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Holaaa desde

Santo Domingo!!

Graham and Sharon Nichols

US Home Church: Lewis Memorial UMC Evans, GA
Skype: graham.sharon.nichols

December 2016
The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have
seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father,
full of grace and truth. John 1:14
Saludos friends, family and church family,
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. We pray this mission
letter finds you well, full of hope, and filled with His Goodness! Please pray with us
as we seek to please God and embrace His fulfillment in us.
December Mission News folks, the month of December was fuller than most
more Visa renewal process in Quito, Sunday School every Sunday, Childrens
Ministry in the Montoneros Community, Christmas Celebrations in the Communities
we serve, food shopping to feed the hungry, food basket deliveries, birthday parties,
family dinners, Christmas Eve gatherings and finally family from the US in Ecuador to
celebrate Christmas and the New Year, oh yea, and we had Thanksgiving in
December for 40 in our home sooo there are not adequate words to describe all
the God Moments, ministry among the little people, JOY, sweat, tears-happy tears
and sad ones, and love and hugs that went on in this place over the past 31 days, so
photos, lots of photos are gonna help us with the blessing of sharing the Mission of
Jesus in Santo Domingo with you all. Here goes and know this truth, its still, in
the midst of an ever-changing World, an incredible blessing to be in this place among
these people at this time in history who also call us family! Be Glorified LORD!!
Thanksgiving a la
Casa de los Nichols
in December with
some of our favorite
peeps in the
Hemisphere, and
music, devotion,
lots of hugs and
love and laughs and
awesome food
each family brought
one food to feed 40
a buffet at the
foothill of Bomboli
our Santo
Domingo Mountain
our only one! It
was a lovely starry
night to share a US
tradition outside
with our ECU
and family.

The JOY of
serving together
with our Bishop
of the Evangelical
United Methodist
Church of
Ecuador, Rev.
Silvo Cevallos
the family
Sarabia and
Birthday lunch
after Sunday
Worship, Karols
celebration at her
abuelitas home,
her mami passed
away earlier in
2016, and the
family Zurita, and
a lovely dinner in
the new home of
our godchildren,
Daniel and

Shopping to feed
10 families. We
brought along 2
of my Sunday
School teachers
who know better
than we do the
best items to buy
that will be of
the most benefit
to the families
and specially to
help meet the
needs of new
mothers and
children. Gnesis
and Gabby are
both blessings to
us and those we
serve together!

We were gifted by some incredible people who know the needs of our people here and gave from their
hearts so we could shop and provide a basket of food for some of our most needy. We live in an area
surrounded by some of the poorest in the Coastal Region and we have people who literally have
nothing to feed their children, and what they do have they go without so their children can eat. These
children are part of our ministry programs and are faithful to be in Sunday School and in-Community
for ministry. We see great need, and not just at Christmas, and many of you responded and we are
grateful for your giving hearts. You helped make 102 people cry but tears of relief, and JOY.

There was
Blessing after
Blessing while
delivering the
food baskets.
Some of our
families have
life events too
personal to be
part of photos.
These children
asked straight
out to have
their pictures
taken. All our
families are
precious, some
have multiple
issues, and
some have lives
more difficult
than most could
ever imagine.

Ministry in the
Community is
always full of
children no
matter the time
of year. They are
a JOY and love so
much learning
more about
Jesus. We need
to buy more
tables and
benches, if
anyone wants to
help us with this
project, please.
We are growing
faster than we
can sit still and
this is Santo
Domingo, so the
sun and humidity
destroys most
everything. But
we continue to
grow in the love
of Jesus.

Sunday School is rocking every Sunday morning we are full-up with little people and we now have
2 males on the 2nd floor helping our teachers! I am so proud to have Daniel and Klever part of the SS
program. Christian male examples are few and far between and these 2 men of God are great role
models for our children, especially for our boys. We are grateful for their willingness to serve.

Candy bags were provided for our children and adults in Community Ministry that we were able
to help provide for and put together in the place we have Childrens Ministry every 15 days. 275
bags were filled thank you for helping us provide for this project. A bag of candy is all many
of these children receive for Christmas and it is a treasure to most. A $2 bag of candy.

The evening came to

celebrate the Birth of
Jesus in Community and
feed the masses
spiritually and
physically. So many we
could hardly count.
Those 275 candy bags
went fast after
everyone was served a
plate of chicken, rice
and salad, but first
Sharon opened the
program in prayer and a
short message, and
then the littlest children
presented a drama,
music by a couple of
youth, an adult choir, a
Christmas message
from the Pastor and lots
of JOY among the
crowd. This annual
event is also part of the
churchs evangelism
we are hoping to see
many of these new
faces in our childrens
and adult ministry
programs in 2017!

Christmas Eve was a blessing to the Nichols living and serving in Ecuador, the Sarabias, a big
part of our Santo Domingo family, invited us once again this year to their home for a wonderful
meal, secret Santa gifts and fellowship with this dear family who God has graciously added to
our lives. We missed part of this family this year, our Luis, Adry, Amy, Matias and Luisito are
now living and studying in Spain. On scholarship from the ECU government. God willing, they
will be back with the Sarabia-Nichols family for Christmas 2017. They are missed, loved and
prayed for every day! But we sense God has great plans for them.

Christmas Day came

and our children and
youth were
celebrating Jesus.
The youth, 14-18
years old sang and
did a lovely job our
children 3-13 years
old presented a
drama, and making
up the multitude of
Angels, they sang a
Christmas song, Vine
a Adorarte~Here I
am to Worship
100 voices strong
and they were
fabulous as a Church
full Worshiped
together the Greatest
Gift to ever be given
to the World. To God
be the Glory!

And so, dear people we are a bit tired but we are blessed and we are happy and
we are also a little sad to not have been at home in the US with our family and
Church family over Christmas but we are indeed at home here as well in the
place where we were created to be. Pray for us please there are lots of Kingdom
works happening here and ministry is growing and we have plans to take the Gospel
into another new community soon this means 4 communities plus Church ministry
more work but more opportunities to be an example of Jesus in the lives of the
lonely, the abused, the abandoned, left behind by the World Jesus will not leave
them behind He died for them too and He has placed us here for His purpose it
is our calling in Christ and it is a privilege. May the Creator of the Universe, of ALL
things, be Glorified in us and through us, and heaven help us; in those we are here
to help make disciples who will in turn make disciples its how we each change the
World for someone its how we each change the World, period.
We praise God from Whom ALL blessings flow. We are soo very grateful for the support we have
received and continue to receive in prayers and financial blessings which helps greatly to keep
us going in the direction God is moving in our lives to the places and people He places in our
paths. As ministry continues to grow and spill over into other communities filled with children
nearby GLORY!! we are humbled to be included in the lives of all the people God generously
gives us to love and to be able to help to keep warm and dry, and now cool and dry equator
living!! And along the way the blessing and calling of feeding them spiritually and emotionally
and physically. Please prayerfully consider joining Jesus in His mission alongside us feeding
hungry tummies and sweet little hearts as we be the Gospel for the people as empowered by
His Good and Faithful Spirit. We simply cannot continue in His service here without your prayers
and financial partnership and support. We thank God for you all!
God bless the faithful who have kept us going and continue to be blessings in our lives and in
the lives, we are called to serve and love into the Kingdom together. Thank you!! It is an
incredible JOY!!!
Yours in Christ,
Graham and Sharon
Graham and Sharon Nichols

All donations may be made to:

The Mission Society
P.O. Box 922637
Norcross, Georgia 30010
Nichols Support #0368 on the memo line OR Via

The Mission Societys New Website Giving Info:
For giving Missionary support please use the Give to a
Missionary form and specify the 4-digit code 0368 OR you
may just type our names Graham and Sharon Nichols

The thing that makes a missionary is the sight of what Jesus did on the
cross and to have heard Him say, GO. Oswald Chambers
And finally for December 2016 our NC family came home to Ecuador to visit. Grahams (our)
niece has been married to an Ecuadorian gentleman for over 30 years from Quito and Santo
Domingo. While in Country we were invited to have a lovely New Years Eve meal at their family
farm about 28 miles from where we live. Who could have thought 30+ years ago, when we first
met, that our new nephew would be living in our first home State of NC, USA and wed be living in
his first home Country and home city in Ecuador, SA only GOD could make this happen! It was
a JOY to see them all especially our very handsome 21-year-old great-nephew
who is a Junior at UNC Chapel Hill! Vayaaa Tarheels.

Please feel free to forward, mail-out or print our Newsletter for your Sunday
school class, small group, Church or friends Thank you!! Bendiciones!

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