Rish Yash Ring A

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Before Ram and his brothers were born, King Dashratha and his first wife Kaushal

ya had a daughter named Shanta. Kaushalya s elder sister Vershini and her husband
Raja Rompad (who was a great friend of Raja Dashratha as they studied in same As
hram) had no offspring. Once, when Vershini was in Ayodhya, she joked around ask
ing for a child, to which Dashratha promised her she can adopt his daughter, Sha
nta. As the promise of Raghukul had to be kept, Shanta was adopted by Raja Rompad,
the king of Angdesh.
One fine day, when Shanta was grown up to be an adult and was now a very beautif
ul woman, she was in a conversation with Raja Rompad. At this time, a Brahmin ca
me to visit King Rompad requesting help for cultivation during the monsoon. Busy
in the conversation with his adopted daughter Shanta, Raja Rompad ignored the B
rahmin who left the kingdom. Lord Indra, the God of rains, was offended because
a Brahmin devotee of his was insulted. Lord Indra decided to punish Rompad and h
ence, it did not rain in the coming monsoon.
To get free from this curse, Raja Rompad called a Rishi, Rishi Rishyasringa, to
perform a Yagna asking the Lords for rains, which succeeded. To pay honour to th
e Rishi, King Dashratha and King Rompad decided to marry-off Shanta to Rishyasri
As Dahsratha had no heir yet, he then called Rishyasringa to perform a Yagna for
him too, after which the God of Fire gave a dessert to Dashratha for his wives
to consume, eating which: Ram and his brothers were born.
-----------------------------------------------------------------Derivation of the name(SRINGERI):
The name Sringeri is derived from Rishyashringa-giri, a nearby hill that is beli
eved to have contained the hermitage of Rishi Vibhandaka and his son Rishyashrin
ga. Rishyashringa appears in an episode in the Bala-Kanda of the Ramayana where
a story, narrated by Vasishtha, relates how he brought rains to the drought-stri
cken kingdom of Romapada.

(Adaptation from Mahabharata)


Sage Vibhandaka lived with his son Rishyasringa,

a young brahmachari, in a forest hermitage . An
austere life they lived, cut off from outside world.
Rishyasringa had not met any human being, man
or woman, other than his own father. But he was
well known as a learned scholar. In the secluded

environment, his spiritual power grew steadily

and he had attained many rare yogic powers.

There was a great famine in the Anga kingdom.

There was no rain and food crops had failed.
People and cattle perished in large numbers.
Unable to know what to do, the King of Anga
sought advice from wise men and sages. He
was advised

There is a young brahmachari

named Rishyasringa who lives in his father s

hermitage. He has many yogic powers. If he
sets foot in the Anga kingdom, there will be
rain and our difficulties will end The King
was happy but did not know how to bring
the brahmachari to his kingdom. A direct
invitation was sure to be rejected. He must
be persuaded somehow or other. The king
decided to send beautiful courtesans to entice
the brahmachari. Courtesans who were well
accomplished dancers and musicians were

selected. Their leader was also selected by the

king. When they were told what their mission
was, they were in distress. On the one hand
they could not disobey the King. On the other,
they were afraid of a curse from the sage. At
last, they decided to go as they were doing it
for the good of the kingdom and the people.
They constructed a big boat. In that boat they
made an artificial garden. In the center of that
garden they built a hermitage resembling that
in which Rishyasringa lived. The boat with the
courtesans was brought through the river and
anchored near hermitage. The best courtesan
was sent to meet the young sage. Luckily, his
father was not there. The courtesan met young
Rishyasringa and talked to him very endearingly:
I am your disciple and devotee. Are you quite
Comfortable here? Is your hermitage having
enough food, fruits and flowers. Are you in
need of anything?

The brahmachari was taken

by surprise to see such divine-like form. By her

well-cultivated strategy, the beautiful courtesan
won the sage s confidence. But it was getting
late. As the boy s father might return any time
she took leave and returned to the boat. When
the father returned, he was surprised to find the
hermitage in disarray. The boy had not attended
to the daily chores. When asked for the reason
the son replied A brahmachari was here. I have
never seen a more beautiful figure in my life.
He had such a sweet voice! I was powerfully
attracted towards the new comer. We had a
great time . (Though he had never seen a woman
in his life, natural instinct drew them closer). From
the boy s description, the father divined what
had happened. He looked for the boat but it was
not to be seen. He left it at that. The brahmachari
had been totally transformed. He longed to see the
new friend. He lost his concentration. However
much he tried, he could not forget the new figure.

After a few days the boat came again. This time

they should win him over. Thankfully it was easier
than expected. The courtesan took young sage to
her boat and before the boy could gather his wits,
the boat sailed to the kingdom of Anga. The young
brahmachari was received by the king respectfully.

Sure enough, rains came and all were happy.

The king housed the guest in a gorgeous palace.
Many maidens were employed to attend to him.
When the father returned to the hermitage, his
son was missing. Though he searched for him
he could not find him. At the same time, the king
was worried that the father would come in search
of his son and when he knew the facts, he would
curse him. As expected the father came to know
that his son was in Anga kingdom. He was now on
his way to Anga. The king knew this and deployed
his men and maids with gifts to receive and appease
the sage when he came. They were to tell the father

that these were being sent by his own son. The king
received the sage with utmost respect .There the
sage saw his son sitting on a throne with the lovely
princess, now his wife. The king requested the sage
to pardon him for performing the son s marriage
in his absence and begged him to bless the couple.
The father accepted everything as the work of
destiny. He blessed his son and daughter-in-law.
While taking leave he told his son Do whatever is
necessary to please the king. After you finish your
assigned role come and join me in the hermitage
A son was born to them. After the boy became
old enough to succeed him, Rishyasringa went
to the forest with his wife to lead an austere life.
In the fullness of time, they took up Sanyas, and
by performing austerities, attained liberation.

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