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By Al Campbell Manager, Bently Nevada Alignment Service Corporation ‘According to industry estimates, shaft misalignment causes 60 to 70 percent of all damaging vibrations in reciprocating and high-speed rotating machinery. In ther words, most vibrations that damage rotating and reciprocating machinery can be eliminated with proper machinery alignment. Proper alignment not only helps pre vent costly and potentially catastrophic machine failures, but it also helps the machinery—and the plant—to run more smoothly and efficiently. ‘A vatiety of methods are used to per- form rotating machinery alignment, and although alignment methods may vary, all alignment methods fall under one of two general categori Cold” alignment, performed under ambient conditions—when the machines are shut down, “Hot” alignment, performed while the machinery is operating, ‘One of the most widely used “cold” alignment techniques is the graphically plotted reverse indicator method. Is sim ple, quick, and effective. This method is presented here, The goal of alignment: Colinear shafts under running conditions ‘The objective of performing any type of rotating machinery alignment ist have co- linear shaft centerlines when the machines ae operating, Because each machine and each shaft reacts differently under operat- ing conditions, achieving exactly colinear shaft is virally impossible. With this understanding, alignment is performed to position the shafts so they will be as nearly linear to each other as possible during operation. Performing ORBIT “cold” alignment is the first step toward achieving this objective Graphically plotted reverse indicator method: What it is raphically plotted" refers to the practice of plotting a graphical represent tion of the machine trains’ relative shaft positions, “Reverse indicator” means that a dil indicator extends from one shaft— reverses—to take a reading on the opposite shaft. Simultaneously, a second dial ind cator extends from the opposite shaft— reverses—to take a reading on the first shaft How the dial indicator works ‘A balanced-type dial indicator, with thousandths-of-an-inch (one mil) gradua: tions (or an equivalent metric scale) and a revolution counter, is recommended for rotating machinery alignment ‘The principle behind the balanced-type dial indicator is simple: Compression of em, oF the opposite, extension of its stem, moves the hand on the dial’s ti which produces the reading. The stem b ing compressed—pushed inward toward the dial—moves the hand clockwise, or in a “plus” direction. The stem being ‘October 1986 extended aay from the dial—moves the hand counterclockwise, or in a “minus sirection The dial indicator measures the dis tance from the projected centerline of one shaft t0 the projected centerline of the other. The indicator is typically attached to one shaft with some type of indicator bar and extends to the other shaft, at which i takes readings. Tt is recommended that you use two brackets, indicator bars, and dial indica tors, withthe stem reading on the reverse bracket, rather than on the shaft. This practice climinates the il effects of shaft unout (non-concentrieity) oF poor sur face finish Making sure the machines are ready for alignment Before beginning the alignment proce- dure, a series of prealignment checks must be performed to ensure thatthe machinery is ina condition suitable for alignment. These checks include making sure that non-rusting shims of one-eighth to one- fourth inch (3.175 to 6.35 mm) thickness are under cach foot of the machine to al: low for alignment adjustments that may require lowering one or more of the feet. Also, test both dial indicators to ensure they are reading accurately and that their stems are moving freely Several other essential realignment checks are listed in the related article on page 33. Getting started: Preparing your graphical plot ‘Once the prealignment checks have been completed, you're ready to begin the procedure for performing the graphically plotted reverse indicator method. The steps Wwe will discuss are illustrated in Figure 1 For alignment assistance. Industry statistics indicate that mis- alignment causes the majority—60 to 70 percent—of damaging vibrations in re Ciprocating and high-speed. rotating ‘machinery. Bently Nevada Alignment Service Corporation, a subsidiary of Bently Nevada, helps eliminate these vibra- tions by offering troubleshooting and optical, laser, and mechanical align- iment services for rotating and recipro- Alignment Service is led by man ager Al Campbell, a 30-year industry veteran and. alignment authority. He and his staff use the latest in optical alignment techniques—techniques with 4 proven history of ensuring accurate alignment—as well as mechanical and laser alignment techniques, when appropriate. October 1986 ORBIT 29 ‘The first step is to lay out a representation ‘of the entire machine train atthe top of the graph paper using an appropriate scale for the particular machine train, The space below the machine train drawing will be used to plot the alignment movements for both the vertical (viewed from the side) and horizontal (viewed from the top) planes. Typically, the hori- zontal divisions will represent the length of the machine trainin inches (or millime- tres) and vertical divisions represent the amount of shaft offset—misalignment—in mils (or micrometres) This 1000:1 scale results in an exaggerated—but linear for alignment purposes—view of the shaft offset versus train length. is essential to designate from the start which machine will be moved to make the necessary alignment adjustments. The example used here is a machine train con- sisting of a steam turbine and a compres: sor, In this train, the compressor would typically be designated as “moveable” and the turbine as “stationary.” So it isin this example. Establishing a direction of sight is also ‘essential. All readings must be taken as if viewed from the same position. The prac- tice I follow is to always view the train from the driver end looking down the ‘machine train Plotting the hot operating lines: Where the shatt will “move” The projected hot operating lines (HOLS) represent where itis believed the shafts will be when the machines are in full operation. Plot each HOL as a hori- zontal line, Since the objective of align: ment i to have colinear shafts at operating conditions, the HOL. for each shat is plo ted linear tothe other: Desired cold position: The “final” cold shaft position Determine and plot the desired cold position (DCP) of cach shaft, using rise and fall measurements for each machine ‘These measurements may have been sup- plied by the machine manufacturer or determined through previous alignment measurements ‘The DCP isthe “final” cold position of ‘each shaft that will enable it to “move” to its HOL. To plot the DCP for each shaft, work backwards from its HOL, using the appropriate rise and fall measurements ‘Thousandths-of-an-inch (ils) are the units used for alignment calculations in this example. Provided that a unit of mea- surement is used consistently, any unit ‘may be substituted for mils without affect- ing the accuracy of the alignment. ‘In our example, the turbine’s estimated rise is 8 mils at each datum point. The compressor's estimated rise is 12 mils at the inboard datum point and 20 mils at the outboard datum point. Since both shafts are expected to rise at all datum points ‘when the machines are running, the DCPs ‘must begin below the HOLS by the given numbers of mils Plotting the two points 8 mils below the turbine’s HOL along each of the turbine’s datum points and connecting them with a straight line gives us the turbine’s DCP. ‘The compressor's DCP is determined by putting a mark 12 mils below its HOL along its inboard datum point and 20 mils HOL = Hot Operating Line Graphical representation of the machine train for plotting vertical and horizontal movements Figure 1: DCP = Desired Cold Position, 30 below its HOL along its outboard datum point, These points are then connected ‘with a straight line. This line is the com: pressor's DCP. Plotting the horizontal offsets Below the vertical plot, we must plot the offsets for the horizontal plane. This plot is drawn as if looking down upon the ‘machine train. The horizontal plotting is performed inthe same way as the vertical offset was determined. ‘Again, two colinear horizontal lines represent the two shafts’ HOLS. In our ex- ample, the turbine’s shaft is expected 10 have no horizontal change during opera- tion: It will remain where itis now. Since the turbine won't be moved and will have no horizontal change during operation, its HOL and DCP are represented by the same Tine But we do need to plot the DCP for the compressor. In this ease, 5 mils of move- rent to the east (toward the top of the page) at each of the compressor’ daturn points is estimated during running condi tions. Again, 10 enable the compressor shaft to “move” to its HOL, we must plot its DCP as a horizontal line parallel to its HOL, 5 mils to the wes of (below) its HOL. Extract the DCP readings now to verify proper alignment later Now we need to extract the vertical and horizontal dial indicator readings from both shafis’ DCP plots Once these readings are determined, we place them in their proper positions around the circles representing Desired Cold ORBIT Position (Figure 2). These readings will be necessary later to verify that the movements have been made correctly and that the de- sited cold alignment has been achieved. Extract the vertical DCP readings first ‘The vertical DCP readings for the tur- bine are extracted along the turbine’s indica tor line (Figure 1). Indicator tines are the planes in which the dial indicators rotate to ‘ake readings. Determine the distance along the tur- bine's indicator line from its DCP to the ‘compressor’s projected DCP. In our exam. ple, this distance is one-half mil ‘This number must be doubled, because the bottom reading is what is called the Total Indicator Reading (TIR). A TIR is twice the acrual distance between two shaft cen- terlines. Doubling this distance gives us 1 ‘mil, which is placed atthe bottom of Circle C to T (CompressortoTurbine, meaning the dial indicator was extended’ from the ‘compressor to take readings atthe turbine). ‘We soe on our plot (Figure 1) that the ccompressor’s projected DCP would inter- sect the turbine’ indicator line below the turbine's DCP, s0 we know this distance 10 stem would be extended inthis case, indica ting a minus reading.) So, write 001" for the bottom reading of the C to T circle. ‘To extract the vertical DCP readings for the compressor, determine the number of ‘mils along its indicator line from its DCP to the turbine's projected DCP. This distance is 2 mils October 1986 Double this number to get the boom reading (TTR): 4 mils. Write iat the bottom of Circle T to C (Turbine to Compressor). We can easily determine the sign—plus or minus—of this reading using the rule: same side, opposite sign; opposite side, same sign. We see (Figure 1) that the com- pressor's projected DCP intersects both indicator lines—its own and the ‘urbine's—on the same side of (below) the turbine’s DCP. Since it's on the “same side” of our reference line—the turbine’s DCP—it has the “opposite sign” as the other shaft’s bottom reading. Since the other shaft’s TIR is minus, the bottom reading for Circle T to C is +.008" Extracting the horizontal DCP readings The process for determining the hori- zontal DCP readings is similar to that for the vertical readings, but slightly more complicated. This process is illustrated i Figure 2. ‘Imagine that both dial indicators are “zeroed” at their respective east posi- tions, rather than at the top. We know that the distance between the turbine’s DCP and the compressor’s DCP along the com- ppressor's indicator line is 5 mils. This ac- tual distance is one-half the Total Indicator Reading (TIR) ‘The TIR in this case would be the west reading. So, doubling 5 mils gives us the west reading of 10 mils, Since the com- pressor's DCP is to the west of (below) that of the turbine, a T to C reading would 000" T Turbine 10 Compressor (T 10 €) Readings taken withthe dial indicator extended from the turbine’s shaft and reading atthe ‘compressors sha. Ww e .007" —.0045” jure 2: Desired Cold Position (DCP) readings .000" c October 1986 ORBIT 31 ‘mean the dial indicator’s stem would be ‘compressed when the indicator reached the west position, This would produce a plus reading Inside Circle T to C, write .000" at the East position and .010" at the West posi- tion, The west reading for the C to T circle is ~10 (doubling the five mils again and us- ing the "same side, opposite sign” rule). So, inside the C to T circle, write .000" at the East position and -.010" at the West position, These East and West readings that we have placed inside the circles are not the actual readings. They have been used as ‘an intermediate step for calculating the ac- tual readings. These readings must now be converted into standard form. ‘AL this point, another rule comes into play: The sum of the horizontal readings must equal the sum of the vertical read ings (East + West = North + South). To convert the horizontal readings into true readings, we add the same number to both horizontal readings for a given set of readings. In our example, the T to C readings turn out to be: East, -.003"; West, +.007". For the € to 'T readings: East, +.0045"; West, -.0055”. (Note that in each case, the sum of the East and the West readings equals the sum of the North ‘and South—bottom and top—readings.) Place these readings in their proper loca tions outside the appropriate circles. Again, it’s essential that you determine and write down these readings as shown in Figure 2. You'll need these readings later to verify that proper cold alignment has been achieved. Take reverse indicator readings...carefully ‘The dial indicators should begin and remain 180 degrees apart—at opposite ends—on their respective shafts. Or, you can use A-Line Manufacturing Compa ny’s Precision Reverse Alignment Tool, Which allows you to read both indicators at the same degree o quadrant. The tool is not used in the example provided in this article Take the reverse indicator readings of the actual cold postions by “zeroing” the turbine’s indicator at the top and rotating the two shafis simultaneously. Stop at 90° ‘and take a reading at the turbine. At 180°, stop again. At this point, in addition to taking a reading atthe turbine, “zero” the turbine-to-compressor’s indicator at the top of the compressor’s shaft and take a reading atthe compressor as well Now begin taking readings at 90° in- crements at both shafts until readings have been obtained at 0, 90°, 180°, 270°, and again at O for both shafts any reading isnot taken precisely at a 90° increment or ifthe zero reading is not retaken, the entire set of readings must be taken again. Place these readings at their proper po- sitions around their respective circles, as shown in Figure 3, Again, be sure that a consistent direction of sight is used in de- termining the proper positions for the readings. In virtually every case, there is some degree of bar sag—sravity pulling on the indicator bars—which affects the accuracy Of the readings. But, for simplicity, we'll assume that no bar sag exists in this exam- ple, so the readings we now have are pure” readings Plotting the actual cold positions tells you where the shafts are now ‘Actual Cold Position (ACP) represents the actual position of a shaft under ambi ent conditions We want to plot the ACP of the move- able machine's—the compressor’s—shaft. ‘These steps are illustrated in Figure 4 Since we will not be moving the tur- bine, its DCP—its “final” cold position— is also its ACP—where it is now. The turbine’s ACP/DCP will be our reference in determining the compressor’s ACP. Look at the T to C’s bottom ACP read- ing. This reading is also T to C’s Total In- dicator Reading (THR). Since the TIR of -.012" taken at the ‘compressors shaft (T to C reading) is mi- ‘us, we know thatthe stem had extended from its original position. The compres sor's shaft is above the turbine’s ACP/ DCP by half of the TIR, or .006”, Make a mark 6 mils above the turbine’s ACP/DCP along the compressor’ indicator lin. Now, take half of the C to T's bottom ACP reading (its TIR) of .012". Since itis plus, the compressors shat is again below the turbine’s ACP/DCP at this point, 100 (opposite sign, same side). Pe 000 Compressor to Turbine (C 10 1) = Readings taken withthe dial indicator extended from the ‘compressor’ shaft and reading at the turbines shaft 000 E w E c w =.001" [.000" TO-.010"}-.011" —_.001”"{ 000" TO 010”) 011" =012" 012" Figure %: Actual Cold Position (ACP) readings 32 From the turbine's ACP/DCP, count up along the surbine’s indicator line the dis- tance equal to half the TIR—6 mils ‘again—and make a mark. By projecting the two dots with a straight line, the vertical ACP of the compressor can be determined. Plotting the actual horizontal shatt positions Perform the same procedure to deter- mine the Actual Cold Position (ACP) for the horizontal plane. Again, plotting the horizontal shaft positions is slightly more complicated than the vertical plotting Since the turbine will not be moved. its DCP js also its ACP. In our example, its ACPIDCP is also its HOL, because no horizontal movement is expected for its shaft ‘AS we did earlier, we must obtain a temporary ACP indicator reading of 000" at the East position of both shafts to seta TIR at the West postion that we can use for plotting. This proces is ilustrated in Figure 3 By adding .001" to both of the T to C’s horizontal readings, we get the following ORBIT horizontal readings: East, .000" ; West, ~ 010”. By subtracting .001” from both of Co T’s horizontal readings, we get: East, 000"; West, +.010” ‘This gives us our horizontal TIRS: T to C, -.010"; C to T, +.010" . These numbers cean be placed at their proper positions in- side their proper circles. Again, our poimts of reference for plotting the ‘com: pressor's horizontal ACP are the intersec- tions of the turbine’s projected ACP/DCP ‘at both machines’ indicator lines. Since T to C’s horizontal TIR is minus (extended), the compressor’s shalt is east of (above) the turbine’s shaft by half the TIR—S mils. Make a mark along the com- pressor’s indicator line $ mils to the east of {above) the turbine’s ACP/DCP/HOL. ‘The Cto T's horizontal TIR is +.010" , ‘a plus number, so we know (opposite sign, same side) this point is also to the east of (above) the turbine’s ACP/DCP/HOL. ‘Again, taking half the TIR, we place a mark $ mils above the turbine’s ACP/ DCP/HOL, this time along the turbine’s indicator line. Projecting a line through the two points we've just plotted gives us the compressor's ACP. October 1986 Determining the necessary machine movements and shimming ‘We have completed the necessary plot- ting for cold alignment. You can now de- termine. the machine movements. and shimming needed to achieve desired cold postion by counting the number of mils (divisions) between the compressor's ACP and its DCP, both vertically and horizon- tally along both feet. In our example, we se that along the in- board fet, the compressors ACP is I mils above ts DCP (verically) and 10 mils east ofits DCP horizontally). Therefore, mils of shims must be removed from both in- board fet and the eet must be moved west by 0 mils Along the outboard fet, the ACP is 17 mils ahove ts DCP vertically and 10 mils ast of the DCP horizontally. So, at both futhoard feet, 17 mils of shims must be ‘removed an the feet must be moved west 10 mil. Note that shims must be removed from under the fet. This is @ good example of the importance of having proper amouns HOL = Hot Operating Line DCP = Desired Cold Position Figure &: Graphical representation of the machine train for plotting vertical and horizontal movements. Green color indicates steps added since Figure 1. ACP = Actual Cold Position October 1986 Of shims under each foot before beginning the alignment procedure. Moving and shimming the moveable ‘machine to atain proper cold alignment is ‘a complicated procedure in itself and will not be discussed here. Take readings again to verify proper “cold” alignment Assuming that the millwrights! mechanics have made the necessary moves and performed the required shim ming, it is necessary to take indicator readings again ‘These readings are needed to verity that the movements have been made cor rectly and the shafts are in their desired cold positions, Final cold alignment pos: tion should alvays be determined by the ORBIT indicator readings and not by the shim change, The readings should match (within a mil, of 25.4 micrometres) the Desired Cold Position readings calculated and ‘written down earlier (Figure 2). If not, the cold alignment procedure must be’ re peated until proper cold alignment is confirmed. Again, the objective of machine align- ‘ment is to have colinear shafts at operating conditions. Once the “cold” alignment procedure described here has been com- pleted, some form of “hot” alignment method is needed to verify proper align- ‘ment under operating conditions. ‘The graphically plotted reverse indica- tor method of alignment is widely and suc- ‘cessfully used by rotating and reciprocating 33 ‘machinery users, This method has been simplified here and is presented merely as information—not as instruction or training in the procedure. This technique—or any alignment technique—should be attempted ‘only by those with proper alignment in- struction or experience. nee For more information about the alignment of rotating machinery, please contact Bently Nevada Alignment Service Corpo- ration by writing 8601 Almeda Genoa Road, Houston, Texas, 77075, or by call: ing (713) 991-3070. Or contact your near- est Bently Nevada Sales Representative. Prealignment checks ensure the machines are ready for alignment Before performing “cold” alignment {or rotating or reciprocating machinery, a number of prealignment checks must be performed to ensure that the machin- cery's condition is suitable for align ‘These prealignment checks include ‘ensuring: B The m not been adversely affected by deterioration of the foundation, Necessary tools and proper shim packs are on hand. 1 Both dial indicators are reading ‘accurately and that their stems, are moving freely The absence of the machinery. disconnected before start alignment procedure and reconnected afterwards. Non-rusting shims are under each machine foot of one-eighth to one-fourth inch (3.175 10 6.35, ‘mm) in thickness—using no ‘more than two or three shim pieces for each foot. These shims are necessary to allow for alignment adjustments that may be needed, ping strain on iping should be the WE Hold-

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