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Buddhi- Intelligence
Ahamkaara- Identity
The buddhi revolves around what Identity is taken. For eg: Emotions on Flag of a
nation, anthem....people die for it-it has to be real
Mind- Its everywhere
Sufferings come from mind and body. No other way. By meditating and by creating
a space between your mind and your body, you move away from your sufferings.
When you are unhappy, your self protection gets on. When happy its the opposite.
You want to be happy only when you are with people who you are comfortable with,
as you associate happiness with letting your guard down. So you go like a rock
on the road or to the office and try to get life when back home. It doesnt work.
You only become rock at home also.
Efforts-Focussed calibrated. Just labour is not going to take us somewhere. Righ
t kind of action....for all this to happen you need perception and intelligence.
Humanity is unfo not doing this.All that happens, happens within you. You see w
ithin you, hear, pleasure, pain..etc happens inside and not outside.
Who should determine what should happen within you? Only you. The events need no
t be determined by you, but the experience is deteremined by you.
We get up everyday morning- is a great thing. Thank the Lord for it.
We think we are immortal, not in that sense, but by not being aware of us being
mortal. If we were aware that we were mortals, that we would stop messing up wit
h our life.
Our thoughts are based on what we gathered from the 5 senses. They taught us
A well established mind, in the state of some yukti, is like a kalpavriksha. If
you organise the mind at a certain level, it organises the whole system your bod
y, your energy your emotion... the
Empowerment comes with some responsibility. If we dont organise all these in a p
articular way, we become self destructive.
Whatever comforts we have seen in the last 100 years or so, is not taking us tow
ards happiness, but towards destruction, why because we are not in conscious act
ion but in a compulsive state of action.
So organising our mind means, moving our mind from compulsive state of activity
to conscious state of activity,
For a man that desires something, when he sees there's no means to achieve that,
then he says i dont want it. So there is a conflict. Both positive and negative
But for a A simple act of faith ( going to lord and asking for a house), it woul
d happen, in someway or the other. The Lord is not going to come and build it fo
r him. The Lord has done his job of creation very well.
If at you are unhappy, the reason is, life is not happening the way you think sh

ould happen. If it has to happen as you want, how do you think, how much focus a
nd how much stability and reverberance in your thought process, will determine i
f it will happen or not happen.
What is possible and not possible is not your business. Its natures business.
If i ask you if you can fly- No
If you can walk - yes
Why? Our past experience is the basis of deciding what is possible or not possib
le. We have decided what has not happened till now will not happen.
What you think powerfully and set it out, will invariably manifest. If you creat
e a thought without any negativity, without any -ve thought bringing down the in
tensity of your +ve thought, then it would manifest.
Today science says the whole existence todays is just a reverberation of energy.
Its a vibration. Similarly our thought its a vibration.
Generally people are using Faith as a means to remove negative thought. However,
now matter how much faith you have, there is always some negative thought that
comes in.
Alternative, is the committment. If you simply commit yoruself to create what yo
u wish, your thoughts get organised
To create what you really care for, what you want must be clearly well manifeste
d in your mind. Because, sometimes when people reach there, they feel its the ne
xt, its the next..
Everyone thinks that if I get it, then my life is done, but once you get it, you
realise only that is not yet, you still need something else. Everyone wants the
wife/husband/kids/friends/relatives to behave in a particular way to be happy,
but that never happens.
The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human can alter his life by a
ltering his mind (attitude)" william james.
Three rules for mind control:
1) Control senses
2) Strong internal desire
3) Have rules
Behaviour changes and then the outcome
what we feed our senses, impacts our behaviour
Pleasantness within and without
-body- we call it health and pleasure
mind- peace and joy
emotion-love and compassion
energy-blissfulness and ecstacy
If you commit to create what you want
your mind gets organised- the way you think is the way you feel
your emotion ,,,,,,,,,,,,energies are organised

mind, emotion and energies, body gets organised

now you are not a mess-you are a creator- a kalpavriksha

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