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Wireless Networks Services/Appls.






Section 1: Locating Area Hotspots with Hotspot- Locations

Different Internet tools are available to locate both free and fee- based hot-spots. In this
section you use one of those tools to find hotspots in your area.
1. Use your Web browser to go to www. hotspot- locations. com.
Note: It is not unusual for Web sites to change the location of where files are stored. If the URL above no
longer functions or the location on the Web page has changed then open a search engine and search for
Hotspot- locations.

2. Under Search Wireless Hotspot Database enter your location information under
Country, State, and City or Zip.
3. Be sure that Operator and Type are both are set to All. Click Search.
4. All hotspots registered with Hotspot- Locations are displayed under Hotspots
found. If no hotspots appear, change the location to a large city that is close to
you or with which you are familiar and search again.
Note: You can also click All cities under Search Tip and manually select a country, and then a city, that
has a hotspot location registered with Hotspot- Locations.

1. Under Hotspot name, click one of the links to a hotspot. What type of information
Its displaying Hotspot name with the complete address, maps and also phone
1 Dundas St. E.
Toronto, Ontario
M5B 2R8
Dundas subway

Would this be useful in locating and connecting to that hotspot?


Wireless Networks Services/Appls.

Yes, by getting the Address and Location (GOOGLE MAP) we can easily commute
to those places and access the Hotspot if needed.
6. Click show on map. A map now appears with the location of this hotspot.
Note: Depending on how the hotspot was registered, the exact location may not be displayed and you may
need to enter additional information, such as the city or state of the area in which you are searching

5. Using the toolbar, pan to the left or right to move the map focus to the region in
which you live.
6. Use the toolbars zoom in and zoom out buttons to drill down to the city in
which you live.
7. Close the browser window that contains the map and return to the HotspotLocations search results. Locate more hotspots by entering different location
information and viewing them on the map.
8. How would you rate Hotspot- Locations in terms of ease of use, accuracy,
options, etc.?
I would like to rate about 8/10, based upon its Speed, performance and reliability.
9. Leave this browser window open for the next project

Section 2: Locating Area Hotspots with Hotspotr

In this section you use a different online tool to find hotspots in your area.
1. Open a new tab on your Web browser that is still open from the previous project
and go to hotspotr. com/ wifi.
Note: It is not unusual for Web sites to change. If the URL above no longer functions then open a search
engine and search for hotspotr. com/ wifi.

2. Instead of allowing you to click on a map, the default search asks you to enter a
location as the focal point of the search. Enter an address as the starting point.
3. Click go.
4. Compare your results with the results you received using Hotspot- Locations.
By comparing could able to obtain more number of WI-FI hotspots than the
previous URL. but the second link doesn't have direct link to access GOOGLE

Wireless Networks Services/Appls.

5. Between Hotspot- Locations and Hotspotr, which tool has more hotspots listed?
Why is there a difference?
Second one has more number of hotspot list than the first one.
6. Now compare the options available on Hotspotr with those available on HotspotLocations. Which are more comprehensive?
Result obtained from is more comprehensive than Where both the links provide address and
phone number. Additive advantage on Second one is providing information about
the place,kind of services they offering, and there URL.
7. How would you rate Hotspotr in terms of ease of use, accuracy, options, etc.?
Which would you recommend to another wireless user?
Its highly rated 10/10. Onbehalf of its accessibility and also we could filter based
upon the rating.I will recommend the second one. This would be helpful for the
person who visiting Toronto for first time to know about the entire informations
before commuting there.
8. Close your Web browser.

Section 3: Installing Network Meter Gadget

How do you locate a WLAN hotspot without information from using one of the online
hotspot locaters? One solution is to use a wireless signal meter that shows when you have
moved into a hotspot coverage area and also tells you the strength of the signal. In this
project you will download and install a pro-gram to find a wireless signal.
1. Use your Web browser to go to addgadget. com/ network_ meter
Note: It is not unusual for Web sites to change the location of where files are stored. If the URL above no
longer functions then open a search engine and search for Network Meter.

2. Under Download locate the link that contains the latest version of Network Meter
and click on it.
3. Follow the instructions to install this gadget on your computer.
4. The gadget now appears on your Windows sidebar. To enlarge the size of the
gadget, hover your mouse pointer over the gadget until a wrench icon appears and
then click it.

Wireless Networks Services/Appls.

5. Click the Display tab.
6. Click the Size list arrow and select 400%.
7. Click OK.
8. Click on the title of the gadget to display the flyout features. Note that it gives
detailed information about your wireless network. Which details do you find
Most of the information listed are useful such as- connectivity status, Physical
address, logical address, DNS and also about Lease.
9. Click Speed Test. What does Network Meter display?
By doing the speed test, speed ,Network meter displays the External and Internal
IP,amount of uploaded and downloaded data, signal strength,also its firewall and
security status.
10. Close all windows.
Note: If you choose to keep Network Meter on your computer you may want to change the Size back to
100. If you want to remove this gadget, open the Windows Control Panel and click Programs and then
Uninstall a gadget.

Section 4: Assignments
1. Wireless data communications is used extensively in education, business,
industry, travel, public safety, and health care. What other areas of the economy,
other than those listed in the chapter, strongly depend upon wireless technology
today? Research another area, such as finance, logistics, military, etc., and
research how this sector is using wireless technology. Give several examples of its
use in that area.
The rapid growth in commercial wireless communications technology has resulted in
capabilities to surpass the military counterparts in many ways.
Defence Usage:
Defence Defence has been a pioneer in the use of underwater communications systems.
Such systems have been used in applications that range from submarine communications
to diver communications and remote underwater monitoring, command and control.
In these applications, reliable and covert communication is a basic necessity. Unreliable
or unsecured systems introduce unacceptable risks and can lead to loss of assets and
lives. DSPComm thrives on fulfilling this fundamental requirement.
Some of the underwater wireless communications applications for the defence industry

Wireless Networks Services/Appls.

Mine lift bags, which are used to retrieve mines from sensitive areas and dispose them in
safer areas.Diver communications systems that are used by special forces, e.g. for mine
clearance.Communication systems and underwater networks to various underwater
instrument packages such as listening devices.Wide area networks that interface to radiobased systems at the surface, such as network-centric warfare systems.
Communications systems for military applications start on the ground and work their way
through the air, with communications systems as traditional as high-frequency (HF) twoway radios to more elaborate satellite-communications (satcom) systems.
Another major consideration to be of spectrum management. In time, this leads into
spectrum sharing as frequencies for different systems and functions are reallocated. As
expected, the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is heavily
involved in reworking the allocation of available bandwidths for different military,
industrial, and commercial applications. But the US Department of Defense (DoD) is
similarly concerned and involved. As the DoD found the growing consumer demand for
EM spectrum, in the form of wireless devices such as smartphones, is pressuring federal
agencies such as the FCC to make the most efficient use of available spectrum as
possible. A possible solution lies in repurposing spectrum currently used by government
and military and allocating it to consumer or shared use. As an example, about 18% of the
spectrum from 300 MHz to 3 GHz is currently allocated for federal or military use. Such
actions as spectrum auctions help to reuse some of this bandwidth and generate revenues
for government use.
DARPA has begun developing the wireless communications link which is capable of
transmitting100 GBPS for a range of 124 Miles. This type of network will provide five
hundred times faster service for US military than the existing wireless links.
It offers the same kind of connectivity as a high-bandwidth, low-latency fiber-optic
network.Common Data Link (CDL) is a secure wireless protocol that networks together a
US military deployment.
1. Using the Internet, compare the objectives and work of the IEEE and Wi- Fi.
What are the goals of each group? How are they different? How are they the
same? Do these two organizations cooperating, and if so, in what way?
The objectives and works of
IEEE: It is an association abbreviated as Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineer dedicated to advancing innovation and technological advancement for
the benefit of Electrical,Electronics,Telecommunication and for other allied
disciplines. Its been a world largest association with a professional members of
over 400,000. Its provide the standard by analyzing the framework or
infrastructure or technologies which has been created.for example WLAN
Wi-Fi: It come under WLAN standard 802 (IEEE) named as 802.11 with
extensions like a, b, g, n, ac and so on. The IEEE 802.11 protocol is a network

Wireless Networks Services/Appls.

access technology for providing connectivity between wireless stations and wired
networking infrastructures by using the access points or either by creating the
VLANs.It is a set of media access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY)
specifications for implementing wireless local area network (WLAN).The 802.11
workgroup currently documents use in five distinct frequency ranges: 2.4 GHz,
3.6 GHz, 4.9 GHz, 5 GHz, and 5.9 GHz bands.
Both are eventually offer different service patterns.
Wi-Fi created and maintained by the IEEE LAN/MAN Standards Committee
(IEEE 802). The base version of the standard was released in 1997, and has had
subsequent amendments. The standard and amendments provide the basis for
wireless network products using the Wi-Fi brand. While each amendment is
officially revoked when it is incorporated in the latest version of the standard, the
corporate world tends to market to the revisions because they concisely denote
capabilities of their products. where Wireless LAN platform based technologies
will comes under the IEEE body and it has to follow the protocol which was
created in order to be globally approved. Goal of IEEE is to be of providing the
advancing innovation and technological for the benefit of
Electrical,Electronics,Telecommunication and for other allied disciplines such as
Wi-Fi: Its primary goals is to be of providing link between wireless devices with
the wired devices ignorer to provide the internet access through the Access point
which was associated with the routers.original goals were to bring together
forward-thinking technology leaders to develop interoperable wireless standards
reaching a data rate of over 1 Megabyte per second. Initially lot many techniques
has been implemented under several versions but after several years of up
gradation in order to increase the data rate work group produced IEEE Std
802.11n, which provided a 600-fold increase in data rate. Their newest project
goals include extending the data rate to 5000 Megabytes per second (or 5
Gigabytes per second).
WLAN platform technologies are under the cooperation of IEEE Standards.They
correlate their work in order to frame the future enhancement or upgrading on
those existing technologies and also for the creation of innovative platform for
this modern era of wireless communications.

At the end of this practical session, Grabbed lot of information onbehalf of finding out
the wireless hotspots and their accessing techniques in and around to their existing
locations/remote locations. And also came to know about the network meter working to
find out the network and connected Device details.

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