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Activities update
Strength is life. Weakness is death. Strength is felicity, life eternal, immortal; weakness
is constant strain and misery; weakness is death. The remedy of weakness is not
brooding over weakness, but thinking of strength. Teach men of strength that is already
in them.
Swami Vivekananda

Mananeeya Eknathji Janma Sha Parva was celebrated throughout the Year by all branch
centres and Prakalpas. 'Sarthak Yuva, Samartha Bharat', Janja Sammelan, Publica on of 45
books, Training of Karyakartas & Adhikaris at Nagar, Vibhag & Prant level were organised to
strengthen organisa on.
Ramayana Darshanam & Bharat Mata Bhavanam at Kanyakumari are in the nal stages of
comple on.
Educa on is The Manifesta on of The Perfec on Already in Man
Kumari G Jenisha, student of VKV, Port Blair (Andman & Nicobar) was handed over a
Commenda on Cer cate and a cheque of Rs. 25,000/- for securing 3rd posi on in the Pain ng
Compe on of the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Management, held in New Delhi.
VKVs students of Arunachal Pradesh -Kum. Toyir Kamgo and her friends of VKV Jirdin
par cipated in the Expo Science, Mexico-an Interna onal event at Tampico City, Tamaulipas,
Mexico and presented their group's project en tle "Impact of Firewood Collec on on Weather
and Climate in Jirdin Village, West Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh.
In Ishan Vikash Programme' launched by Ministry of Human Resource, 140 students of VKV
Arunachal Pradesh were taken to IITs of Bhubaneswar, Chennai, Kharagupur; Delhi& IISER's of
Bangalore, Bhopal etc. for 15 days to a end various sessions on Science & Technology by
eminent Facul es.
Bajaj Electricals under its CSR ini a ve has supported and helped to start a solar powered
computer training center for quality and eec ve educa on for underprivileged students of
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya, Tezpur, Assam by which more than 400 students coming from
local tribes & non tribes under Binduguri Panchayat are going to be beneted.
34th, 35th & 36th VKVs at Dollungmukh, Kimi, Chayang Tajo places at Arunachal Pradesh and a
new B.Ed college at VKV Complex at Nirjuli, were started and 4 Aanandalayas were started in
Goalpara district, Maladhara area of Rabhas in Assam4 girl students of VKV Jirdin from
Arunachal have secured the 3rd posi on at the Taiwan Interna onal Science Fair held from Jan
24-29 at Taipei on the topic Study on Tradi onal House Architecture in Itanagar Capital
Complex and to improve clima c responsive contemporary house
Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya (NEC) Baragolai took part in CBSE Cluster-I Kho Kho Tournament
and became the champions of the Cluster-I and par cipated in Na onal Championship

Special Programs
Vivekananda Kendra Telugu Praant organised Aanandalaya Acharya Prashikshan Shivir for the
rst me at Kaushalam, Vivekananda Kendra's Human Excellence Training Centre, Hyderabad
from 23-29 Nov 2015 from the Vanavasi and shing communi es. Mananeeya Balakrishnanji,
Vice President of Vivekananda Kendra on his visit On 21st August 2016, spoke on work of
Kendra in tribal areas and the vision behind its Kaushalam Project. The Bhoomi Puja for a new
Girls' hostel complex at VKV Balijan and new School building part of VKVAP Trust's was done.
Samartha Bharat Parva was celebrated by Vivekananda Kendra - Bhubaneswar in from 25th
December to 12th January with special focus on Utkal University campus with theme of Love
India Serve India.
Samartha Bharat Parva Celebra on at Mysore where compe ons in various areas such as
Rastrachintana diwas, Bharatmata poojan etc was organized. Wri en quiz on Samartha bharata
and Swami Vivekananda in dierent schools and colleges were conducted and 1783 students
have par cipated in the compe on.
Members of Plus Founda on, Ahmednagar visited VKV schools with a unique message of Jodo
Jodo, Bharat Jodo and conducted sessions on Adolescent health for both boys and Girls, solar
system, teaching Warli Pain ngs, Paper quelling art, conduc ng quiz and giving hands on
prac se for preparing science projects.
VK Marathi Prakashan has brought out a 12 pages' calendar on Kendra's service projects.
Vivekananda Jayan was celebrated in Tinsukia in a unique way where 1309 students, 68
teachers & 27 sta have visited the houses of all nearby and invited them for Pushpanjali
karyakram where Swamiji's photo was placed, garlanded and owers were kept in 115 places
and people came by turn oering owers to Swamiji.
A Medical camp was organised at Ma. Eknathji's birth place - Timtala on 19 Nov 2016. Pa ents
from 3/4 surrounding villages visited the camp. They had check-up and were given medicines.
Timtala is being developed as an 'Adarsha Gram' by MP Sri Piyush Goyal.
Vivekananda Kendra, Brahmapur (ODISHA) Branch had organized pariwar milan on the eve of
Mananeeya Eknathji Samadhi Divas.
Medical Ac vi es
19 medical camps in Namsai, Tirap & Changlang district whereby 2124 people bene ed.
Dr.Prema (Mumbai) organized medical services in Tirap & Changlang dist. of Arunachal Pradesh
VK Arun Jyo in associa on with Remote Area Medical Corp, Knoxville, USA has conducted 42
surgeries like gall bladder stones, appendici s, ovarian cysts and hernia and 9 Doctors from USA
and India have done these opera ons.
10 Medical camps for 614 pa ents were organized in tea garden areas of Dibrugarh & Tinsukia
Two days' health camp was organized on 20-21st August 2016 at Majuli by Vivekananda Kendra
NRL Hospital, Numaligarh extending relief during ood outbreak.
Blood Dona on camp was conducted at VK BORL Hospital Bina where 36 people donated
Free medical camp for heart disease and cancer was conducted at VK BORL and 31 pa ents
were examined.

Akhil Bhara ya Adhikari Baithak was organized in Kanyakumari in 374 Adhikaris par cipated.
Followed with this, Prant Level Adhikari Baithaks were organized in Mar-Apr 2016.
A two-day Ardhavarshik Baithak of Prant Pramukh and Prant Sanghatak was held in
'Sankalpa Bhumi' at Belgavi on 1-2 Oct 2016.
At the same place, a day long baithak of Prakashan Vibhag was held on 30 Sep 2016.
Other Various Ac vi es
The unique service project namely 'Vivek Kiran' undertaken by VKVAPT in collabora on with
Navajbai Ratan Tata Trust for strengthening the formal educa on system of Kimin circle
conducted 5-day residen al camp for Anganwadi workers, Health check-up in all the
Anganwadis, covering 750 students; Science camp for Government school teachers, se ng up
of a resource centre at VKV Sher etc.
Sneha Vardhini group organised a Matrusammelan in which 70 mothers from the
neighbourhood areas of VKV- Oyan have par cipated.
In VKVs of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Andman, the Matripuja was performed to restress the role of Mother in one's life.
In Bilwara, Samuhik Suryanamaskar was organized on Swami Vivekananda Jayan wherein
5400 students par cipated.
On the eve of 150th birth anniversary of Bhagini Nivedita essay wri ng compe
eleven schools of Kolkata was organised.

on in

Vivekananda Kendra Guwaha celebrated the second Interna onal Day of Yoga in more than
25 places, including government oces, educa onal ins tu ons and media houses
throughout the day. Around 50 Kendra Karyakartas trained in yoga imparted the Yoga
prac ces.
Children of Anandalaya of Odisha Seva Prakalpa organised procession in 10 villages of
Kendujar district, Odisha on the occasion of Swami Vivekananda Jayan wherein was
included vedic chan ngs, suryanamaskar and Patrio c Song in Oriya.
The State Level Gita chan ng compe on was conducted at VKIC Guwaha from 17th to
19th December and 80 students from various VKVs have par cipated.
Natural Resource Development
Green Rameshwaram' project, tree planta on at public places by the NSS students as well as
by the community, social engineering at the remote place of Dhanushkodi and dierent
works carried out for the Revival of tradi onal water bodies.
In the Workshop on Capacity building for Adapta on of Technology, 28 par cipated and
a ended the training.
Construc on of Bio - Methana on Plants Fixed type 25 cum 2 nos. Teachers colony,
Kulathur Chennai & Sabapa , Madhavaram, Chennai
FRP gas holder is ge ng installed on the 100 cum bio-digester at Ka upakkam, Tiruvallur
Dist., Chennai

Rural Development
Medical camps -1798 pa ents - 14 Rural Medical Centers
Eye camps -4 places- 781 treated 123 cataract opera on- 32 persons were given
76 Balwadis, 2,023 rural Children.
Monthly 175 Samskara Vargas, 7,140 students par cipated.
Monthly Deepa poojas -235 village temples - 10788 ladies par cipated
Amrita Surabhi Scheme - 798 Kgs of rice
Anna Pooja 2 districts - 7000 kgs rice collected.
Rural level compe on was held in ve districts Total No.of. compe
Students -2286, Parents - 166, Teachers 155.

ons - 11, Schools -112,

Vivekananda Kendra work at a Glance

Various Projects through Associate Trusts :
1.VK Vedic Vision Founda on, Kodungallur, Kerala
2. VK Rural Development Programme, Thoothukudi
3. VK Natural Resources Development Project, Kanyakumari
4. VK Prakashan at Chennai, Jodhpur, Pune, Guwaha , Rajkot, Mysuru, Kolkata,
Bhubaneshwar, Kodungallur
6. VK Odisha Seva Prakalp, Odisha
7. VK Arun Jyo Prakalp, Arunachal Pradesh
8. VK Ins tute of Culture, Guwaha , Assam
9. Vivekananda Interna onal Founda on, New Delhi
10. VK Vidyalayas in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, Andman, Tamilnadu, Karnataka
11. VK Prashikshan va Seva Prakalpa, Pimpalad, Maharashtra
12. VK Pra shthan, Kanyakumari
13. Hospitals at Numaligarh & Shuklai (Assam), Paradip (Odisha), Bina (Madhya Pradesh)
14. VK Academy of Indian Culture, Yoga and Management, Bhubaneswar, Odisha


Work in 22 States through 56 Vibhags

Schools 72 and Students 29908

Nagar Sthan 91

Magazines 8 and 28240 subscribers

Work centres 152

Project centres 494
Responsible workers 3044

Samskara Vargas 560, Participants 20759

Yoga classes 126, Participants 8141
Swadhyaya Classes- 130, Participants 2031

(D. Bhanudas)
General Secretary

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