certain way, using pictures and
graphical icons so you can visualize results. It really helps to receive an answer to your

Sample Compatibility Chart

Frank Sinatra Marriages - Check Compatibility Charts!

Your Relationship Chart contains the most vital pieces of information about your and your
partner relationships. Behind this chart there are thousands of calculations made based on the
ancient system of cards and their meanings and relations to each other. 52 cards in the deck
represent the calendar year (52 weeks, 364 days plus 1/4). Each day has its own card and a
ruler. All birthdays, except some "irregular" birthdays also have the pair of karmic cards. This
unique system is able to tell you exact information about your relationships - things you are not
able to see when you first meet someone.
Each graph in Relationship Chart has a detailed explanation and when you open your full report
you can read and learn a lot of things about how you two click together.

He Loves Me Not?
Does he keep looking at you when you are around? Does he take an interest in your daily life?
Does he remember all small things you've said? There are thousand of questions you can ask
yourself to figure, if he loves you or not. But can you know for sure? Even when he says so, how
do you know if this going to be a "long-term"? Some people stay together for years to find out it's
over. But what if you'll know for sure how your relations will progress?

How Do You Know If You Are Marrying The Right Person?

You might think your found Mr. or Mrs. Right, but you may have doubts. Most of us agree that the
"magic" formula of love contains such elements as attraction, emotional support, sex, goals,
values, trust and honesty. Checking this list is helpful, but how do you know, if those elements
will persist in the future? How can you predict the marriage's success?
Now using this amazing system you can!


For Love or Money? Tough Call?

Money can't buy you love - and love won't always bring you money, either. But marrying
someone who doesn't share your goals and values, does not create successful long-term
relationships. And, of course, our goals and values are built upon our social status, our family
traditions and beliefs. Our ancestors knew it very well. In most of western history, marriage was
not a mere personal matter concerning only husband and wife, but rather the business of their
two families which brought them together. In Early Modern Britain, the social status of the couple
was supposed to be equal. The Roman institution of marriage has been lauded as being the first
purely humanistic law of marriage, one that is based on the idea of marriage being a free and
freely dissolvable union of two equal partners for life.
There are indicators in the system that finds out if your relationships are beneficial, and if so, who

is beneficiary and who is benefactor. This works, of course, if the social status of partners is
equal. For ancient astrologers and priests, the mutual beneficence links played the most
important role in choosing the perfect match.

"So Much Valuable Information In A Very Easy Step-by-Step

I found out about the destiny cards a while ago and found it very amusing. But I didn't have a
clue there is such an easy way to chart relationships! Why people act with us in a certain way.
Why are they mad at you and why are you mad at them!
It is also very nice to know that me and my husband, Jack, were meant for each other. We have
mutual beneficent connection on our report, and also long-term relationships indicators. Even
after 20 years of marriage, you never know, right?
My son performed the whole school experiment on his own and discovered some interesting
facts about his friends and teachers. He is 16 and he is totally excited to get insights of his
interpersonal relations and especially, in an area of leadership. This system helped him to
realize, that there is "nothing personal" when someone is competing and arguing, when someone
gets angry and frustrated with you in life. Good idea for a teen!
My family relations improved so much since I understood how important we are to each other,
how we relate to each other and what role am I personally playing in everyone's life. My friends,
my enemies, my first love. I don't have to twist my fingers anymore and believe some relations
will work just fine. I don't want to spend my time with people who are potentially critical of me.
Now I need to know birth dates.
Very happy and satisfied,
Jessica R, CA

Why Is He So Critical Of Me?

"He seems to always criticize things or be negative about like everything!! Why is he so
negative? How do I stop this? And are all guys like this?"
You can run his shoulder. You can become the most positive person in the world. You can ask
him to stop. Would you like to know if there is a reason why he is so critical?

Is He The One?
Find out if he is Mr. Right or something to forget about!

Is He More Than Just a Friend?

You've been friends since school, but something tells you it might be more. Maybe you have
some special link to this person? May be he is the One?


Why Is He So Difficult To Commit?

Some people are "good for commitments", and some are just born to be free. And some people
do not want to commit because there are not in love with their partners. How do you find out an
answer? What if you both are difficult to commit in a same degree?

The Chemistry Is There, But Relations Are Not?

Check your birthdays. Maybe he is just not available? Maybe he has a girlfriend? But maybe
there is no significant connection between two of you whatsoever? You can be attracted to a guy,
but is he attracted to you in a same way?

Are You Safe With Him?

We can stay in bad relationships. We can find ourselves in abusive relationships. While others
tells you what to do, why don't you find out for yourself? Dominating relationships aren't new to
this world. And there is always a reason, why this is happening to women. You can't stop it, until
you understand what causing it for you.

"I Haven't Seen Anything Like This - Anywhere!..."

Hey guys,
I want to say thank you! I was ready to start-up a new business with one friend of mine, but I had
some doubts about him. Thanks God, my girlfriend showed me your site. In a process of
checking up all my connections, I realized that John had the same exact card as my previous
partner, who ripped me off two year ago.
I am not into mystic things. But when you get something so valuable - I'll use it on a heartbeat.
Who can afford to have wrong type of people in his business? Now, when I'm getting use to an
idea, I am planning to use it more practically, in hiring new employees, choosing business
partners. It really works! I spent many hours and created the full list of people I knew in my life to
make sure how accurate this system is, and more I learn, more I amazed by its preciseness.

Good Job!
Best regards,
Robert J, NY

Which Wheel Spins Faster?

Optical illusions come from back in 350 B.C. with Aristotle. For the past 200 years, researchers
have debated whether the illusion of motion in a static image is caused by mechanisms in the
eye, in the brain, or by a combination of both. But recently, a team of researchers from the
Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix, Arizona, and the University of Vigo in Vigo, ruled out
the hypothesis that the Enigma illusion originates solely in the brain. You know that wheels are
not moving? (they aren't, we promise you.) Susana Martinez-Conde, Director of the Laboratory of
Visual Neuroscience at the Barrow Neurological Institute, says that "Visual illusions are defined
by the dissociation between physical reality and subjective perception of an object or event."
It may nothing to do with human interactions, but who didn't experience the above dissociation
between perception and reality when it comes to love? In love, we often see something in other
person when it is not there, or fail to see something that is there. We may dream to live in this
illusion forever, not for a while. How can we say if we experience an illusion, or the person we
love is real?
In the world of expressions, impressions are the part of life. We express ourselves by impressing
others, and so they are. When our perception is influenced by emotional illusions, our brain
produces waves of higher frequency. At the time the brain enters the higher Beta range (20 Hz or
higher), our reactions become hectic and irrational. Not a good time to make serious decisions of
a life-time, don't you think? Choosing a right partner is the one of highly sensitive moments in life.

By understanding the power of impressions, we become able to separate reality from illusion,
clear thinking from confusion, true love from short encounters.

If you are the one of those special kind of people endowed

with developed intuition, active imagination and a strong
desire to see things others can't, Unlock This Report Now!
If your intentions are to create long-lasting meaningful relationship with someone real and
true Start Today!

Is He What He's Saying?

When you first meet a guy he can make you feel special and loved. He gives you flowers and
tells he will be always in love with you. Would he'll be the same person a year later? They say,
you can live with a person for many years and not know who they really are. There is also
saying, that you can find each other true colors when you break up. Do you really want to wait
that long to find out?
When you first meet, there is a rule that works for any man. Of course, he wants to be in his best.
He will be nice, loving, witty, unwired, or serious - almost any way he believes will melt the ice of
your heart. But what you see, in most cases is not what you get.
Today, he is the nicest guy in the world. But is he able to hold on his responsibilities in the future?
Would he be willing to support you financially? Can he understand your goals and share your
dreams? At a start, you can be highly attracted to each other, but later on this attraction can turn
into fights and irritation. Sometimes you'll never be able to see any of his faults, and sometimes
you'll not be able to accept a lot of things he does in life. Relationships can turn to be very
comforting, or a total nightmare. And you'll be asking yourself: "How did it happen? We were just
so great together!" But in truth, the picture we get from a start is far from reality. Hopefully not
"way too far".
Of course, there are some guys, who never change their ways. They are truly one of a kind. They
have no need to prove their manhood to anyone. There are others, who will never "grow up". But
mostly, men are unconsciously playing a game every time they fall in love. They can't avoid it.
You could never predict it.

Except now you can.


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