Meeting With Bill Fellow, Project Engineer 6-17-2010 Riverside Reconstruction Project

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Meeting with Bill Fellow, Project Engineer 6-17-2010

Riverside Reconstruction Project

In attendance: (members of the Franklin Planning Implementation Committee)

Bruce Johansen (Redesign Board, resident), Joe Buck (SCCA Board, resident, business
owner), Steve Clark (TLC), Robin Garwood (councilmember Gordon’s office), Sean
Doyle (General Manager, Seward Co-op, resident), Katya Pilling (Redesign and SCCA
Staff), Jim Welna (SCCA Board, business owner).

Bill presented plans that are around 25% complete for the proposed reconstruction project of
Riverside Avenue from Cedar to Franklin. The City expects to have plans complete later
summer with construction planned for 2012-2011.

The project is anticipated at $12 million and includes bike lanes, improvements to the pedestrian
environment, and stormwater initiatives. A copy of the plans can be viewed at Redesign or
Seward Towers East 9Advantage Center).

Comments and discussion:

 Schedule – the community feels strongly that a 2-year construction process is onerous
and has negative impacts on the immediate and surrounding businesses and residents.
We strongly encourage the City to implement a 1-year construction schedule.
 Proposed changes near Franklin:
o Willingness to create opportunity to add a left turn from east bound Franklin to
NW bound Riverside, to create interstate access.
o Proposed boulevard along a portion of the north curb of Riverside eliminating
street parking. Committee expressed concerns about the loss of parking and
urged the City to eliminate boulevard to keep parking.
o Creating dedicated R turn lane from South bound Riverside onto west bound
Franklin. Discussions about changes to create dedicated L-turn and dedicated
straight (to 29th) as well, in order to create more certainty for bikes traveling
through the intersection. In order to keep the distance as short as possible for
pedestrians crossing Riverside on the north side of Franklin, discussed adding a
bump out on the northeast corner; this could also reduce the speed of autos
turning right from Franklin westbound onto Riverside.
o Discussion of creating a mid-crossing refuge island in the middle of Riverside
when crossing on the south side of 9th St S.
 Bike Lanes – proposed plan has bike lanes on both sides of Riverside between Franklin
and 20th Avenue; no bike lanes on Riverside for 2 blocks between 20th and Cedar. City
staff expressed that there are alternative routes for bikes through that area and that
engineers have concerns about bike presence in an area with higher than normal crash
rates. The committee expressed strong concerns about bike lanes not persisting through
the intersection. Katya referred to the values expressed in the Franklin Vision
( citing biking and walking as primary modes of
transportation. This takes place in the Cedar-Riverside neighborhood, but connects to
Seward, so we will continue to discuss this issue with our neighbors.

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