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Features of procedural programming.

Key features of procedural programming are following;

Function: in procedural functions is same to the procedure but generate or return with the
help of values. In add ion functions can also be utilized return values, parameters.
Local variable and global variable: local variable within program is utilized only the area
where it has been placed. Thus instance of operator is used. On the other hand global
variable can be utilized in anywhere in programming code, this procedure is best in order to
build the program.
Parameter passing: In addition parameter passing provides the variable values that are
passed all the way through the program to the procedure.
Procedures: In procedural programming language procedure is the sequence by sequence
instruction. In addition in this programming language the program does exactly what
programmer told to do.
Programming libraries: in procedural programming language program libraries contains the
collection of subroutines, pre-built sources, values and classes that can be utilized at any time
by the user and program.
Facts for procedural programming.




Execute very fast

Required less memory

Implements top down approaches

Portable source code and excellent in

general purpose programming language

Need a very knowledgeable and

precise about program instruction

Poor at handling fuzzy condition

Low level language

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