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This mod gives u the power to do anything crazy in

the city!!!
If u use the previous version of this mod, remember
to delete the old one before add the new one.
[[[]]] Mind Catcher is a basic ability; Brainer uses
his mind to catch a prey.
[[[]]] Mind Release is a basic ability; Brainer
releases his prey when he has played enough.
[[[]]] Mind Investigate is a primary skill, Brainer use
to make the victim tell his (or her) secrets.
[[[]]] Mind Transform is a shape-shifting, defensive
ability of the Brainer. This ability allows him to
disguise as the current human target.
[[[]]] Mind Fashion is a magic skill, Brainer will
access the memory of the preys, find out what they
usually wear then get the suit he wants.
[[[]]] Mind Ego is a primary skill, Brainer use this to
manifest his true incarnation.
[[[]]] Mind Dirty is a painful, brutal, violent and
quick execution skill. Brainer uses his mind to smash
the victim into the ground like a baby play with his
tiny toy.
[[[]]] Mind Moving is an intermediate skill; Brainer
focuses his mind on making an invisible force to give
his victim a lift.

[[[]]] Mind Explode is a powerful destructive skill,

the ramifications of the victims human body will be
heated by mind and come to explode.
[[[]]] Mind Hunting is an advanced skill; Brainer
frees his mind from his body. The mind floats in the
air and finds for its preys.
[[[]]] Mind Clownery is a magic skill; Brainer uses
his mind to teleport preys and himself; arranges them
the way he likes. This skill will be helpful in a
terrible battle, Brainer can never be harmed if he
knows how to teleport smartly.
[[[]]] Mind Duty is a master skill of mind, Brainer
will try to contact the prey, persuade his victim to do
the dirty job for him. Depend on what kinds of the
prey, things could happen differently.
If the prey is an officer, he will arrest anyone the
Brainer orders.
If the prey is a daredevil, he will attack anyone the
brainer wants.
If the prey is a coward, he or she will ignore what the
brainer orders and run away.
[[[]]] Mind Dominate is summoning ability; it can
only be used by The Brainer master level. The
Brainer summons a lot of assassin spirits; they will
search and eliminate all the enemies who dare go
against their master. These spirits not only kill the
enemies, but also collect the money for their master;
pretty convenient huh!?

[[[]]] Mind Engineer is another master skill of

summoning ability; the Brainer summons a gang of
engineer spirits, they will find and destroy all of the
mechanical stuffs in the city the way their master
The rule of the engineer spirits:
1. Never burst vehicles tire or damage vehicles
engine when the master sits ON the drivers seat
of that vehicle. (That means when the Brainer
uses taxi or helicopter service, they still can
damage that vehicle).
2. Never blow up a vehicle when the master sits IN
The engineer spirits will instantly deflate a vehicle's
tire. The tire still stays intact.
[[[]]] Mind Crazy is a magic skill. The Brainer will
use a spell to turn into flying money. Will this make
people in New York crazy? Free money huh Thats
[[[]]] Mind HighJack is an intermediate skill.
Brainer will focus on a vehicle and take it in a blink.
Take what you get, give nothing back!!! Doesnt it
sound like pirate!?
[[[]]] Mind Windscreen is one of the master skills of
summoning ability. The Brainer summons several elf
spirits. Those little monsters will find and kick all of
the New York citizens out of their vehicle.

Note that theres always an elf spirit that will be

called after the Brainer catches his prey. This elf
spirit will wait until the Brainers victim gets in a car,
and when the Brainer moves, he does what he
supposes to do.
If you don't have enough patience to read the
instruction below , you don't have to read it . Just run
the game , when you're in the game , press H+E+L as
the same time , then Press ~` to open the console
window . Now you can read it !
But keep patience to read this : To use Mind Moving
effectively , imagine the "CrossAim" as a magnet
And the victim as steel .
The Ability with * -you have to catch a victim with
Mind Catcher before using it
[[[]]] Mind Catcher Aim at somebody then press H
Or press Rshift+H
Or press Middle Mouse Button while touching
the victim
[[[]]] *Mind Release - press T
[[[]]] *Mind Investigate - press H
[[[]]] *Mind Transform - press Lshift+L
[[[]]] Mind Fashion - (when in ped form)
Press L+R :change clothes
Hold Rshift+L then press R :change hats

Hold Lshift+L then press R :change glasses

[[[]]] Mind Ego -(when in ped form) press Lshift+K
[[[]]] *Mind Dirty - press M
[[[]]] *Mind Moving - press E to en/disable
While enable Mind Moving Press 1 to make him
stay away from you Press 2 to make him get close to
[[[]]] *Mind Explode - press B
Or Hold N then press B if you want it totally
[[[]]] *Mind Hunting - Hold L then press K , press O
to stop Hunting
[[[]]] *Mind Clownery - Hold L then press O
Hold Down Arrow+L then press O to summon
the victim immediately
[[[]]] *Mind Duty +Duty Catcher - Aim at a ped then press R or
press Middle mouse button while touching that ped
or Hold Rshift then press R.
+Easy Duty - Press Middle mouse button after
use Duty Catcher
+Duty Free - Press R for duty free
[[[]]] Mind Dominate - Hold L then press M
Hold L+T then press M to make the body
disappear after kill it
Hold Down Arrow+L then press M to kill
another way

[[[]]] Mind Engineer - Hold L then press I for Big

Hold Down Arrow+L then press I to burst
vehicles' tyres
Hold Right Arrow+L then press I to damage
vehicles' engine
[[[]]] Mind Crazy - hold L then press F to
[[[]]] Mind HighJack -aim at Vehicle then hold G and
press H
[[[]]] Mind Windscreen - Hold L then press J

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