Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

1.1 History and Background:
CG Industrial Park(CGIP) is Nepals first ultramodern industrial village situated
at Nawalparasi district, 185 km by road from Kathmandu and 23 km west
of Narayanghat.CUG spans over 137 acres of strategically located land adjacent
to Mahendra Highway.
In 1965, CG established its first Modern Hosiery Industry in Birgunj. Next development
was by establishing a Biscuit Factory and Maida Mill in Duhabi, one of the very first
industries in the area. Today it is the largest industrial area in Nepal.While establishing
CGFP(CG Food Park) at Sainbu, it was realized that every time the same infrastructure
was needed to establish an industry.This was when the Group decided to
build an
integrated world class industrial village fledged infrastructural facilities to smoothen the
progress of the establishment of industries in a short period decreasing the cost, time and
efforts required to establish an industry.
The land was acquired in 1993 and the commercial production started in 1995. It was
formally named as Ganga Devi Chaudhary Udyog Gram on 9th March 2003. Today CGIP
has been producing a variety of products such as instant noodles, beverages, potato
chips, brewery, cheese balls, chocolate wafers, cracker sticks, packaging cartoons,
chyawanprash, cooking powder and many other products are still planned for the future.
1.2 Mission Statement
To provide a self-contained, integrated and eco-friendly infrastructure to be able to
compete with any south Asian standards.
1. Understand consumer insights and meet their needs with safe, effective and world
class products.
2. Enhancing the value we deliver to our customers.
3. Develop a lasting relationship with our customers.
4. Recruit, develop, motivate and retain the best talents within the country; recruit if
need be from abroad and provide them a challenging and demanding
5. Become globally competitive.
6. Become the most admired company in Nepal.

1.2 Organization Structure


Vice President
General Manager



System Officer

QC Department

Shift Brewer

QC Officer


Process Control


Process Control


& R/A

In charge


Analysis Supervisors

Figure 1.1 Organization Structure

1.3 Management System



Organization Name
Factory name
Nature of ownership
Standard Obtained

: Chaudhary Group
: Chaudhary Group Industrial Park(CGIP)
: Dumkauli, Nawalparasi, Nepal
: Private
: ISO 9001 2008 Certified

1.3.1 Capital Investment:

The total investment in CGIP is about 40 corers at the beginning and is still
increasing through the establishment of new noodles and captive power plant.
1.3.2 No. of Employees
CGIP focuses on obtaining organization goals without any hindrance and stoppage
on production process. For the achievement of goals organization employs staffs and
workers in every department and production plant. There is day and night shift.


Table 1.1 Distribution of employees

No. of Employees
Quality Control

1.3.2 System of requisition and acquisition of inventories:

There are two types of purchase i.e. local purchase and head office purchase. The
head office purchase deals with the expensive major items in the plant whereas the
local purchase deals with the locally available cheaper products. A requisition form
is filled if any material is required by any section, which is forwarded to the store
section. After the relevant section chief has approved, it is forwarded to the store
which provides goods according to the requisition. If the particular requisition is
not in stock, it will fill acquisition form and is forwarded to the account section.
After the account section has checked budget for that particular, the acquisition
form is forwarded to the assistant project manager. Finally, account section gives
the purchase order to the procurement section. Store provides goods/materials
according to the requisition only after goods/materials provided by the procurement
section has entered on its account. The local inventories are purchased according to
the possible minimum cost. After the quality control department confirms the
quality of the product, only then the inventories are accepted to be acquired.
Otherwise the goods are inspected with responsible department.

1.3.3 Benefits and facilities provided to the employees

The company is providing different kinds of facilities to the employees which are
listed below:
1. Employees are allowed to buy a fixed amount of CGIP products monthly at
relatively lower cost
2. Yearly uniform allowances
3. Dashain expenditure and bonus to permanent employees
4. Canteen facility
5. First aid facility
6. Provision of ambulance during emergency
7. Aprons, masks, gloves and caps to the employees
8. Provision of life insurance during working hours
9. Provision of quarter for employees above executive level
1.3.4 Safety Measure
Safety measure is the most important things in the factory. Because there is
possibilities of different kinds of accidents to the workers while performing the job.
The safety measures adopted by the factory are as follows:

Workers are instructed to wear masks, caps, gloves, aprons, goggles

Fire Extinguisher
The workers should wear gloves, goggles while doing the maintenance.
Availability of Medicare to provide first aid treatment.
Trainings related to safety during works are conducted.

Chapter 2


2.1 Introduction:
CG Brewery (Nepal) Pvt. Ltd. (CGBN) formerly known as Sun gold Brewery (Nepal)
Pvt. Ltd. (SBN) was established in 1997 as the brewery arm of Chaudhary Group and has
a current capacity of producing 250,000 cartons of beer per month. It has its own popular
brands like Nepal Ice, Real Gold and Mustang which are also exported to Hongkong,
Japan, Australia, UK and the USA besides domestic sales. It has also tied up with
international brewer InBev International, Netherlands. CGBN is an ISO 9001:2008
certified company and it is recently awarded NS: 23 by Nepal Bureau of Standards and
Metrology, Govt. of Nepal for quality production.
2.2 Production Machineries
The plant consists of milling machine, malt equipment, mash filter, centrifugal pumps,
plate type heat exchanger, air compressor, washing machine, filler machine, packaging
2.3 Production Process
Various steps are involved in the production of brewery which are described below:
2.3.1 Malting
Malting is the process where a barley grain is partially germinate, making seeds
resource available to the brewer. Malting begins by soaking the raw barley. It is dumped
in steeping tanks where it spends a couple of days soaking up water. The barley is then
transferred to a huge room where it is aerated and held at around 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
It is also regularly turned This is all done to encourage the grain to sprout without putting
down roots which it does in around five days. It is now called green malt. The maltsters
then kiln or dry the green malt by slowly raising the temperature to over 120 degrees
Fahrenheit. The final temperatures vary depending on what kind of malt they want in the
end. The result, however, is the same, regardless of the final temperature the growth of
the sprouts is stopped. Malted barley is the source of the sugars (principally maltose)
which are fermented into beer.

Fig 2.1 Malting Tank

2.2.2 Milling
In the milling process the malt is milled to a suitable size. The milling of the malted
barley is a very important step. Milling is done to better allow the mashing liquor to
access the centre of the barley. This allows the enzymes secreted by the aleurone layer to
act upon the starchy endosperm. It is important that the grain husk remain intact, as the
husks are used to form a filter bed during lautering, the process where the sweet wort is
run off from the mashed grains. At the end of milling, the brewer should be left with a
range of fragments of barley, but no whole grains, and largely intact husks. There should
be little flour, as this leads to haze in the final beer and is poorly retained by the husk bed
in the lautering process. It is also important that most of the endosperm is broken up, as
this aids enzymatic action due to exposure of a greater surface area of endosperm, and
leads to better conversion of the starch to sugars.

Fig 2.1 Malt Mill

2.2.3 Mashing
Once the grain has been milled, it is added to a large vessel called the mash tun, and
mixed with hot water to form the mash. Thats when the magic starts to happen. The heat
from the water (referred to as liquor in breweries) activates the enzymes within the
barley. These enzymes then begin to convert the starches in the grains into sugars.
Since there are several different types of enzymes within barley, each with a preferred
temperature at which they like to work, brewers monitor the mash temperatures
extremely close. By raising and lowering the temperature of the mash, brewers can
control what types of sugars are produced by the enzymes. At lower temperatures, highly
fermentable sugars are created, resulting in dry beers. At higher temperaturs, the sugars
arent as easily digested by the yeast, resulting in a beer with some sugars left
unfermented, and thus a sweeter, more full-bodied end product. The enzymes work
quickly too. Within about an hour they will be done converting starch to sugar, at which
point the brewer will end the enzymatic activity by raising the temperature of the mash to
over 200 degrees Fahrenheit, a process known as mashing out.

2.2.4 Lautering
The next step in the brewing process is the take the mash, and separate out the spent
grain from the sugary liquid known as wort (pronounced wert). This process is called
To begin the lautering process, the mash is transferred to vessel with a false-bottom
called a lauter tun. Here the clear wort is drained away from the hulls and barley grist.
Water is also added during lautering, in order to extract even more of the fermentable
sugars from the grain. This is known as sparging. Sparging must be done very gradually
as to not disrupt the grain bed that acts as a natural filter for the wort. Brewers typically
add sparge water at the same rate as the wort is being drained below, although some
English brewing methods call for completely draining the wort, then adding water and
doing it all over again. This second go-round of lautering is called second runnings, and
was historically made for small beers.
Brewers must be careful not the sparge for too long, as eventually the bitter tannins from
the grain will also be stripped away.

Figure 2.2 Mash Filter

2.2.5 Boiling
Once the sweet wort has been separated from the grains, it is brought to a strong,
prolonged boil for one to two hours. Boiling does more than sterilize the brew, however.
Hops introduced to boiling water will begin to break down, or isomerize, molecularly
altering the composition of the acids within the hops and releasing bitterness into the
beer. The longer the hops are boiled, the more of their alpha acids will be isomerized in
order to lend bitterness to the brew. Hops added to the boil to lend bitterness are called
early hop additions, and are generally allowed to boil in the beer for an hour or more.
Hops added later in the boil dont bitter the beer all that much, but instead lend flavor
and aroma. This is because in addition to alpha acids, hops also contain highly volatile,
and very pungent oils, which break down quickly in boiling water. However if only
exposed to the boiling wort for a short period of time, or at lower temperatures, hops will
release these oils and lend aromatics and flavor to the beer. To extract flavor, brewers
typically add hops about 10-15 minutes before the end of the boil. For aroma, hops are
added even later, no more than 2 minutes before the end of the boil. Often aromatic hop
additions even occur just after the boil ends.
2.2.6 Wort separation and cooling
Once the boil is completed it is sent to a whirlpool to collect any hop matter and
coagulated proteins that have accumulated. Then it is immediately cooled. Cooling the
beer quickly is important, since the beer will begin to oxidize and produce off flavors
almost immediately at these temperatures. The plate type heat exchanger is used for
cooling of wort.
2.2.7 Fermentation
Fermentation is the process by which yeast converts the glucose in the wort to ethyl
alcohol and carbon dioxide gas giving the beer both its alcohol content and its
carbonation. To begin the fermentation process, the cooled wort is transferred into a
fermentation vessel to which the yeast has already been added. If the beer being made is
an ale, the wort will be maintained at a constant temperature of 68 F (20 C) for about two
weeks. If the beer is a lager, the temperature will be maintained at 48 F (9 C) for about
six weeks. Since fermentation produces a substantial amount of heat, the tanks must be
cooled constantly to maintain the proper temperature.
These fermentation tanks hold more than 2,400 gallons (9,085 L), which means that it
takes four batches of wort to fill one tank. Since fermentation takes at least two weeks,
the capacity of the brewery is limited by how many tanks they have.
When the wort is first added to the yeast, the specific gravity of the mixture is measured.
Later, the specific gravity may be measured again to determine how much alcohol is in
the beer, and to know when to stop the fermentation.
The fermenter is sealed off from the air except for a long narrow vent pipe, which allows
carbon dioxide to escape from the fermenter. Since there is a constant flow of CO2

through the pipe, outside air is prevented from entering the fermenter, which reduces the
threat of contamination by stray yeasts.
When fermentation is nearly complete, most of the yeast will settle to the bottom of the
fermenter. The bottom of the fermenter is cone shaped, which makes it easy to capture
and remove the yeast, which is saved and used in the next batch of beer. The yeast can be
reused a number of times before it needs to be replaced. It is replaced when it has
mutated and produces a different taste remember, commercial brewing is all about

Figure 2.3 Fermentation Tank


2.2.8 Conditioning and Filtering

While fermentation is still happening, and when the specific gravity has reached a
predetermined level, the carbon dioxide vent tube is capped. Now the vessel is sealed; so
as fermentation continues, pressure builds as CO2 continues to be produced. This is how
the beer gets most of its carbonation, and the rest will be added manually later in the
process. From this point on, the beer will remain under pressure (except for a short time
during bottling).
When fermentation has finished, the beer is cooled to about 32 F (0 C). This helps the
remaining yeast settle to the bottom of the fermenter, along with other undesirable
proteins that come out of solution at this lower temperature.
Now that most of the solids have settled to the bottom, the beer is slowly pumped from
the fermenter and filtered to remove any remaining solids. From the filter, the beer goes
into another tank, called a bright beer tank. This is its last stop before bottling
or kegging. Here, the level of carbon dioxide is adjusted by bubbling a little extra CO2
into the beer through a porous stone.
2.2.9 Bottling & Packaging:
The first and most important concern when packaging beer is preventing contamination
by two of the main culprits that reduce the shelf-life of beer, stray yeasts, and exposure to
Followings are the basic steps for transferring beer to bottles or cans
1) Empty containers are rinsed and then blasted with CO2 to remove debris and any
cleaning solution that may have been used in the rinsing cycle.
2) The container is purged with CO2 several times, pressurizing with CO2 prevents
excess foaming when the beer is forced into the container under pressure.
3) Afterwards, the pressure is slowly relieved until the beer is at ambient pressure.
4) Next comes the capping machine or can lid. Before closing the container the small air
space between the beer surface and the bottom of the cap or lid needs to be purged.
a. On some bottling lines the bottle is passed under a narrow, high-pressure jet of
water that hits the beer, causing it to foam up and drive the air out of the bottle. The
cap is then applied before any oxygen re-entere the bottle.
b. On can lining a shot of CO2 is injected to drive out any oxygen just priot to seating
the lid.
c. On other systems, fill head dive to the bottom of the bottle and slowly rise as the
bottle begins to fill. This technique creates a positive motion where the filling nozzle
dispenses beer below the level of the product. By utilizing this method, dissolved
oxygen is reduced and a more complete fill is achieved with the proper amount of
foam left on the bottle or can to force out remaining oxygen.
5) After the cap or lid is applied, the outside of the container is rinsed to remove any beer
that may have foamed out during the process.


6) The crowned bottle is ready for packing and is packed in the cartons. The cartons of
beer are sent to the store room and then it is distributed to the market through the dealer.

Fig. 2.4 Washing Machine

Figure 2.5 Filler Machine





Hot Water





Sugar & Hops




Flavours & Spices






Figure 2.6 Flow chart for brewery production process


Chapter 3

3.1 Introduction
Refrigeration refers to the use of mechanical devices or heat activated devices for
producing and maintaining the temperature in a region less than that of surroundings.
The refrigeration process continuously extracts heat from a
body that needs to be stored at relatively low temperatures and keeps it
away from being
Refrigeration happens to be the chief part of the brewery industry as
almost all the products
needs to be kept at lower temperature. The refrigeration system is used
to cool the cold
stores. In addition, the refrigeration is also used in the supply of chilled
water in the chilling processes in the plant.
3.2 Types of Refrigeration
Two types of refrigeration are used in CGBN which are given below.
3.2.1 Vapour Absorption Refrigeration
Company: Thermax
Cooling capacity: 247 kW
Operating weight: 5T
Heat source: Steam
Inlet Pressure: 8 bar
Power Supply 3 Phase Voltage: 415 V
Refrigerant: Lithium Bromide
Working Principle of Vapour absorption refrigeration:
In a water-lithium bromide vapor absorption refrigeration system, water is used as the
refrigerant while lithium bromide (Li Br) is used as the absorbent. In the absorber, the
lithium bromide absorbs the water refrigerant, creating a solution of water and lithium
bromide. This solution is pumped by the pump to the generator where the solution is
heated. The water refrigerant gets vaporized and moves to the condenser where it is
cooled while the lithium bromide flows back to the absorber where it further absorbs
water coming from the evaporator. The cooled or chilled water is collected in the chiller
water tank and is used in the whirlpool for the cooling of wort.


Figure 3.1 Vapor Absorption Chiller

3.2.2 Vapor Compression Refrigeration System
Vapour compression refrigeration system works on the principle of vapour compression
refrigeration cycle. In this system low pressure ammonia is compressed isentropically
and then high pressure and high temperature refrigerant enters the condenser where
condensation of ammonia vapour takes place. High pressure ammonia vapour enters the
expansion valve leaves it is in the form of low pressure wet mixture of liquid and vapour.
Low pressure liquid-vapour mixture is passed through evaporator section in which
refrigerant picks up heat from surroundings thereby showing refrigeration effect. At the
installed refrigeration system the surrounding medium is glycol. Due to refrigeration
effect the heat of glycol is picked up and it becomes cold which is circulated around the
coil of evaporator by centrifugal pump. To absorbed the heat rejected by the condenser
water from the cooling tower is used which is circulated around the coil of condenser
using centrifugal pump. The cooled secondary refrigerant is used in the fermentation
process to maintain constant level of temperature.





Expansion valve



Figure 3.2 Vapour absorption refrigeration system flow chart




Expansion Valve


Figure 3.3 Vapor compression refrigeration system flow chart

3.3 Components of refrigeration plant
Followings are the components of refrigeration plant
3.3.1 Evaporator
The purpose of the evaporator is to receive low-pressure, low temperature fluid from the
expansion valve and to bring it in close thermal contact with the load. The refrigerant
takes up its latent heat from the load and leaves the evaporator as a dry gas.
3.3.2 Condenser
The purpose of the condenser in a vapour compression cycle is to accept the hot, high
pressure gas from the compressor and cool it to remove first the superheat and then the
latent heat, so that the refrigerant will condense back to a liquid. In addition, the liquid is
usually slightly subcooled. There are several methods of dissipating the rejected heat into
the atmosphere by condenser. These are water-cooled, air cooled or evaporative cooled
condensers. In the water-cooled condenser there are several types viz. shell and tube,
shell and coil, tube in tube etc. In Evaporative cooled condenser, both air and water are
used. Air-cooled condensers are prime surface type, finned type or plate type.
The condenser used in the plant is water-cooled condenser.


3.2.3 Compressor
The compressor is known as the heart of the refrigeration system. It pumps the
refrigerant vapour in refrigeration cycle as the heart pumps blood in the body. The low
temperature, pressure, superheated vapour from the evaporator is conveyed through
suction line and compressed by the compressor to a high pressure, without any change of
gaseous state and the same is discharge into condenser. During this process heat is added
to the refrigerant and known as heat of compression ratio to raise the pressure of
refrigerant to such a level that the saturation temperature of the discharge refrigerant is
higher than the temperature of the available cooling medium, to enable the super-heated
refrigerant to condense at normal ambient condition.
In the refrigeration plant the compressor is of reciprocating type.
Ammonia compressor Specifications
Compressor Type: Double acting reciprocating; V-type
No. of cylinders: 4
No. of strokes: 2
Bore diameter: 160
Stroke length: 110
RPM: 400/1000
Max. delivery pressure: 21 kg/cm2
Power input(Motor power): 75 kw
Sets of compressor: 3 Set

Figure 3.4 Compressor


3.2.4 Expansion valve

The high-pressure liquid from the condenser is fed to evaporator through device, which
should be designed to pass maximum possible liquid refrigerant to obtain a good
refrigeration effect. The liquid line should be properly sized to have minimum pressure
The expansion is a pressure-reducing device and a regulator for controlling the
refrigerant flow. It also reduces the pressure from the discharge pressure to the
evaporator pressure without any change of state of the pressure refrigerant.

Figure 3.5 Expansion valve

3.2.5 Cooling tower

Cooling towers are used to conserve or recover water.
In one design the hot water from the condenser is pumped to the tower. There, it is
sprayed into the tower basin. The temperature of the water decreases as it gives up heat
to the air circulating through the tower.
Some of the towers are rather large, since they work with condensers yielding 1600 tons
of cooling capacity. Most of the cooling that takes place in the tower
results from the evaporation of part of the water as it falls through the tower.
The lower the wet-bulb temperature of the incoming air, the more efficient the air is in
decreasing the temperature of the water being fed into the tower.
The following factors influence the efficiency of the cooling tower.

1. Mean difference between vapor pressure of the air

and pressure in the tower water
2. Length of exposure time and amount of water surface
exposed to air
3. Velocity of air through the tower
4. Direction of airflow relative to the exposed water
5. surface (parallel, transverse, or counter)
Theoretically, the lowest temperature to which the water can be cooled is the temperature
of the air (wet bulb) entering the tower. However, in practical terms, it is impossible to
reach the temperature of the air. In most instances, the temperature of the water leaving
the tower will be no lower than 7 to 10F (4 to 6C) above the air temperature.
The range of the tower is the temperature of the water going into the tower and the
temperature of the water coming out of the tower. This range should be matched to the
operation of the condenser for maximum efficiency.
In the refrigeration plant there is two cooling towers.

Figure 3.6 Cooling Tower


Chapter 4

4.1 Introduction
Boiler, also called steam generator is the engineering device which generates steam at
constant pressure. It is a closed vessel, generally made of steel in which vaporization of
water takes place. Heat required for vaporization may be provided by the combustion of
fuel in furnace, electricity, nuclear reactor, hot exhaust gases, solar radiations etc. The
boiler used in the CGIP is for heating purpose.
4.2 Types of Boiler
In CGIP two types of boiler is used.
4.2.1 Horizontal fire tube boiler
Company: Thermax
Capacity: 5 TPH
Fuel: Furnace oil
Working principle of fire tube boiler
The basic working principle of boiler is, heat is exchanged between water and the hot
gases running in tube after firing in furnace. Due to heat exchange water is converted
into steam by convection.
The boiler consist of a step up transformer in which the current provided in the primary
windings is 220V. The voltage obtained in the secondary windings is 14000V. Hence
14KV is present in the spark rod whose two ends are separated by 5mm.
As current passes in the solenoid valve (initially at 180 V and later after resistance it drop
down to 80 V), magnetic field is developed and hence it opens the valve for the oil. As
the solenoid valve is open oil is blown off to the spark rod where 14000 V is present. As
oil reaches the spark rod firing happens in furnace and the hot gases passes to the tube
which is surrounded by water and steam is generated.
Photocell is present which acts as sensor to cut off the voltage provided at spark rod. The
photocell senses the light of firing and it cut off the supply of high voltage to spark rod.
If high voltage is not cut then it will destroy the spark rod.
As it is fire tube boiler, hot gases flows in tube surrounded by water.
As it is horizontal type of boiler its pressure is controlled by itself. As more steam is
generated pressure of closed system increases and convectional flow of water is
constrained and rate of steam production become slower. Again if more steam is taken
out, convectional flow of water becomes faster and rate of production of steam increases
Initially when the current is provided to the motor of the blower its blows air and at the
same time oil pump also starts working, so the oil pressure is generated with the help of
oil pump.


4.2.2 Vertical water tube boiler

Company: Cheema
Capacity: 10 TPH
Fuel: Rice Husk
Bed Type: Fluidized Bed
Design pressure: 50 kg/cm2
Working pressure: 45 kg/cm2
Final steam temperature: 206oC.
Working of water tube boiler
The raw material used for water tube boiler is rice husk. The rice husk is stored in Go
down where the husk is carried from rice mills of different places of Nepal.
For starting of Water tube boiler to operate first of all the coal and diesel is mixed i.e. (50
kg of coal and 20 liters of diesel). Then it is sprayed over bed where the sand is already
spread over the bed. And it is provided with fire. Due to firing the diesel and coal gets
burned completely over the sand and the sand gains temperature of burning coal and
diesel. After Firing to a high temperature, slowly the husk is fed into the bed with help of
FD and also bubbling of sand occurs with help of FD provided with nozzle inside the
bed. Slowly, the speed of FD is increased with help of VFD. In this way the firing is
done and the boiler is made ready for operation.
Then, the husks are kept into the vibrator with help of tractor. In this vibrator the husk is
filtered. The vibrator gets motion with help of electric motor. The vibrator helps to
wipeout stone, woods, mud, heavy particles etc. The fine husk is passed to the bucket
conveyer. The bucket conveyer transfers the husks from go down to the bunker. The
bunker contains the fine husk ready for operation of the boiler. Then the husks are passed
to the 2 hopper. From these 2 hopper, the husk is fed into the bed with help of screw
feeder respectively. Screw feeder uses rotating motion of helical blade within cylindrical
rod to move the raw material. The raw material gets burned inside the 2 bed with
generating high temperature. In these bed, there are 32 tubes inside the bed which
contains water inside the tube. These water get heated with the temperature of bed. These
32 tubes are in from the header in. The steam gets collected in steam drum and is
distributed to different plant using header out.
The flue gas from bed comes to APH. In this APH, the hot flue gas heat the air and sent
the hot air to the bed with help of FD. This helps to increase the efficiency of boiler. The
ashes and dust are collected in hopper. There are 4 hoppers. First hopper has two sub
part; second hopper also have two sub part; third and fourth have one sub part with
rotary valve with air inter locking.
The flue gas contains fly ash, sand, very small particle etc. after the combustion chamber
so these are filtered in cyclone and are removed with cyclone. The cyclone could not
filter all these very small particles so these are transferred to the bag filter. Bag filter
contains 144 filter bag which absorbs very small particle carried by flue gas. These very

small particles stacked in bag are removed by giving vibrating motion on bag with help
of compressed air controlled by solenoid valve. Solenoid valve contain solenoid wire
which converts the electrical energy into mechanical pulse. There are 12 solenoid valve
fitted into the pipe where compressed air is passed through the pipe. The ashes, dust and
very small particle are delivered to ash room through the rotatory valve. The flue gas
with low temperature and less polluted air is passed to chimney.
The husk consumption in 24 hours is about 57000 kg.
4.3 Boilers mountings
Boiler mounting are different fitting and devices that are necessary for operation and
safety of boiler. They are as follows:
4.3.1 Saftey Valve
Safety valve is mainly installed in boiler for preventing the pressure vessels from
exploding or damaging. In CGIP, spring loaded safety valves are used at the top to
protect the boiler against excessive high pressure of steam. These safety valves are
regulated with help of spring force created by pressure of steam. There is each safety
valve located in 5 TPH and 10 TPH boilers. The cutoff pressure for water tube boiler is
17.5 kg/cm2 and for fire tube boiler it is 15 kg/cm2.
4.3.2 Water level indicator:
The function of water level indicator is to indicate the level of water in boiler constantly.
The level of water in a steam boiler must be carefully controlled, to ensure good quality
steam is produced safely, efficiently and at the correct pressure. If the boiler operates
with insufficient water, severe damage could occur and there is ultimately the risk of
For this reason, controls are required which will:
1. Monitor and control the water level.
2. Detect if a low water level point is reached, and take appropriate action.
4.3.3 Mobrey:
Mobrey helps to control the flow of water inside the boiler by controlling the rate of feed
pump during steam production. There is a Mobrey in each boiler. It is basically a
magnetic switch. When the water level is decreased to certain level, the feed pump
operates and pumps water into the boiler. As the water level reaches the maximum level,
the pump automatically stops.
4.3.4 Pressure gauge:
The function of pressure gauge is to indicate the pressure of steam inside the boiler. In
CGIP, the pressure gauge used is of bourdon tube type which has a dial indicating the
pressure of steam at kg/cm2.


4.3.5 Blow off cock:

The function of blow off cork is to drain out the water and removal of waste particle like
sand, sediments mud, scales, mud, or other impurities etc. from the boiler for internal
repairing, cleaning, maintenance etc. there are 6 blow off cork in water tube boiler and 1
in fire tube boiler in CGIP. Blow off valve is a cork is fitted to the lowest part of the
4.4 Boiler accessories
Followings are the boiler accessories:
4.4.1 Air pre heater:
An air preheater (APH) is device designed to heat air before supply to the furnace, with
the primary objective of increasing the thermal efficiency of the combustion process.
They may be used alone or to replace a recuperative heat system or to replace a steam
The purpose of the air preheater is to recover the heat from the boiler flue gas which
increases the thermal efficiency of the boiler by reducing the useful heat lost in the flue
gas. As a consequence, the flue gases are also conveyed to the flue gas
stack (or chimney) at a lower temperature, allowing simplified design of the conveyance
system and the flue gas stack. It also allows control over the temperature of gases leaving
the stack (to meet emissions regulations.).
Air preheater are heat exchanger to preheat or air heating of the combustion air by means
of flue gas. Air preheaters are used when exhaust temperatures of combustion systems
are particularly high. This extracts the hot exhaust valuable energy, which discharged
otherwise unused into the atmosphere and warming means of this exhaust heat the
combustion air of the combustion process.
4.4.2 Feed pump:
A boiler feed water pump is a specific type of pump used to pump feed water into
a steam boiler. The water may be freshly supplied or returning condensate produced as a
result of the condensation of the steam produced by the boiler. These pumps are normally
high pressure pumps that take suction from a condensate return system and can be of the
centrifugal pump type or positive displacement type.
Specification of feed pump:
Boiler: 5TPH
Power:7.5 KW/10 HP
Speed: 2900 RPM
Discharge: 7.2m3/h

Boiler:10 TPH
Power: 15 KW
Speed:2930 RPM
Discharge: 14.5m3/h

4.4.3 Force draft:


In a boiler arrangement, a forced draft fan draw in air and force it into the combustion
chamber of the boiler, where it mixes with the fuel being supplied. FD fans are typically
used to regulate the proper amount of air-to-fuel ratios in an effort to maximize fuel
efficiency. It operates at positive pressure because outside air is drawn into the fan and
forced into the system. Forced draft handles atmospheric air (relatively high density)
hence are of smaller capacities. The speed of motor used in FD is controlled by VFD
(Variable Frequency Drive) according to working condition.
There are 2 FD in 10TPH Boiler and 1 FD in 5TPH Boiler. FD fan is a centrifugal type
Specification of FD:
Boiler: 5 TPH
No of FD: 1
Speed: 2900 R.P.M.
Power: 11KW

Boiler: 10 TPH
No of FD: 2
Speed: 2900 RPM
Power: 22 KW
Belt: C82

4.4.4 Induced draft:

Induced Draft fans are commonly used to draw flue gases from the combustion chamber
and through the rest of the system to the stack. They help most to regulate the pressure
inside of the boiler system. In an induced draft system, the fan is at the exit end of the
path of flow, and the system is under negative pressure that is, the pressure in the flow
area is below atmospheric, because the air is being drawn through the fan. Induced
draught fan has to handle hot air (low density) hence consume very high power.
Specification of ID:
Boiler: 5TPH
No of ID: 1
Speed: 1400 RPM
Power: 22 KW

Boiler: 10TPH
No of ID: 1
Speed: 1470 RPM
Power: 37 KW

4.3.10 Bag filter:

Bag filter is the cylinder vessel which is used to separate very tiny and small particle of
dust containing in the air. Bag filter are provided with filter bags in which very tiny
particles are stacked. These filter bag are provided in order to absorb dust from flue gas.
There are 144 filter bag which absorbs very small particle carried by flue gas. These very
small particles stacked in bag are removed by giving vibrating motion on bag with help
of compressed air controlled by solenoid valve. The efficiency of bag filter is high. It
helps to decrease the pollution in environment by absorbing very micro particle and also
help to decrease the temperature of flue gas.


Chapter 5

5.1 Introduction
Maintenance involves keeping the workplace, its structures, equipment, machines,
furniture and facilities in good repair and operating efficiently and safely. It includes
many tasks including repairing, replacing, servicing, inspecting and testing. The
objective of plant maintenance is to achieve minimum breakdown and to keep the plant
in good working conditions at the lowest possible cost. Machines and other facilities
should be kept in such a condition which permits them to be used at their optimum
capacity without any interruption or hindrance.
Maintenance department of the factory ensures the availability of the machines and
services required by other sections of the factory for performance of their functions at
optimum return on investment whether this investment be in material, machinery or
A system of scheduled, planned and preventive maintenance tries to minimize the
problems of breakdown maintenance. It locates weak spots (such as bearing surfaces,
parts under excessive vibrations, etc.) in all equipments, provides them regular
inspection and minor repairs thereby reducing the danger of unanticipated breakdown.
The underlying principle of preventive maintenance is that prevention is better than cure.
5.2 Preventive maintenance
CGIP has used preventive maintenance so that losses are minimized. If there is
occurrence of break down in any machinery during the working condition then there is
quick replacement or maintenance of the machine by replacing another new repaired
machine. In the CGIP plant there is schedule of preventive maintenance at the every
week of Saturday. Under the supervision of R&M incharge repair and maintenance is
done. Machinery maintenance workers do basic maintenance and repairs on machines.
They clean and lubricate machinery, perform basic diagnostic tests, check the
performance of the machine, and test damaged machine parts to determine whether
major repairs are necessary.
Machinery maintenance workers must follow machine specifications and adhere to
maintenance schedules. They perform minor repairs, generally leaving major repairs to
machinery mechanics.
All maintenance workers use a variety of tools to do repairs and preventive maintenance.
For example, they may use a screwdriver or socket wrenches to adjust a motors
alignment, or they might use a hoist to lift a heavy printing press off the ground.


Chapter 6

Work Assigned
During the course of industrial attachment work assigned was to calculate the efficiency
of the water tube boiler and observe and measure cooling tower temperature, glycol
temperature, head and flow rate of the glycol pump, compressor inlet ant outlet pressure
chilled water inlet and out let temperature.
6.1 Calculation of efficiency of the vertical water tube boiler
Followings observevations and data were taken to calculate the efficiency of the boiler:
Capacity of boiler: 10TPH
Steam pressure: 11 kg/cm2 =11*9.8*104=10.78 bar
Enthalpy at 10.78 bar: 2780.41 KJ/Kg
Feed water flow rate: 10400 Kg/hrs.
Husk consumption per hours: Total Husk consumption/24 = 57000/24 = 2375 Kg/hrs.
Feed Water Temperature: 50oC
Enthalpy at 50oC: 209.3 KJ/Kg
Mass of steam produced per Kg of husk consumed i.e. m s: Feed water flow rate / Husk
consumption per hours: 10400/2375 = 4.378 kg
Efficiency of 10 TPH Boiler= ms *(h s- hf) *100%/Gross Calorific Value
= 4.378*(2780.41-209.3) *100/15217.2
= 73.97 %
Ratted efficiency: 802%
6.2 Measuremnet of compressor inlet and outlet pressure and secondary refrigerant
glycol temperature of vapour compression refrigeration system
Primary Refrigerant: Ammonia(NH3)
Secondary Refrigerant: Glycol
Table 6.2.1 Compressor inlet and outlet and secondary refrigerant glycol temperature
High pressure
Low Pressure
Oil Pressure
(kg/cm )
(kg/cm )
(kg/cm )
Temp C






Inlet C
Outlet C
Measurement of cooling tower inlet and outlet temperature
Table 6.3.1 Cooling tower inlet and outlet temperature

6.4 Measurement of chilled water inlet and outlet temperature

and mass of steam used in the heating of the vapor vapor
compression refrigeration generator
The temperature of steam range: 140-170 C
The cooling capacity of absorption chiller: 247kW
Operating weight: 5 ton


Table 6.4.1 Chilled water inlet and outlet and mass of steam used
Chilled Water Temperature
Mass of Steam

Inlet C
Outlet C













6.5 Findings
1. The calculated efficiency of boiler is found to be 73.97% which is less than rated
efficiency of the boiler.
2. There is variation in the temperature of secondary refrigerant glycol, chilled water and
cooling tower water temperature.
3. Unusal sound coming out from the compressor.
6.6 Remedies
6.6.1 Remedies for boiler to increase efficiency
1. Increasing Feed Water Temperature


To improve any systems efficiency, it is important to maintain the standard of all the
inputs of that system. In boiler system, it is the feed water which plays an important role
in deciding the overall efficiency. For this, the feed water temperature must be
maintained at approx. 80- 85 deg C to ensure boiler is operated at high efficiency.
2. Supply of air/steam to burner
Air/steam is required to ensure adequate fire is generated inside the furnace through good
combustion. It is therefore important to know the percentage of air/steam for efficient
combustion. For fuel oil fired marine boiler with register type burner, 15-20 % by weight
of air is required for efficient combustion.
Controlling excess air within the required range will lead to decrease in the flue gas
losses. Every 1% reduction in the excess air supplied to the furnace results in approx
0.6% increase in the boiler overall efficiency.
4. Blow down control
It is normally observed that boiler blow down is not performed regularly by operators.
Blow down is only performed when the water test results are high in chloride or when
high conductivity alarm occurs. This leads to uncontrolled continuous blowdown which
is actually waste of boiler heat and efficiency. This reduces prominent amount of high
temperature water inside the boiler and addition of moderate temperature water from hot
The boiler burner will now fire for longer period to maintain the steam pressure hence
fuel combustion will increase reducing the efficiency. It is recommended to perform
regular blowdowns for short period which not only maintains the chloride level but also
reduces the thermal stresses within the boiler.
5. Boiler insulation
It seems obvious, but industrial boilers need to be insulated to minimize heat loss.
Because industrial boilers are so big, they have massive surface areas that are vulnerable
to significant heat loss if not insulated properly. The primary type of insulation used for
industrial boilers is the refractory material that lines them. When replacing refractory
materials, make sure to do a structural analysis to determine how much weight your
boiler can support.
6. Soot blowers
Byproducts of combustion such as soot and ash inevitably build up on heat transfer
surfaces in a boiler, even if it is run flawlessly within operating parameters. Installing an
intelligent soot blowing system (ISS) can keep this buildup in check with periodic jets of
compressed air or steam triggered by undesirable conditions. Of course, soot blowing
and deslagging can also be performed manually.
7. Regular maintenance
The best way to keep industrial boiler system running efficiently is to have a regular
boiler maintenance program. A good maintenance program will slow equipment

deterioration, enhance efficiency, maintain reliability, and ultimately reduce operating

6.6.2 Remedies for refrigeration
1. There should be done proper lubrication in the compressor bearings and
reciprocating parts. The oil pressure in the compressor should be maintained at
predetermined level.
2. Inlet and outlet flanges of the compressor should be fitted properly to prevent
from the leakage of the refrigerant which is toxic in nature.
3. The coil of the condenser should be cleaned time to time to avoid from the
formation of algae on the surface of the coil.
4. There is cleaning and repair of expansion valve and evaporator to prevent from
the freezing of refrigerant
5. Proper insulation to the supply pipe of the steam which is used for heating of the
generator to reduce the loss of heat.

Chapter 7

Conclusion & Recommendation


7.1 Conclusion
The period of industrial attachment at CGIP was an immeasurably
experience. Skills have been gained technically, professionally and
socially. This training was helpful to gain technical knowledge and
insightful experiences in a real
working environment.
During the attachment, the production process of brewery was gone
through and
knowledge was gained about the mechanisms of the machines. The
different parts of the
machines were analyzed. Throughout the attachment period,different plants like
refrigeration plant, boiler plant were visited and became familiar with various systems,
its working principles components of an engine and analyzed the reasons of its failure
and also the methodologies used in maintaining it.
The technical knowledge related to mechanical engineering as well as
learnt the social behavior and the various managerial skills that an
engineer needs to have. The working skills and behavior with the coworkers and various other staffs was also learnt.
Thus, in this entire 15 days of industrial attachment period the basic idea of how
engineers decide and work under various working circumstances were known.

7.2 Recommendations
During the industrial attachment period, various aspects of the CGIP were learnt
Followings are the some recommendations that factory need to consider.
1. The employee working in the company, especially the lower level staffs seem to
be unsatisfied with the salary, incentives, facilities they got. The company need
to bring out schemes that will satisfy the workers so the efficiency of the work,
production will be increased.
2. The safety adaption during the work is to low. The workers seem to be neglecting
the safety measures. The factory needs to be strict on safety adaption in order to
avoid the accidents
3. The factory has been using the tools and technology that was install quite a long
ago except brewery production plant. The factory needs to use latest and modern
technology to increase the production process to gain high profit.
4. Frequent training programme for all engineering staffs.
5. More interaction between supervisors and co-workers
6. Technicians should be introduced with the manual of equipments they are going
to use.
7. Newer and more advance machines in mechanical work shop.

1.Singh, Onkar, 2003, Applied Thermodynamics, New Age International (P) Ltd.,
Publishers, Third Edition, New Delhi, ISBN (13) : 978-81-224-2916-9
2. Rajput, R.K., 2013, Thermal Engineering, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd.,
New Dehli


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