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MARCOS Wealth/Gold!

The Cojuangco-Aquino Family envy Ferdinand Marcos because of Ferdinand Marcos's

personal wealth given by his former client the Tallano royal family of Philippines who
is the real owner of our country. The tallano was the richest royal family in the
history of man! Richer than any ancient empires/kingdoms, they hired Marcos as
their family lawyer and pay him hundred thousand tons of gold bars! About the so
called ill-gotten wealth that the Aquino administration accuses the Marcoses is a
lie!! FEM has a major role in the whole world and it is the Monetary-1..... Take Note:
MONETARY 1. actually the Aquinos are puppets by those who wanted to bring
Marcos down coz they wanted to have the wealth that belongs to mankind who's
been under FEM hands! Search about MONETARY-1 and the answer were out there!

Q: Ask lang po. Bakit may nag mamay-ari ng pamilya sa bansang Pilipinas? Paano
po nangyari iyon?

A: Our country was a kingdom before, called the Maharlika kingdom, ruled by the
great DATU's such as Datu Puti and Lapu Lapu part of our country was Brunei south
Borneo, Hawaii, Spratly Island and Saba. Our country was a rich kingdom even the
Ming dynasty of China respect our kingdom, no other empire and kingdoms in Asia
can matched our wealth. The DATU's who ruled the kingdom was the
Tagean/Tallano royal family They owned our country until the mid 18 century. JOSE
P. RIZAL was a direct descendants of the Tallano's his great grandfather was Prince
Julian Macleod Tallano who is been half European royalty "Macleod and half
Maharlikan Tallano.

Aside of hundred thousand tons of golds, 192 thousand tons to be exact paid by the
Tallano's Marcos yet too damn smart! Nakuha niya ang WW2 2 loots which is the
YAMASHITA GOLDS who's been guarded by the imbecile General Yamashita and out
smarted by Ferdinand Marcos that is why there is a monetary-1..! Dahil all the
WW2 loots belongs to humanity, Marcos wanted us to have that and not ended up
to the hands of the REPTILIANS/ the world elite/ the one eyed/ the illuminati/ who
wanted to enslave humanity, kaya they do everything and anything to bring Marcos
down, pero dahil Marcos too smart they can't find ways how to! Then they saw a
little hole and used it to manipulate the minds of FEM's own people, then used it to

bring him down. They may succeed to bring Marcos out of power in this country but
still! Out smarted by the late great Ferdinand Marcos! Coz they didn't get the
golds! The real enemy of Ferdinand Marcos was also the enemy of mankind.
They're like a pyramid on top of them was a silent but powerful country! America
and Vatican was working for the interest of that powerful country controlled by a
single and powerful family called the Rothschilds!

We have a right to know the truth about us Filipinos. School never teach our ancient
past, our real origins, our long lost kingdom, we are the people of MAHARLIKA
kingdom ruled by the DATU's Our kingdom was a peaceful and respected kingdom
until the Spaniards invaded us under the flag of King Phillip.

They call our kingdom Philippines! They claim that they discover our but in reality
our kingdom was far richer than the 4 major empires in Europe. The Roman Italians,
the gothic Spaniards, the Celtic England, and the Vandal France. Combine all of their
imperial wealth can't matched our wealth! That was the truth that's been hidden
from us! The U.N. knows it U.S.A. knows that China and Russia knows that.

I remember George W. Bush morning interview in 2001 and he's been ask who's the
richest country on the planet he smiled and says "The Philippines"- Marcos knew
that but he didn't talk!

Yes, Marcos didn't talk how rich we are coz he carefully doing his plans away from
the eyes of the enemies who wanted to claim all our wealth. Then he decided to
create an Asian dollar, so that Asia wills never barrow money to European Union
with sky rocket interests. Did anyone know that Marcos represents Asia and he is
the head of Asian Union. Napaka daming magagandang plano ni Marcos not only for
our country pero sa buong Asia. Pero the dark force do anything they can to prevent
Marcos! They manipulates the minds of the young ones about truth and make
Marcos the bad side while the bad side pretends to be the good ones, they use the
church like Cory did! They made the terrorist a hero like what they did to Ninoy! And
now they wanted to install Cory Aquino as a saint! They used a yellow ribbon
instead of a swastika! Pero the force that manipulates the midst of the Filipinos was
only a puppet of the true force who wanted to enslave humanity pero hindi pa nila
magawa all the way dahil Marcos locked the Monetary-1, so it will never ended up in
the hands of the dark side reptilian illuminati. The monetary-1 represented by
Marcos was for all humanity.

CARLO GAMBINO said. My great great grandfather was Salvador Tagean, he is a

direct descendant of the Tagean, and the Tagean is a close relative of the Tallano
royal family. My grandfather who is war veteran keep telling us that the most
important thing for us to know is to know the truth about our history, the truth
about Marcos coz it was all connected. I manage to connect all the dots and I
figured out who was the force behind Marcos downfall and it's not the people power
and the Aquinos. They are just instrument or puppets. My grandfather tells us many
things including important and highly sensitive topics or events. There is too much
lies in school and even in major religion.

School teaches the young ones wrong information like Ninoy was the hero and
Marcos minimal lang ang appearance saga books. They never mention the
Tagean/tallano royal family who owned our country the Maharlika kingdom! Kaya
what I do to my children is what my grandfather did he educated us everyday by
telling tales, and those tales was the reality that never been told or teach by those
who wanted to poison our intelligence they fear we found out the truth coz if we
find it out no one can command anyone! Means we all equal in life! There is no poor
anymore, and there is no rich! The word elite will never be used again!

We are familiar to General Antonio Luna the greatest general in the history of the
Philippines but the school never said that, Antonio Luna has an affair with YSIDRA
COJUANGCO the grandmother of Cory Aquino! YSIDRA and Emilio AGUINALDO
plotted the death of Antonio Luna, Antonio Luna has a thousand tons of golds
gagamitin sana to fund the war against invading UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, pero
the AGUINALDO regime was corrupt and under the influence of America, kaya they
plotted the death of the great General Luna. Gregorio Del Pilar and Manuel Quezon
can't do anything about it coz that time they are powerless to prevent it, but they
knew its going to happen sooner than later! Apolinario Mabini who's also the
adviser of AGUINALDO wanted to prevent it, pero dahil lumpo siya na dapat talaga
siya din ang presidente wala din nagawa para mapigilan pa ang naka ambang
kamatayan ng magiting na Antonio Luna.

Emilio AGUINALDO also killed the true and first president of our republic and it is the
great Andres Bonifacio killed by the order of Emilio AGUINALDO and claimed the
first presidency! Did anyone hear this in school?! I've heard this to my grandfather
At first I'm confused coz iba ang teachings sa school pero why would our
grandfather tell us lies? Then we grew up and connect all the dots then it makes
sense, the truth cannot be hidden for a long time! And it's our right to know it!
Marcos didn't do anything bad for us! Instead he loves us more than himself. Lahat
ng pinakikinabangan natin ngayon sa bansa produkto ng pag mamahal ni FEM. Pero

ninanakaw sa atin ng mga yellow ribbon army! They can't let Bongbong Marcos
become a president dahil pag nangyari yan people will know the truth! Not just the
truth but we will have the things that belong to us! Like what I've said before we are
rich! Richer than any country! The world leaders know that! But they also know
we've been manipulated by corrupt government China and Russia respects Marcos
they treat him as a king coz Marcos was a good leader with brilliant mind! Vladimir
Putin's Russia opposed American rule, China too! Then America keep telling the
world that Russia and China is a major threat! Pero mali kabaliktaran! When U.S.
invades Middle East and put the 9-11 to Osama that's a lie! They just wanted to
invade Middle East, Iraq and Iran coz Iraq is the ancient empire of Babylon,
mayaman sa oil! Gusto nila yung oil business! They keep making movies na ang
terrorist ay Muslims, Russians, Chinese pero those countries didn't engage to war
like U.S. did. Napansin niyo ba na halos lahat ng giyera may partisipasyon ang

U.S government destroyed Marcos dahil baon sila sa utang kay Marcos personal na
pera ni Marcos ang ipinautang sa kanila. Marcos lends them gold bars hidden under
the twin towers with interest yan. The contract expires exactly the same time the
twin tower was been attacked, ika nga ng America! But it's not been attacked; it's
been a part of the deal! The golds was under the twin towers and twin towers also
were part of it! The towers must be destroyed and the gold bars must be returned
to the owners! Marcos owns the golds! After that American economy collapse dahil
wala na silang gold reserves!

Q: how is that happened na ang U.S. ay malaki ang utang sa pilipinas? Sabi tayo
ang lubog sa utang nung panahon ni Marcos kamuntik na nga daw tayo
mabankrupt dahil panay utang daw po ni Marcos.. kung hindi lang sana nag
edsa1..di ba 1986 ang maturity ng mga PAUTANG ni Marcos sa ibat ibang bansa? Is
this true?!

A: The past government hide it and never told anyone except to those who lived at
the time na nangyayari ang mga yun, they know the truth ang mga bata ngayon
hindi nila alam, kaya ano man ang itinuro sakanila sa school they believe it agad!

ISYDRA CUJUANGCO, yes she get 60% of the golds held by General Luna dahil she
played major role to assassinate the great general! The rest kaya mayaman ang
COJUANGCO, pero they can't matched the Marcos wealth even the Rothschilds and
the Rockefellers envied Ferdinand Marcos wealth that is why they do everything

they can to get that wealth pinalabas nila na ill- gotten wealth samantalang may
sariling papeles ang yaman ni Marcos, before pa siya maging president gave by the
royal family tallano!

Yes, America has a huge dept to Marcos and its paid already after the collapse of
twin towers U.S. Government pays all the golds that they barrowed to Marcos with
interest! Kaya American economic bagsak na! And yes Marcos lends all major
country na nag boom today like Dubai and other countries. Kasi nga sa Monetary-1,
si Marcos and holder ng yaman ng tao at bansa sa buong planeta it's kinda hard to
explain! It is better for us to know things the truth and the liars.

1976 maturity humingi ng 10 years extension para mapag planuhan nila na after
that out of power na si Marcos sa mata ng madla, pero he's never been out of power
dahil until now they prevented the Marcos not having absolute power like maging
Vice President or maging President dahil it will become their downfall! Kaya they
keep telling the young ones na si Marcos bad man

Napakadami ng may utang Kay Marcos and they all envy him dahil he is the
Monetary-1 can you see how Ronald Reagan respects Ferdinand Marcos. Reagan
acted like his the biggest fan of Ferdinand Marcos dahil reality lang, Marcos is more
powerful than the pope! He is a good man with good heart!

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