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Merve St
rem Oru
Polen ztrk

Unit Title:
My Daily Routines
Grade level:
5th Grade
2 hours

Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
5thgrade student(audience)will recall and identify at least 80% (degree)of
the words related to daily activities (behavior) when given information abut
daily routines (condition).
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology,
Media, and Materials)]
Flashcards, posters, pictures, video,white board, course book
Learning-Teaching Method [ASSURE(Select Strategies, Technology, Media,
and Materials
Presentation,eclectic method by combining games and TPR
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media and Materials, and
Require Learner Participation)]
Showing pictures about daily activities and making them tell the activities
Making the students prepare posters.
Matching the pictures with the names of the activities in their book.
Watching a video about activities.
Writing the words to the board.
Individual Learning Activities
Group Learning Activities
with their partner.

Preparing a poster about daily activities

First, we will show them daily activities map,then we will show them pictures about
these activities and they will try to say their names and then they will match the
pictures with the names of the activities in their books. After that, they will watch a
video in which these activities are showen. Then, we will write the words to the board.
Finally, they will prepare a poster with their partners.

Measurement & Evaluation

Teacher observation
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Group Performance
Students will be measured according to their participation while preparing the posters.

Explanation Regarding to the implementation of the Plan

If something goes wrong with the video and we cant show it, we will act the daily
activities in the video.

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