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By: Jaclyn Fishler

Date: 5/1/16
SERP 475
Questions about Behavior Management
and Communication
1) What are the methods used for quieting
the students and helping them focus on
instruction (set induction)?

2) How are classroom rules determined?

By the teacher? By students and teacher
together? (Be specific.) What are the main
rules for this classroom? What is your
reaction to the rules? Would you change or
modify them for your own classroom?
How and why? Explain your answer.

3) Describe the consequences if students

do not follow the rules. How are the
consequences delivered?

4) Describe the positive reinforcers used

when students follow the rules. How are
the reinforcers delivered?

How this looks in my classroom

To make sure that the students are quiet and
focused, Mrs. Anthony has a microphone,
which is loud enough to grab everyones
attention. If a student is off task, Mrs.
Anthony or the parapros will have to
redirect by telling them to pay attention and
do their work. Ive noticed that Mrs.
Anthony often uses the saying, One, two,
three eyes on me!
The teacher decides on the rules with the
assistance of the parapros. The main rules
for the classroom include respecting each
other and each others property. When
students bring objects from home into
school, other students often want those
objects, so they take them. Other rules also
include listening to the teacher, no talking
when the teacher is talking, and only
talking when the teacher calls on you.
Fortunately, Mrs. Anthony doesnt have the
same management issues that other
teachers may have. The kids rarely
disrespect or bully each other; they get
along with each other.
The consequences are delivered verbally by
Mrs. Anthony most of the time, but
sometimes by Ms. Luz or Ms. Sandra. If
the students do not follow the rules, they
will receive an elimination of their free
time to play on the iPads. Depending on
how badly they behave, the teacher may
take away all of the students time on the
iPads. If the behavior gets out of hand, the
student is usually told to sit in time-out.
When students follow the rules, they are
usually told that they can receive a lot of
free time to play on the iPads. Playing on
the iPads is specifically these students
favorite activity, so when they are given


5) Describe how the classroom discipline

plan involves other teachers or staff
members. Be specific.

6) How are serious behavioral incidents

dealt with in this class? Who is involved?
Give two examples and describe the
procedures for handling the problem.

7. Describe how parents are involved in

the discipline process in the classroom.

8. How often and in what way(s) does the

teacher communicate with the parents?
How do YOU plan to communicate with
parents in your own classroom, if different
from what you observe in this site?

that privilege, they immediately follow the

rules. The reinforcers are delivered verbally
and are mostly delivered by Mrs. Anthony,
but sometimes delivered by Ms. Luz or Ms.
No, the classroom discipline plan doesnt
involve other teachers or staff members.
However, Mrs. Anthony told me that in a
previous class, she had to clear the room
and the parapro had to take the student
outside because of his behavior issues.

If the behavior gets out of hand, Mrs.

Anthony calls or emails the parents. One of
the students used to say that he didnt want
to be in school on a daily basis because he
was having transition issues, so Mrs.
Anthony sent a daily progression log to his
parents. In other situation, a student threw
tantrums when she was asked to complete
her work. She caused a lot of disruptions
during class, so Mrs. Anthony asked her
parents to meet with her to discuss the
problems with the child after school. The
mother and the teacher calmly spoke with
the student to figure out why she was
getting upset and together, they
brainstormed ways that they can support
her inside and outside of school.
*Answered in previous question.

Mrs. Anthony talks to some of the parents

every day because she sees them when they
pick up and drop off their child. All of the
parents have the teachers phone number,
so she texts all of them weekly. She texts
some of the parents daily for the kids who


9. Describe how bulletin boards and other

display areas are utilized. What are their
purposes and/or functions in the
classroom? Who creates the bulletin
boards or displays?

have more issues than others. Mrs.

Anthony also sends home monthly
calendars to parents and she told them that
she recommends they always call her when
theres a problem so that she doesnt
continue to make the same issue. In my
own classroom, I plan to communicate with
parents through the same ways, which is
via emailing and calling/texting. I will
allow parents to have my phone number,
but I will ask that they do not contact me
during school hours. I will make sure to
make this message very clear to the
parents. I will also send home monthly
calendars and any logs on students if
necessary, so that they are updated on
everything in my class.
Not applicable for this class. Bulletin
boards arent used as often as in other
classes because most of the students are
unable to understand due to their range of
moderate to severe disabilities.

Additional observations or comments: In this class, Mrs. Anthony doesnt have to deal
with behavioral problems that would be considered to be too out of control. However, she
told me stories about students from the previous years. These students would throw
tantrums on a daily basis, so the best option for Mrs. Anthony was to have a serious
discussion with their parents and to figure out strategies for managing that behavior.

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