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Name : Rivanny Frivandiny

NPM : 12-041
Class : A2

Prevention of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer is a that attacks the cervix or cervical area, cancer is
caused by a virus called human papilloma virus.
Everyday , 20 women in Indonesia die from cervical cancer, the cancer
with the highest mortality rate in the country. Atleast 40 women are
diagnosed with cervical cancer each day in the country but it can be
Because cervical cancer is very dangerous , especially for woman. So for
that i need to know about my bodies and reproductive health and i must
avoid a promiscuous sexual lifestyle, always keeping a balanced and
nutritions diet and living a heathly lifestyle or exercise and also make
known to my family including my mother and my sister for always keep a
healthy body , dont smoke , having too many children not more than five
children , expand the consumption of vegetables food that contain enough
beta carotenes vitamin c and e and avoid cleaning the genitals with dirty
water. With it we could be further from the chance of developing cervical
cancer is very scary for women in the world.


: Elfira Chairani


: 12-044


: A2

Aware Of Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer is cancer one of the most feared by mowen. Cervical
cancer attack one the female reproductive organs. Cervical cancer is
mostly caused by Human Papiloma Virus ( HPV ).
The virus is very easy to move and spread, which can be spread
through sexual contact while the use of public toilet that have been
exposed to HPV, can infect someone who used it if it is not cleaned
properly and un healthy living, healty lifestyle with to eat enough food
ntrition, keep a healthy and clean environment, avoid cleaning the genital
cleansing with soap and dirty water, dont smoke, avoid a promiscuous
sexual lifestyle, always faithful to the partner, women who are sexually
active should have an annual pap smear.
To know and share knowledge about cervical cancer prevention to
mother, sister and the women can avoid cervical cancer. conduct
prevention we can protect our selve, family and the loved ones.

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