Glossary: Essay:The New Presidents of Bulgaria and Moldova Are Less Pro-Russian Than Advertised

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State University of Moldova

Economic Sciences Faculty

Department of Finance and

Essay:The new presidents of
Bulgaria and
Moldova are less
pro-Russian than advertised

Checked:Ciudin Galina
: Rusnac Ion

1.ADVISE- A CONSULTA- 1. To offer advice to; counsel: advised him to study abroad;
advised that we should reconsider the idea.
2. To recommend; suggest: advised patience.
2.ASSET ACTIV- something belonging to an individual or business that has value or
the power to earn money;
3. BANK- BANC- A bank is a financial institution and a financial intermediary that
accepts deposits and channels those deposits into lending activities, either directly by
loaning or indirectly through capital markets.
4.BENEFIT-AJUTOR, AVANTAJ- ability to satisfy needs and wants with respect to
production, distribution, andconsumption of goods and service
5.BANKRUPT- FALIMENTAR- unable to pay your debts;
6.BRAND CALITATE, CLAS- a. A trademark or distinctive name identifying a
product, service, or organization.
7-BUDGET-BUGET- A systematic plan for the expenditure of a usually fixed resource,
such as money or time, during a given period
8.BUSINESS- AFACERE- 1. The activity of buying and selling commodities, products, or
services 2. The amount or volume of this activity
9.CAMPAIGN- CAMPANIE- planned operation which aims to achieve a particular
10.CONSUMER- CONSUMATOR- a person who buys products and/or services;






of consumers' desire for a product or service.

12.COST- COST- the price paid for something.
13.CONTRACT- CONTRACT- a document setting out an agreement between two or
more parties.
14.CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) CURRICULUM VITAE- document that gives details of
a persons experience and qualifications.
15.DATABASE-BAZ DE DATE- a usually large collection of data organized especially
for rapid search and retrieval (as by a computer)

16.DEADLINE-LIMIT- A time limit, as for payment of a debt or completion of an

17.DEMAND-CERCETARE/AVIZ- an act of demanding or asking especially with
authority <a demand for obedience>b : something claimed as due
18. DELEGATE-DELEGAT- A person authorized to act as representative for another; a
deputy or agent. 2. A representative to a conference or convention.
19.EMAIL-EMAIL- A system for sending and receiving messages electronically over a
computer network. 2. A message or messages sent or received by such a system.
20.ENTREPRENEUR-ANTERPRENOR- A person who organizes, operates, and
assumes the risk for a business venture.
21.FINANCE-FINANE- 1. The management of money, banking, investments, and
credit. 2. finances Monetary resources
22.INCREMENT-ADAOS, CRETERE- The process of increasing in number, size,
quantity, or extent. 2. Something added or gained
23.INTERVIEW-INTERVIU- A formal meeting in person, especially one arranged for
the assessment of the qualifications of an applicant..
24.LAVISH-GENEROS/EXAGERAT- 1. Characterized by or produced with extravagance
and profusion: a lavish buffet.2. Immoderate in giving or bestowing
25.LOGO-LOGOU- A symbol or design that identifies a brand.
26.LAYOFF-CONCEDIERE, OMAJ- The act of suspending or dismissing an employee,
as for lack of work or because of corporate reorganization.
27.MARKETING- COMERCEALIZARE- the process of identifying the goods and
services that consumers need and want and providing those goods and services at the
right price, place and time.
28.MARKETING MIX- COMBINATIE DE FACTORI PRIVIND COMERCEALIZAREAthe four different components of marketing: place, price, product, promotion.
29.MOTIVATE- A MOTIVA- make someone willing to work harder.
30.NEGOTIATION-NEGOCIERE- The act or process of negotiating: successful
negotiation of a contract;2. The transfer of a negotiable instrument
31.NEUROTIC-NEVROZ- Of, relating to, or affected with a neurosis. No longer used in
psychiatric diagnosis
32.NON- PROFIT BUSINESS- afacere contra profit- an organization that operates es if
it were a business but does not seek a profit.
33.OUTSOURCE-A EXTERNALIZA- to procure (as some goods or services needed by a
business or organization) under contract with an outside supplier

34.PARTNER-ASOCIAT- a : one associated with another especially in an

action : associate, colleague b : either of two persons who dance together
35.PROFIT-CTIG/PROFIT- Financial gain from a transaction or from a period of
investment or business activity, usually calculated as income in excess of costs or as the
final value of an asset in excess of its initial value.
36.PROMOTION-PROMOVARE- The act of promoting someone to a higher job, grade,
or rank, or the fact of being so promoted.
37.PENSION-PENSIE- sum of money paid regularly as a retirement benefit or by way of
38.QUALIFICATION-CALIFICARE- The act of qualifying or the condition of being
qualified 2. A quality, ability, or accomplishment that makes a person suitable for a
particular position or task.
38.RESULT-REZULTAT- to proceed or arise as a consequence, effect, or conclusion
40.RESOURCE-RESURSE- Something that is available for use or that can be used for
support or help
41.SALARY-SALARIU- Fixed compensation for services, paid to a person on a regular
42.STAFF-CADRE- A group of assistants to a manager, executive, or other person in
43.SURPLUS-SURPLUS/PREA MULT- Being more than or in excess of what is needed
or required: surplus grain. 2 An amount or quantity in excess of what is needed.
44.SUPPLY-FURNIZARE- To provide something necessary or desired to; furnish or
45.UNION-SINDICATE- A combination so formed, especially an alliance or
confederation of people, parties, or political entities for mutual interest or benefit.
46.WORKAHOLIC-OBSEDAT DE MUNCOne who has a compulsive and unrelenting need to work.
47.WAGE-PLAT- A regular payment, usually on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis,
made by an employer to an employee, especially for manual or unskilled work.
48.TRADE UNION-SINDICAT- an organization that exists to protect the rights of
employees in a company.
49.WHITE COLLAR FUNCIONAR- employees who work in offices.
50.WHOLESALE- ANGRO- selling large quantities of goods.

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