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Introduction to Writing - The following has been copied from the syllabus provided
by the course instructor. (Alma Mckertich)
A. Course Description: English 1010 emphasizes that academic writing, and much
other writing and discourse, is fundamentally about entering conversations and
understanding the rhetorical choices (choices of effective expression) people make to
communicate ideas to specific audiences. To this end, as writers, we must attend to
and understand what is said (They Say) before answering with our own response (I
Say). We write effectively with impact when we connect our ideas to those of others.
Toward this end, this class is structured with the objectives/goals bellow.
B. Objectives:
1. Learn the contexts within which writing/reading/talking about issues take place.
2. Read critically by summarizing and synthesizing threads of larger conversations
written about an issue.
3. Examine your own ideas in response by analyzing and evaluating the
effectiveness of writing by others.
4. Research and expand your knowledge to more effectively take and present a
position on an issue.
5. Plan, draft and revise your ideas by process.
6. Cite sources appropriately by using an academic system of citation (MLA).
7. Understand and respond to civic conversations; become a legitimate participant
in these conversations.
8. Work collaboratively on writing and other tasks with fellow student writers.
9. Edit writing so it contains minimum surface errors.
10. Meaning, read with comprehension, speak thoughtfully, participate genuinely,
listen carefully and write from an informed and thorough understanding of
subject, reader and purpose.
2. Pre-Algebra The following has been copied from the syllabus provided by the course
instructor. ( ) Currently looking for information.
3. Lab Instruments and Methods - The following has been copied from the syllabus
provided by the course instructor. (James Quebbeman)
A. Course Description: The proper use of electronic measuring instruments, including
function generators, volt meters and oscilloscopes. Loading and frequency effects are
included. Diode, op-amp, transistor, PADS circuit board layout, soldering, and
Arduino programmable controller have been added. Course Objective: Provide
students with skills needed to measure and understand lab results during future
Electronics Technology or Electrical Engineering labs.
B. Instruction Method: Each week one or more new concepts will be introduced,
demonstrated, applied, assembled, tested, measured, compared with concept, then
summarized in notebook.

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