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Overview of Week Two:

This week, we will be adding on to your basic knowledge with a few more tags and
elements. We will also cover ways to organize your site visually, functionally, and
in how you store your files.
Course Outcomes:
At the successful completion of this weeks lessons, you should be prepared to:
Create a website template
Add semantic elements
Validate a website
Additional Learning Outcomes:
In addition to the course learning outcomes, you should develop a better
understanding of the following concepts:
Creating website folders
Commenting markup
Assigned Reading:
1. Read chapter 2, Building a Webpage Template with HTML5
2. Read lecture: Designing Your Site
1. Participate in the week two discussion: Validating your pages
2. Complete the week two assignment: Creating a Home Page for Cycle Out
Additional Resources:
To help you better understand the concepts we are discussing this week, review the
W3C validator at:

Symbols list:

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