Doctors List

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Doctors Directory 1. A. A. Durrani, Dr. Medical Specialist.

Fauji Foundation Hos

pital. Rawalpindi. Tel: 5486561, 5486578, 5486138/406(H), 5563822(R) 2. Abdul Ha
leem, Brig. Dr. Nephrologist. Military Hospital, Rawalpindi. Tel: 561-34443(O),
30761(R), 03005125529. 3. Abdullah Jan, Dr. 73-A, Affandi Colony. C-Bloc , Satel
lite Town. Rawalpindi. Tel: 4843158(C), 4453348(R) 4. Ahmad Hussain Mashwani, Dr
. Surgical Specialist. Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi. Tel: 561-111-286(
O), 5792514(R). 5. Ahmad Nawaz Khan, Dr. MO, PM House, Islamabad. E-Mail: drahma
ds Tel: 9222666(O), 2290399(R). 6. A bar Nawaz Khan, Dr. Cardiologist
. Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 9218300-8/384, 9218973.
7. A htar Hussain Bangash, Dr. Company Commander. Army Medical College. Rawalpin
di. Tel: 561-35726(O), 31457(R). 8. Anbar Badshah, Dr. Director Medical. HQ Zara
i Taraqiati Ban Ltd. Islamabad. Tel: 82006/426, 2202106(O), 2282038(R) 9. Aminul
lah Jan, Dr. Medical Officer, FGSH. IB HQ, K-Bloc , Islamabad. Tel: 9203860, 921
8300-8(H) 10. Amir M. Jan, Dr. ENT Specialist, Federal Government Services Hospi
tal, Islamabad. Tel:9218300-8(H),2876691(R), 2876595(C), 0300-5246947. 11. Arifa
Gulab, Dr. Lady Medical Officer. Directorate of Health Services. CDA, Islamabad

Tel: 2856100. 12. Asghar Aurangzeb, Dr. Associate Professor of Medicine. Foundat
ion University Medical College, Rawalpindi. Tel: 5788151-55(O), 5565071(C). 13.
Ashraf Hussain, Dr. AMS (Retd) Federal Government Services Hospital Islamabad. T
el: 5955251. 14. Asif Ali, Dr. Cardiologist. Capital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islam
abad. E-Mail: Tel: 9221334-43(H), 9221938(C), 2823318.
15. Asif Ali Khan, Brig. Dr. Cardiac Surgeon. Armed Forces Institute of Cardiolo
gy / NIHD Rawalpindi Cantt. Tel:561-34566, 9271002. 16. Asma Naeem, Dr. Lady Med
ical Officer. Railway Hospital Rawalpindi. Tel: 9278014. 17. Athar Saeed Dil, Dr
. H. No. 442, St. No. 11, F-10/2, Islamabad. Tel: 9221321, 9205467(O), 2294266,
2104275(R) 18. Ayub Khan, Dr. Fauji Foundation Hospital. Rawalpindi. Tel: 578815
0-55. 19. Aziz ur Rahman, Dr. Federal Program Officer. Ministry of Health. Islam
abad. Tel: 9202289(O). 20. Azmat Ali, Dr. Consultant Physician. KRL General Hosp
ital, Islamabad. Tel: 9261151-2. 21. Azra Masood Savul, Dr. Savul Clinic, Mar az
G-9, Islamabad. Tel: 2255479(C) 22. Babar Mannan, Col. Dr. Pathologist. Armed F
orces Institute of Cardiology / NIHD Rawalpindi Cantt. Tel:561-34566, 9271002.,
9272927, 5794704(R), 0300-8509121. 23. Badshah Khan, Brig. Dr.

Oncologist/Commandant. Armed Forces Bone Marrow Transplant Center. Rawalpindi Ca

ntt. Tel: 561-34011(O), 561-34398(R) 24. Birgis Fatima, Dr. Lady Medical Officer
. Capital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. Tel: 9221334-43(H). 2273222(R) 25. Br
e hna Aurangzeb, Dr. Medical Officer. Pa istan Institute of Medical Sciences, Is
lamabad. Tel: 9261170-5. 26. Bushra Sher, Dr. Medical Officer. Capital Hospital,
CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. Tel: 9221334-43(H), 9221800(R) 27. C. M. Anwar, Dr. Maj.
Gen.(R) Paediatrician. Anwar Hospital, 1-Javed Lane, (Near Ferozsons / Old Supr
eme Court). Peshawar Roa d. Rawalpindi Cantt. Tel: 5564343, 5114444, 5113333, 03
33-5101040. 28. Dawar Majeed, Dr. 63-Za ria Road, Westridge-II. Rawalpindi. Tel:
5788150(O), 5486807(C), 5470059(R). 29. Diyar Khan, Dr. Deputy Director UN. Min
istry of Foreign Affairs. Islamabad. E-Mail: diyar Tel: 9223795(O)
. 30. Fa hra Naheed, Dr. H. No. 304, St. No. 39. G-9/1, Islamabad. Tel: 0300-516
1025. 31. Fala Kaleem, Maj. Dr. Radiology Deptt. Military Hospital Rawalpindi. T
el: 561-34397(O), 5467770(R), 0300-5997601. 32. Fareed Khan, Dr. Col. (R). H. No
. 951, St. No. 123, Sector-I, Gulshanabad. Rawalpindi. Tel: 051-5573034, 0320-55
41972. 33. Fareeda Rashid, Dr. Associate Professor. Islamic International Dental
Hospital, G-7/4, Islamabad. Tel: 051-2875190.

34. Farhat Karim, Maj. Dr. Gynaecologist. Military Hospital Rawalpindi. E-Mail: Tel: 561-30030(O), 9272613(R), 0300-5180243. 35. Faridullah
Shah, Dr. H. No. 623-E, St. No. 24, G-6/2, Islamabad. Tel: 9201234(O), 2870561(
R), 2879569(C), 0320-5111514. 36. Fazal Elahi, Dr. Capt. (R). Attoc Road, Fateh
Jang. Tel: 05775- 210095(R). 37. Ghayur Ahmad, Dr. H. No. 1218, I-10/4, Islamaba
d. Tel: 2877940(O), 4441218(R), 0300-5288164. 38. Gha
yyur Hussain Ayub, Dr. Surgeon. Pa istan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamaba
d. Tel: 9261170-82, 9260115. 39. G. G. Jamal, Dr. Federal Minister for Tourism.
Government of Pa istan. Islamabad. Tel: 9203506, 0333-5210876. 40. Ghulam Siddiq
, Dr. Consultant Surgeon. Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad. E-Mail: ghula Tel: 4446801/ 3232 41. Ghias-ud-Din Butt, Dr. Nephrologist. Pa
istan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. Tel: 9260225. 42. Haider Ali Sh
ah, Dr. Medical Officer. Capital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. E-Mail: shahde Tel: 9221334-43(H), 0333-5241398. 43. Hajra Tariq Aziz, Dr. MNA.
Chairperson, Standing Committee on Health. National Assembly Secretariat, Islam
abad. Tel: 9222082 44. Ha im Gul, Dr.

H. No. 42, St. No. 55, G-9/4, Islamabad. Tel: 2250511(C), 2297747(R). 45. Hamid
Shafiq, Brig. Dr. Deptt of Preventive Cardiology. Armed Forces Institute of Card
iology, Rawalpindi Cantt. Tel: 9272937(O), 9280870(R). 46. Hamida A htar, Dr. Se
nior Medical Officer / Pathologist. Railway Hospital Rawalpindi. Tel: 9278014. 4
7. Hameedullah Jan, Lt. Col. Dr. Classified Orthodontist. Armed Forces Institute
of Dentistry. Rawalpindi Cantt. E-Mail: Tel: 561-34402, 3408
0, 31923. 0333-5124949. 48. Haroon Ahmad, Dr. Medical Officer. Pa istan Institut
e of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-5. 49. Ifti har A. Khan, Dr. MO,
PM Secretariat. Islamabad. Tel: 9209290(O), 9290490(R). 50. Ifti har Hussain, Dr
. Neurophysician, Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 92183008. 51. I ramullah Khan, Dr. Dermatologist. Pa istan Institute of Medical Science
s, Islamabad. E-Mail: i Tel: 9261170-82, 9260384(H), 228074
7, 2280330(C). 52. I ramullah Khan, Dr. ENT Specialist. Federal Government Servi
ces Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 9218300-8, 9209170(H), 2874007(C), 9214152(R) 53.
Ilahi Jan Bur i, Surg. Capt. Dr. Commanding Officer, PNS Hafeez (Naval Hospital)
, Islamabad. E-Mail: ijbur Tel: 20063297. 54. Imtiaz Malang, Dr. 14B West, Feroz Center. Blue Area, Islamabad. Tel: 9213807, 9202289 55. Inamullah
Khan, Maj. Dr.

Cardiac Surgeon, Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology / NIHD Rawalpindi Cantt. T

el: 561-34566, 9271002, 9271039(R ). 56. Inayatullah Khan, Dr. Neurosurgeon. Cap
ital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. Tel: 9221334-43.(H), 207006(R), 4446801(C)
57. Iqbal Ahmad Khan, Lt. Col. Dr. Prof of Community Medicine. Army Medical Col
lege. Rawalpindi. Tel: 561-30786(O), 33767(R). 58. Iqbal Saifullah, Dr. Cardiolo
gist. Pa istan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-82(H), 59.
Javed Aslam Butt, Prof. Dr. Gastroenterologist. Pa istan Institute of Medical S
ciences, Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-82, 9261198(H), 2824436(C) 60. Kamran Hamid, Dr
. Consultant Ophthalmologist. Shifa International Hospital, H.8/4, Islamabad. EMail: Tel: 4446801-30/ Ext-3091 61. Kashif Ali Samin, Dr
. MO KRL General Hospital. G-9/1, Islamabad. E-Mail: Tel:
9261150(O), 5592422(R), 0300-5578558. 62. Kau ab Jabeen, Dr. Principal Medical
Officer. Nuclear Medicine Oncology & Radiotherapy Institute. P.O Box No.1590, G8/3, Islamabad. E-Mail: Kau Tel: 9260
611-15, 2252160(R) 63. Kausar Tasnim, Dr. Gynaecologist. Pa istan Institute of M
edical Sciences, Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-82 64. Khaleeq uz Zaman, Prof. Dr. Neur
osurgeon. Pa istan Institute of Medical Sciences Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-82(H),
9260196 4454755(C), 9261166(R), 0300-8555520. 65. Khalid Si andar, Dr. Casualty
Medical Officer.

Pa istan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-82. 0300-5526982

66. Khursheed Anwar, Prof. Dr. Urologist. Pa istan Institute of Medical Science
s, Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-82, 9260262, 2250662(R), 2270701(C), 0300-8563567. 67
. Khushal Khan Zaman, Dr. WHO National Professional Officer. 14-D West, Feroz Ce
nter. Ministry of Health. Blue Area, Islamabad. E-Mail: Tel:
9204187(O), 5509386(R), 0300-8503387. 68. Lubna Hassan Jamal, Dr. 207-A Bloc ,
Parliamentary Lodges, Sector G-5/2, Islamabad. 69. M. Shafiquddin, Dr. Chief Hea
lth, Planning & Development Division, P-Bloc . Government of Pa istan. Islamabad
. E-Mail: Tel: 9206924. 70. M. Zahooruddin, Dr. Flat No.
1, Bloc No. 17-E. G-10/3, Islamabad. Tel: 9218300(O), 2290399(R), 0300-5060834.
71. Maadullah, Lt. Col. Dr. Paediatric Cardiologist. Armed Forces Institute of C
ardiology / NIHD Rawalpindi Cantt. Tel: 9272926, 561-34566, 30883, 9271002, 9272
950, 9271040(R). 72. Mali Imad Khan, Dr. Coordinator Medical Affairs. Shifa Inte
rnational Hospital, Islamabad. E-Mail: Tel: 4446801-30/ E
xt-3564. 73. Manzoor Ahmad, Dr. Consultant Cardiologist / Executive Director. Ca
pital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. E-Mail: biomed@pa net2.ptc.p Tel: 9212160
, 9221334-43(H), 9208981(C), 0333-5218832. 74. Mashhood Ali, Dr. Medical Officer
. Railway Hospital, Rawalpindi. Tel: 9278014. 75. Masood Anwar, Maj. Gen. Dr. Co
mmandant. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi. Tel: 561-30077, 34570
-2, 5508575(R).

76. Masood Savul, Dr. House No. 158, Street No. 15. E-7, Islamabad. Tel: 2822269
(R), 0320-4916886. 77. Mazhar Badshah, Dr. SR, Neurology. Pa istan Institute of
Medical Sciences Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-5, 9260288(O), 2280880(R), 2201217(C).
78. Mian Khalid A bar, Dr. Urologist, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad. T
el: 4446801-30(H), 2213812(R). 79. Mir Moatasim Dr. Brig.(R) Fauji Foundation Ho
spital, Rawalpindi E-Mail: Tel: 5487310/209 80. Mohammad A
li Afridi, Dr. Radiation Oncologist. Shifa International Hospital. Islamabad. EMail: Tel: 4446801/3073(H) Fax:4446879. 81. Mohammad Arsh
ad Khan, Dr. Medical Specialist. House No. 20, Street No. 1. F-6/3, Islamabad. T
el: 2829666, 2876866, 2270066. 82. Mohammad Azhar Khan Lodhi, Dr. Civic Center,
Near G. P. O. Islamabad. Tel: 2825650(C), 2822128, 2279669(R), 0333-5124646. 83.
Mohammad Fayyaz Lodhi, Dr. Deputy Director. Capital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islam
abad. E-Mail: Tel: 9221334-43/283((H), 9205032, 9204542(R).
84. Mohammad Iqbal Afridi, Dr. Medical Officer. Directorate of Health Services.
CDA, Islamabad. Tel: 9206968. 85. Mohammad Javed Chaudhry, Dr. Medical Superinte
ndent. Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 9214961(O), 9214965
, 9218300-8(H), 2292791(R), 0300-9713760. 86. Mohammad Kamal, Dr. Capt.(R) Deput
y Director.

Capital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. E-Mail: sur Tel: 9221263,
9221334-43(H). 87. Mohammad Mumtaz Khan, Dr. Associate Pathologist. Capital Hos
pital, CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. E-Mail: mmumtaz Tel: 9221334-43/232(
H), 2874706(C), 2297866(R), 0303-6524276. 88. Mohammad Musaddiq Khan, Prof. Dr.
Principal, Rawalpindi Medical College, Rawalpindi. Tel: 9281018(O). 9290321, 929
0360(H), 2828635(R), 4420991(C). 89. Mohammad Naeem Khan, Brig. Prof. Med Spec /
Neurologist. Military Hospital, Rawalpindi. Tel: 561-33235, 2281119(R) 90. Moha
mmad Saleem, Dr. Capt.(R) Medical Officer. Capital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islamab
ad. E-Mail: Tel: 9221334-43/246(H), 2204255(R). 91. Moh
ammad Salim Khan, Dr. Radiation Oncologist. Shifa International Hospital, H-8/4,
Islamabad. E-Mail: msalim Tel: 4446801-30/ Ext-3201 92. Mohamma
d Suleman, Dr. Surgeon/Urologist. KRL General Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 92611512. 93. Mohammad Tahir, Dr. IESCO Hospital. Marir Chaw , Rawalpindi. Tel: 9272112
, 0320-5157052. 94. Mohammad Tariq, Dr. Medical Officer. Dispensary, Cabinet Blo
c . Pa Secretariat, Islamabad. Tel: 9203430(O), 9290627(R) 95. Mohammad Tariq, P
rof. Dr. Neurologist. Pa istan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. Tel: 92
61170-82, 9260228, 2828051(C), 2256860(R) 96. Mohammad Yunas Jadoon, Dr. Associa
te Professor. Islamic International Dental Hospital, G-7/4, Islamabad.

Tel: 051-2875190. 97. Mohammad Zaman, Dr. Pulmonologist. Pa istan Institute of M

edical Sciences, Islamabad. Tel: 9260097, 9261170-82(H), 9217146, 2827590(C), 28
25683(R) 98. Muhammad A bar, Lt. Col. Dr. SMO, Surgical Wards. Combined Military
Hospital. Rawalpindi. Tel: 561-33806(O), 32072(R). 99. Muhammad A ram, Dr. Lt.
Col.(R) Staff Surgeon. Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalpindi. Tel: 5788150/413(H
), 5111411(R ) 100. Muhammad Arshad, Dr. Casualty Medical Officer. Federal Gover
nment Services Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 9218300-8. 101. Muhammad Ayyub, Brig. D
r. Haematologist. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Rawalpindi. Tel: 561-3457
0-2,33337(O), 5788016(R). 102. Muhammad Iqbal Khadim, Prof. Dr. Head, Dentistry
Deptt. Islamic International Medical College, Rawalpindi Cantt. Tel: 5565981-86.
103. Muhammad Riaz, Dr. Dermatologist. Pa istan Institute of Medical Sciences,
Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-5, 0300-5119579. 104. Muhammad Saaiq, Dr. Registrar, Gen
eral Surgery. Pa istan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. E-Mail: msaaiq@
yahoo.u .com Tel: 9261170-5, 0300-5216334. 105. Muhammad Mu htar Awan, Dr. Brig.
(R) 66-As ari 11, Cobbe Lines, Rawalpindi. Tel: 5517773(O), 5110760(R) 0300-510
7830. 106. Munsif Ali, Capt. Dr. Psychiatry Deptt. Military Hospital Rawalpindi.
Tel: 0300-5573569. 107. Mushtaq-ur-Rahman, Dr. Medical Officer. Capital Hospita
l, CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. Tel: 9221334-43(H).

108. Muqadar Shah, Dr. Lt. Col (R) Oncologist. Fauji Foundation Hospital, Rawalp
indi. Tel: 5788150. 109. Nafis-ur-Rahman, Dr. Ophthalmologist. Capital Hospital,
CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. Tel: 9221334-43(H). 110. Naila Bangash, Maj. Dr. Gynaeco
logist. Combined Military Hospital, Rawalpindi. Tel: 9270119(O), 5522485(R). 111
. Nasim Gul Afridi, Dr. MNA. National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad. Tel: 0924
1-811300, 0300-8580363. 112. Nasim Ashraf, Dr. Minister / Chairman National Comm
ission for Human Development. Government of Pa istan. Islamabad. Tel: 9216182, 9
216163. 9316200 (O), 9216719 (R) 113. Nasim Khatta , Dr. A. P. Gynae. Federal Go
vernment Services Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 9218300-8. 114. Nasir Moin, Dr. Asso
c. Prof. Cardiology. Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 92183
00-8, 9262579(R), 2828777(C). 115. Nayyar Latif, Dr. Nephrology Deptt. Fauji Fou
ndation Hospital. Rawalpindi. 116. Nazir A. Qureshi, Brig. Dr. Neurosurgeon. Com
bined Military Hospital. Rawalpindi. Tel: 561-30155, 32155(R) 117. Noor Sahib Sh
ah, Dr. Col.(R) Director Medical Services, PTCL. Room No. 201, Kamran Center. Bl
ue Area, Islamabad. Tel: 2821519(O), 5780589(R), 0300-5531886. 118. Qasim Ayub,
Dr. Immunologist. KRL General Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 9261151-2. 2206636(R)

119. Rafique Ghuncha, Dr. Director ATN, Islamabad. 2, St. 32, F-8/1, Islamabad.
Tel: 2852756, 0300-8544497. 120. Rahat U. K. Khatta , Dr. Khatta Clinic. Flat No
. 2, 1st Floor, Khyber Plaza, 96-West, Blue Area, Islamabad. Tel: 2829195, 28293
37. 121. Raja Shafiq Sarwar, Dr. DMS, DHQ Hospital. Rawalpindi. Tel: 5556311/335
, 0300-9552402. 122. Raana Sadiq, Lt. Col. Dr. Combined Military Hospital. Rawal
pindi. Tel: 2290330(R) 123. Rashed Iqbal, Dr. Medical Officer. Capital Hospital,
CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. E-Mail: Tel: 9221334-43(H), 282
124. Rashid Qureshi, Dr. SR, Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad. EMail: dr_rashidp Tel: 9206658(O), 2240101(R). 125. Raza Ali Gian, D
r. Medical Officer. Pa istan Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. Tel: 9261
170-82. 126. Riaz Anwar, Group Capt. Dr. Officer Commanding, PAF Hospital, Islam
abad. Tel: 920055661. 127. Riaz Hussain, Dr. Jamal Clinic, Near Bilal Hospital.
Sadiqabad, Rawalpindi. Tel: 4450250(R) 128. Rizwan Taj, Dr. Psychiatrist. Pa ist
an Institute of Medical Sciences, Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-82, 9260229(H), 282714
68(C), 2260910(R) 129. Rubina Fareed, Dr. House No. 48, Nazimuddin Road, F-7/4,
Islamabad. Tel: 2822957, 9208045,

0300-9542774. 130. S. Anis Khalid, Dr. Khalid Clinic & Laboratory. 14B-1, Habib
Plaza, Chandni Chaw , Rawalpindi. E-Mail: Tel: 5593572(O),
4454570(C), 4412707(R), 0300-8554513. 131. S. Ha eem Shah, Dr. Paediatrician. Ca
ntt. General Hospital Rawalpindi. Tel: 9270907(H), 274077(C) 132. S. M. A. Pasha
, Dr. Thoracic & Cardio-vascular Surgeon. Federal Government Services Hospital,
Islamabad. Tel: 9218300-8, 9204183. 133. S. M. Hasnain Naqvi. SMO, PTCL Health C
enter. Islamabad. Tel: 2264305(O), 2294442(R) 134. Sadaf Ahmad, Dr. H. No. 31, S
t. No. 56, F-7/4, Islamabad. E-Mail: Tel: 2828434(O), 28262
35(C), 0300-5162593. 135. Saddaf Aftab, Dr. H. No. 282, Gomal Road, E-7. Islamab
ad. E-Mail: Tel:0300-9599910. 136. Salma Aslam, Lt. Col.
Dr. Staff Surgeon. Military Hospital, Rawalpindi. Tel: 561-31363(O), 34497(R) 1
37. Sami Saeed, Dr. Pathologist, Health Ways Medical Center. 8/111 Murree Road,
Rawalpindi. E-Mail: sursa Tel: 5519959(C), 5480862(R), 0300-9116624.
138. Sanaullah Khan, Dr. Brig (R). Prof. Community Medicine & Registrar, Riphah
International University, St. No. 48, G-6/1-1. Aabpara, Islamabad. Tel:2828189(O
), 5592313(R), Tel: 0333-524540. 139. Sania Nishtar, Dr. Director. Heart File. 1
- Par Road, Cha Shahzad. Islamabad. E-Mail: Tel: 2243580, Fax
: 2240773 140. Shafi-ur-Rehman, Dr. PSO to Federal Minister.

Ministry of Tourism. Government of Pa istan. Islamabad. E-Mail: dr_shafi_afridi@ Tel: 9203506. Fax: 9210436. 141. Shaheen Yousaf, Dr. H. No. 479, St.
No. 1, I-9/1. Islamabad. 142. Shahida Badshah, Brig. Dr. Paediatrician. Combine
d Military Hospital. Rawalpindi. 143. Shamsur Rab, Dr. Chief Medical Officer. H.
M. C. Medical Center. Taxila. Tel: 9270562-64. 144. Shau at Sultan, Dr. Dermato
logist. KRL General Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 9261151-2. 145. Syed Ali Raza Kazm
i, Dr. Cardiologist. KRL General Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 9261151-2. 146. Syed
Amjad Ali Shah, Dr. Dermatologist. Capital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. E-Ma
il: Tel: 9221334-43.((H), 2826248(C), 2273774(R). 147
. Syed Iqtidar Ali Raza, Dr. Medical Officer. Capital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Isla
mabad. Tel: 9221334-43(H). 148. Syed Javed Hussain Mian, Dr. MNA. National Assem
bly Secretariat, Islamabad. Tel: 9205857, 091-5704768, 0300-5901156, 0333-512502
9. 149. Syed Mumtaz Ali Shah, Dr. Cardiologist. House No. 19, St. No. 22, F-6/2,
Islamabad. E-Mail: Tel: 051-2273774, 4446801-30/3349
. Fax: 4446879. 150. Tariq Khan, Dr. Eye Deptt.

Federal Government Services Hospital, Islamabad. Tel: 9218300-8. 151. Tariq Maji
d, Dr. H. No. 230-A, St. No. 4, F-10/3, Islamabad. Tel: 2297430(R), 0300-8506881
. 152. Tariq Usman, Lt. Col. Dr. Pharmacy Deptt. Combined Military Hospital. Raw
alpindi. 153. Tashfeen Adam, Dr. Gastroenterologist. Pa istan Institute of Medic
al Sciences Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-82, 9261198(H), 2255313-5(C) 154. Tasleem A
htar, Dr. H. No. 46, St. No. 27. F-6/2. Islamabad. Tel: 2872682. 155. Umar Faroo
q, Dr. Immunologist / Allergist. Civic Center Lab, Civic Center. Islamabad. Tel:
2874706, 4842743(R) 156. Wajahatullah Bangash, Prof. Dr. ENT Surgeon. Pa istan
Institute of Medical Sciences,Islamabad. Tel: 9261170-82(H), 9260332, 2255313-5(
C) 157. Wajid Naeem Panni, Dr. Lt. Col.(R) Senior Manager Welfare Div. Fauji Fou
ndation Head Office. Rawalpindi. E-Mail: Tel: 5112749(R),033
3-5245901 158. Waqar Ahmad, Col. Dr. DDMS, GHQ, Rawalpindi. 159. Zafar Ahmad Mal
i , Dr. Professor of Anaesthesia. Foundation University Medical College, Rawalpi
ndi. Tel: 5788151-65(O), 5599149(R) 160. Zafarullah Khan, Dr. P. O. F. Hospital,
Wah. Tel: 0596-9314101/23495 161. Zahoor Aslam Maj. Dr. Armed Forces Institute
of Cardiology / NIHD Rawalpindi Cantt. Tel: 561-34566, 9271002, 0300-5215562.

162. Zulfiqar A. Butt, Dr. Urologist. Capital Hospital, CDA. G-6/2, Islamabad. E
-Mail: Tel: 9221334-43/233(H), 051-5590390(R)
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