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General formula of Alcohol is given as ROH

Then, you are given the molecular mass (RMM) of alcohol 88
Then they are informing you about the alkyl group (R), i.e -
Youre then asked about the number of Carbon and Hydrogen atoms
Since, youre given the RMM, consider using it. The steps for the answer
are therefore
Subtract the RMM of OH from Alcohol RMM, because youre just asked
about C and H in Alkyl Group (R). Subtracting the OH RMM from alcohol
RMM means kicking out OH from the alcohol formula. Hence we have
only R
RMM of R (CH) = 88 (alcohol) 17 (OH)
= 71
Therefore, the RMM of C and H combined (in alkyl group) is 71
We know that the general formula for alcohol is .+
So, now try out different calculation combinations,
a) If there are 2 carbons, then 2x12 = 24, and so H will be (2x2+1)
5x1=5. Hence the total RMM will be (24+5) 29. Our required RMM is
71. Hence this combination isnt correct.
b) Try with 3, then 4, as long as you get the answer. Increase by 1 or 2
using your gradually.
c) Trying with 5 carbons, RMM of carbon (5x12) is 60, and so (for 5 C)
there are (5x2+1) 11 hydrogen. Therefore, the total RMM is (60+11)
71. This matches the number of molar mass required of the alkyl
group, R (only C and H). And this matching value we are getting by 5
Carbon and 11 Hydrogen atoms.
Hence, C = 5, H = 11. x = 5 and y = 11

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