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Hampshire, ss:
To one of the constables of the Town of Granby in the County of Hampshire:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the
Inhabitants of said Town, qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet at the Granby
Junior-Senior High School on East State Street in said Town on Monday, the ninth day of January
next, at 7:00 P.M., then and there to act on the following articles, to wit:

To see if the Town will vote to supplement each prior vote of the Town that
authorizes the borrowing of money to pay costs of capital projects to provide that, in
accordance with Chapter 44, Section 20 of the General Laws, the premium received
by the Town upon the sale of any bonds or notes thereunder, less any such premium
applied to the payment of the costs of issuance of such bonds or notes, may be applied
to pay project costs and the amount authorized to be borrowed for each such project
shall be reduced by the amount of any such premium so applied, or take any other
action in regards thereto.


To see if the Town will vote to approve and authorize the Board of Selectmen and
Board of Assessors to sign the Payment In Lieu Of Tax (PILOT) agreement between
the Town of Granby and Kearsarge Granby 6 LLC, Kearsarge Granby 7 LLC,
Kearsarge Granby 5 LLC, Kearsarge Granby 2 LLC and Kearsarge Granby 1 LLC,
or take any other action in regard thereto.
(Copies are available for viewing in the Office of the Selectmen)


To see if the Town will vote to authorize and appropriate, borrow or transfer from
available funds the sum of $178,113.50, or a greater or lesser amount, for the purpose
of funding the School Lunch deficit as of June 30, 2016, or take any other action in
regard thereto.


To see if the Town will vote to authorize and appropriate, borrow or transfer from
available funds the sum of $122,501.29, or a greater or lesser amount, for the purpose
of funding the School Special Education Circuit Breaker deficit as of June 30, 2016,
or take any other action in regard thereto.


To see if the Town will vote to authorize and appropriate, borrow or transfer from
available funds the sum of $98,039.79, or a greater or lesser amount, for the purpose
of funding the School Choice deficit as of June 30, 2016, or take any other action in
regard thereto.


To see if the Town will vote to authorize and appropriate, borrow or transfer from
available funds the sum of $8,000, or a greater or lesser amount, for the purpose of
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purchasing chairs, or take any other action in regard thereto.

And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by posting attested copies thereof at five or more
public places as of the bylaws before the time of said meeting.
Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at
the time and place of meeting aforesaid.
Given under our hands this fifth day of December in the year of our Lord two thousand and sixteen.

Mark L. Bail

Louis M. Barry

Stephen A. Chojnacki
Granby Board of Selectmen

I have posted this warrant as of the bylaws of the Town of Granby.



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