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1. What kind of Character is Mathilde?

2. What kind of Character is Mr. Loisel?
3. What kind of Character is Mme. Forestier?
The Static character of Mr. Loisel is he is only a minor character, and
Maupassant does not bother much about developing him. She needed to be
escorted and needed invitation. Also, there was no way that Mathilde
coulod ever pay for the replacement diamond necklace herself. And the
dynamic character of Mr. Loisel is he appreciates the little things. He also
seems devoted to his wife. After all, he goes to all that trouble to get her the
invitation to a fancy party, which he couldn't care less about himself (he
sleeps through it). He sacrifices the hunting rifle he's spent months saving
up for so Mathilde can buy a dress for the ball. And when she loses the
necklace, he's the one who goes all over the city searching for it.
The dynamic character of Mathilde is it undergoes change over the
course of a story. Readers can see the dramatic change that takes place in
Mathilde through the narrative provided about her at the end of the story.
The static character of Mathilde because It's not clear what he could do to
make Mathilde happier, short of divorcing her (which would probably
make her worse off), or somehow miraculously getting rich.
The static character of Mme. Forestier is she is a flat character given
the author does not provide much information about her at all. The
dynamic character of Mme. Forestier he is considered a round character
because the author provides much information about her. In fact, the first
two paragraphs offer readers a very straightforward characterization of

1. What particular event in the authors life is related to the
story of the Necklace?
The particular event in the authors life that is related
to the story of the Necklace is Maupassant uses quite
a bit of imagery and symbolism throughout the short
tale, but perhaps the one that sticks out the most is of
course the necklace itself. If Mr. Loisel had been
honest about losing the necklace, then Mme.
Forestier would have hopefully told her the necklace
was a fake and only worth 500 francs versus the 40,
000 francs Mr. Loisel and her husband paid to have
it replaced.


1. How do you evaluate the 2 female characters of the story The

Necklace? Give your own justification.

- I can evaluate the 2 female characters of the story The

Necklace is Mme. Forestier wants expensive stuff. She suffered
intensely, feeling herself born for every delicacy and every
luxury She let her mind dwell on the quiet vestibules, hung
with Oriental tapestries, lighted by tall lamps of bronze, and on
the two tall footmen in knee breeches who dozed in the large
armchairs, made drowsy by the heat of the furnace. While
Mathilde is she is ungrateful, selfish, and greedy. No matter
what her poor, loving husband does for her to satisfy her and
make her happy, it just is never enough and she always wants
more. He sees that she is dissatisfied with lot in life. Although, it
should be noted that the Loisels are not poor. It's true they are
not rich, but they are by no means living in poverty. They are

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