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1 Questionnaire
For the test data, I compared the pupils scores for both Test 1 and Test 2.
In this section, I will explain how I will analyse the data for my study. According to Burns
(1999), he claims that, data analysis in action research is not only focused on the components
actions cycle, but more towards the observing and reflecting. In order to make sure that my
findings in this study is reported in a systematic way. First, I analysed the data separately the
data from each instruments. Then, I interpreted my findings and drew inferences from the
result. Last but not least, I synthesised together all the information with reference to actual
quotes from participants or documents to illustrate the results.

For the tests, I obtained the scores for each pupil from both test 1 and test 2. Then I
tabulated the scores according to test category. Table 1 shows how the scores tabulated. For
this instrument, I compared each pupils scores between the traditional and col-gate teaching
method, that is between Test 1 and 2. I also compared the overall mean score for the
participants between the two teaching methods.

Table 1
Comparison of Scores between the Traditional and Col-gate Teaching Methods

Traditional (Test 1)

Col-gate (Test 2)

The differences in scores between the traditional and Col-gate teaching methods will show
which one is more effective in ensuring that the pupils perform better. If the pupils achieve better

score in using the Col-gate method as compared to the traditional one, then it can be said that the
pupil performed better when taught using the Col-gate teaching method.
For the questionnaire data, I calculated the mean for each item in the questionnaire. After that, I
compared the mean for each item between the traditional and Col-gate teaching methods. The
results are tabulated as in Table 2.
Table 2
Comparison of the Item Means between the Traditional and Col-gate Teaching Methods.




I can understand how to choose the correct word in

todays lesson

The teaching method today was effective in helping

me understand which word comes along another word

I can answer the questions in the worksheet with

without guessing

I think collocations are confusing.

Based on Table 2, if the mean of an item for the Col-gate method is higher than the mean for
the traditional method, it shows that the Col-gate method is more effective in developing pupils
ability in writing sentences with the correct choice of words.
For example, if the mean for item 1 is higher for the Col-gate method, it proves that pupils
understand better when taught by using the Col-gate method compared to traditional method.
However, for item no 4, which is negatively stemmed item, the higher score shows that the method
is not effective in developing the pupils ability in writing using the right choice of words.

I also supported my findings from the tests and the questionnaire with my interview data. I
transcribed the interviews and use excerpts from the interviews to support my findings. I can also

code and categorize the data to look for emerging themes that can help explain my findings from
both the tests and the questionnaire. Examples of possible interview data are as follows:

Example 1: Interview data that supports the use of Col-Gate


How do you feel during the lesson today?

Pupil D : Excited.

: Why do you feel excited?

Pupil D : Because I can see the pictures and paste stickers.


: Do you think the method helps you to learn on writing using correct words?

Pupil D : Yes.

: Compared to the previous method, which method do you prefer?

Pupil D : I prefer using pictures and stickers.


: Why do you prefer that method?

Pupil D : It is fun and interesting.

Example 2: Interview data that does not support the use of Col-Gate Method

How do you feel during the lesson today?

Pupil E


Why do you feel boring?

Pupil E

Because I think I was playing didnt learn anything.

Do you think the method did not help you to learn?

Pupil E


Why is that so?

Pupil E

Because this is not how we normally learn to write

Compared to the previous method which method do you prefer?

Pupil E

I prefer the previous one.

Why do you prefer that method?

Pupil E

It was more direct and there was more practice. I think I learnt

something there.

Other than interviews, my findings from the tests and questionnaire was supported by my
journal entries. I included in some photographs throughout the session as an evident for my journal
and observation as well. Besides the interviews, I also supported my findings from the tests and
questionnaire with my journal entries. I also used photographs to serve as the evidence for my
journal entries and observation. Below are two possible journal entries.

Example 1: Journal entry that supports the use of pictures in teaching prepositions.

The mood of the classroom appears pleasurable. I am glad that the pupils concentrated
during the lesson. Even Pupil C who always asks for his friends help was trying to
complete the task given by himself. I think this shows that he is confident, interested in
the lesson and able to understand the lesson.
(Journal Entry No.18, 10 March 2015)

Example 2: Journal entry that does not support the use of pictures in teaching

During the lesson, many pupils wandered to other pupils tables to seek clarification on
the task. I could hear some pupils explaining to the other pupils. In other words, they did
not know how to answer the task sheets. I thought I had described what to do clearly but
they were still confused with the prepositions learnt today. Is it because they did not pay
attention while I was teaching? Was the method not interesting enough to attract their
attention? Did the method confuse them? Or, perhaps the method was not able to help
them understand and use prepositions correctly?
(Journal Entry No.19, 12 March 2015)

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