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1. Describe differences between eastern and western massages.

Eastern Massage-Pressure, rocking, rolling and striking. Energy flow and balances
within body.

Western Massage-Effleurage or gliding, percussion or tapping, friction, vibration and

petrissage or kneading. Concepts of anatomy, pathology and physiology.

2. Name three massages and describe them (duration, how this treatment
affects the human body, etc.).
SPORTS MASSAGE-Is more intense than classical massage. Its goal is to improve
blood circulation in muscles and elasticity of connective tissue, to prevent injuries
Sports massage provides a regenerating, stabilizing and healing effect. Duration 6080 minute.
CHAIR MASSAGE- Was developed by David Palmer in 1986. Its simply a direct
massage of the muscle tissues to relieve stress and pain. Duration 15 -30 minute.
DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE- Based on classical Swedish massage . A deep-tissue
massage helps release toxins from muscles and get blood and oxygen circulating
properly. Duration 40 60 or 80 minute.

3. Name and describe important factors of hydrotherapy. What happens with

human body during hydrotherapy?
Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of diseas. heat is used to quiet and soothe the
body, and to slow down the activity of internal organs. Cold is used to stimulate and invigorate,
increasing internal activity within the body
The benefits of hydrotherapy include:

dramatically increasing the elimination of waste, thus assisting detoxification

loosening tense, tight muscles and encouraging relaxation

increasing the metabolic rate and digestion activity

hydrating the cells, improving skin and muscle tone

4. Name three hydrotherapies and describe them (duration, temperature, how

this treatment affects the human body, etc.).
FULL IMMERSION BATH -Use of bath truffles lot of different recipes rejuvenate,
softens, hydrate and nourish the dry skin. Natural herbs will relax and calm your
mind and body. One of the simplest forms of hydrotherapy. Depending on the
temperature of the water, these baths are called neutral or cold, cool, and hot.
OXYGEN BATH Its effect is soothing. Its use is in the treatment of hypertension,
advanced cardiac disease, nervous irritability, and insomnia. duration of the bath

should be 10-20 minutes. h the temperature of the water should be held between
32C and 35C.
VITAMIN BATH A bath with citrus fruits extract and a bath with tropical fruits
extract. The duration of treatment is 20 minutes Citrus fruits act as natural antioxidants that stimulate blood circulation and protect and strengthen capillary walls.
The tropical fruits extract moistens and nourishes the skin and stimulates the body.

5. What happens with human body during thermotherapy?

heat increases skin and joint temperature, improves blood circulation and muscle relaxation and
decreases joint stiffness

6. Name three thermotherapies and describe them (duration, temperature, how

this treatment affects the human body, etc.).
PARAFFIN THERAPY- Has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on chronic
illnesses. As a result of heat, capillaries extend, supplementary capillaries open,
blood and lymph circulation becomes more intense. The procedure lasts for 15 min.
STEAM SAUNA- temperature is 4248C, moisture 60-100%. Improved blood
supply and an increased metabolic rate also produce better skin complexion. Steam
cleanses the skin the largest organ in the human body
FINNISH SAUNA- The temperature of the environment is 85C 105C with lower
humidity (10%).A 15 minutes stay is recommended. Effect: relaxing, regenerative,
strengthens your immunity, overall physical and mental relief. Makes an immune
system resistant against various infection diseases.

What kind of effects has mud or peat therapy? How mud treatment affects the
human body?
Mud therapy: cures chronic inflammation relieves pain has a biostimulating effect
(accelerates metabolism and cell renewal) removes excess liquids from your body.
it effects on your body
At the result of mud treatment procedures:
pulse rate rises
breathing becomes faster
blood circulation improves.

7. Name three kinesitherapies and describe them (duration, how this treatment
affects the human body, c.).
MORNING EXERCISES_ Composed of easy exercises and is suitable for everyone._ The
purpose is to awaken the whole organism, gain apleasant feeling. Duration: 15 min

WATER RUNNING-accelerates metabolism, increases the strength of muscles improves the

cardiovascular activity , duration 30 minute

GYMNASTICS - Accelerates healing processes Restores the ability to work 30 45 minute

8. Short description of macronutrients and their role in human body.

Proteins are fundamental elements of build of all tissues of human's body and of
many compounds such as: enzymes, hormones, antibodies. proteins participate in
detoxication of organism. proteins are basic ingredient of body liquids: blood,
lymph, milk.
Carbohydrates are the most common source of energy in the diet. carbohydrates
allow to economical balance of proteins and fats, carbohydrates (sugars) are the
cheapest and easiest accessible source of energy
Fats: Essential for proper nutrition. Fatty acids are the building blocks of fat and
come in three types: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Fats are
ingredient of cell membranes and constitute element of composition of many
hormones, cholesterol and important intracellular substances.

9. In your opinion what are the most required micronutrients and minerals and
why? Name five.
Micronutrients and minerals are essential for human's life compounds which ensure right
growth, reproduction and health within the whole period of lifetime calcium Potassium,

sodium Magnesium Vitamins A, C and E

10.Food Pyramid (Healthy Eating Pyramid) and MyPlate (Healthy Eating Plate)
similarities and differences.
Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, healthy oils, and healthy proteins like nuts,
beans, fish, and chicken should make it into the shopping cart every week, along
with a little yogurt or milk if desired.
The Healthy Eating Pyramid also addresses other aspects of a healthy lifestyle
exercise, weight control, vitamin D, and multivitamin supplements, and moderation
in alcohol for people who drink so its a useful tool for health professionals and
health educators.
The Healthy Eating Plate and the Healthy Eating Pyramid summarize the best
dietary information available today. They arent set in stone, though, because
nutrition researchers will undoubtedly turn up new information in the years ahead.
The Healthy Eating Pyramid and the Healthy Eating Plate will change to reflect
important new evidence

11.What kind of characteristics affects the food selection and how? Name five.
Colour, texture, taste , smell
12.Recommendations for healthy diet. Name five.

A low-protein and low-glycemic-index diet, a low-protein and high- glycemic-index

diet, a high-protein and low-glycemic-index diet, a high-protein and high-glycemicindex diet, and a control diet.

13.What is food allergy?

A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to food. The most frequent allergen is
protein of: cow milk, hen egg, fish, meat, soybean and proteins of some vegetables
and fruit (mainly bean, green pea, tomato, citrus fruit and banana).

14.What is functional food?

a food containing health-giving additives. they promote optimal health and help
reduce the risk of disease

15.What is sleep?
Sleep is a reversible behavioral state of perceptual disengagement from and
unresponsiveness to the environment

16.Why is sleep important? Name three sleep functions.

Temperature regulation, physical recuperation, energy conservation.
17.Of which depends on the length of the deep sleep? Name three of them.
Decreases with aging; Length of wakefulness before sleep onset , Duration of sleep

18.What are the influences of sleep deprivation? Name four of them.

Deteriorates: Memory; Attention ;Learning ability; Decisionmaking in new
and changing; environment
19.What are the most common sleep disorders? Name five of them.
Insomnia, Sleep Paralysis , Hypersomnia, Sleep Apnea , Breathing

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