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Sarah Porterfield

G Block
April 11, 2016
I am a young star who will grow up to be the sun
I am a caterpillar waiting to be transformed
I am the eternal light burning in the dark
I am a bird venturing off to explore new territories
I am bubbles drifting past in the spring waiting to burst
I am an artist who has discovered their hands
I am a city that is made up of different opinions
I am a collection of stories waiting to be told
I am a wolf who never abandons their pack
I am an ambitious turtle who is determined to reach its goal
I am the sun, shining brightly of its humbleness
I am a butterfly slowly waiting to be lifted up to the sky to fly
Can you see, I am the life of all, I am the life of all
I feel adventurous in nature
I feel loved by animals
I feel loyal in relationships
I feel determined when achieving hard goals
Can you see, I am the life of all, I am the life of all

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