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Sylhet International University

Shamimabad, Bagbari, Sylhet, Bangladesh

Assignment On
Business Research Case
Topic: A New Joe on the Block
Course Title: Business Research
Course Code: MIS-401
Submitted To:
Champak Kumar Bormon
Lecturer Department of BA
Sylhet international university
Submitted By:

S.L. N



Topic covered
Mention the part


Md. Yaqub Miah


Q. 2,3


Nehar Sarker


Q. 4,5


Jannat Nahar


Q. 1

Semester: 4th Year 1st Semester

Submitted Date: 20-12-2016

A NEW Joe On The Block

1. What are the top three key decisions faced by Joe?

a) The best location for the coffee shop:
Joe needs to find out the strategic location for the coffee shop. The location he chooses can effect
the profit achievement of the coffee shop.
b) Understanding what makes a coffee shop popular:
Joe needs to think a solution in how to do in order to make the coffee shop popular and maintain
the popularities. Maybe he needs to create something new and more contemporary by follow the
time being but still maintain the taste of coffee with the local preferences.
c) Know the consumption pattern in United States:
Provide coffee with the suitable taste of American by making black coffee with nothing added
and also no sugar added.

2. What are the deliverables that an outside researcher should produce to help
Joe with the key decision?
An outside researcher should produce in order to help Joe in decision making by providing
additional information. a) The location: Joe needs to know the strategic location for the coffee
shop he wants to build up by looking the surrounding market like, how many competitors in the
market, how far his coffee shop with the competitor, how the competitors run their business,
when people crowded the area and the location of the supplier. b) Popular coffee shop: Find the
consumer behavior and study more details about them and find out the benchmark for the coffee
shop to make people know the coffee shop. c) The consumption pattern: from the research he
made he noticed that people in the United States like the local taste of coffee and like the taste of
coffee served at the Starbuck.

3. How relevant are the coffee taste studies cited above? Explain.
The coffee taste studies cited are relevant because it helps Joe to get additional details of
information about the coffee shop and get the overall study about the market, consumer behavior
and also the competitors. a) Firstly, based on the surveyed for 100 consumers in front of the
small organics shop, it shows to use the behavior of coffee drinkers, the attributes of popular
coffee shops. It can be used as a research to provide something with their taste. b) Secondly, by
referring to the other studies made by an individual about the coffee taste preferences from
different locations. It is show to use about the consumer taste and perception of them to the
coffee shop in the area.

4. Would it be better for Joe to do the research himself or have a consultant

perform the work?
a). Personally, I think I would do the research myself, I wouldn't want anyone to try and take
credit for success if it were to become a successful business, and the results and hard work would
pay off and feel good after a while. It's best to find information out yourself rather than hiring
someone to receive it for you, and perhaps not find exactly what you are looking for with
someone else's help.

5. If a consultant comes in to do the job, what are the 3 key deliverables that
would likely be important to Joe in making a decision to launch the Cup of Joe
coffee shop?
a) The three deliverables Joe is looking from his hired consultant would be; which place would
be best for his coffee shop, what makes a coffee shop successful and which combination of price
and quality most people in that region like most.

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