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Listening Part I

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Listening Part II
Worldbridges Travel Agency Ltd. Enquiry form
Enquiry regarding holiday in
Number of people:
Kind of accommodation needed:
Price ():
Customers name:
Enquiry made in :
When would Susan and her friends travel cheaper?

, Eastleigh

How far from the beach is the accommodation offered?

Who has already visited Greece?
What will Susan have to do before phoning Arnold again?

The speaking test takes 11-14 minutes and consists of an interview with an examiner.
The interview is recorded.
The speaking test has three parts:
Part 1
Examiner introduces him/herself and checks your name.
Introduction and The examiner then asks you questions on general topics.

45 minutes

Part 2
Individual long

Examiner gives you a written task card. You have 1

minute to think (take notes) before you have to speak for
12 minutes.
Examiner asks one or two questions at the end of your

34 minutes
1 minute

Part 3

Discuss with the examiner more abstract issues and

concepts which are thematically linked to the topic of
your talk in Part 2.

45 minutes

I.In this part you have to speak for 1-2 minutes about a topic.
Look at the topic below for one minute. You may make notes if you wish
Talk about yourself having a healthy lifestyle.
Please say:

What stops you from having a healthy lifestyle?

What are the disadvantages of not having a healthy lifestyle?

What can you do in order to have a healthier lifestyle?

After 1 minute, please speak into a microphone. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
Afterwards you can compare your recording to a sample answer.
II.In this part you have to speak for 1-2 minutes about a topic.
Look at the topic below for one minute. You may make notes if you wish
Describe a place you visited when you were a child.
You should say:

where it is
when you went there

what you did there

and explain why you would, or would not, like to return to this place again.
After 1 minute, please speak into a microphone. You should speak for 1-2 minutes.
Afterwards you can compare your recording to a sample answer.

2 pieces of writing, 60 minutes
1. In Task 1, candidates are presented with a graph, table, chart or diagram and are
asked to describe, summarise or explain the information in their own words. They
may be asked to describe and explain data, describe the stages of a process, how
something works or describe an object or event.
2. In Task 2, candidates are asked to write an essay in response to a point of view,
argument or problem
Responses to Task 1 and Task 2 should be written in a formal style

The module begins with an overview of the IELTS Listening Test and what it includes. This
will give you important facts about this module and what it is designed to assess. Following
this, well show you the differences between each section of the IELTS Listening Test and the
types of questions you will need to answer. You will also have opportunities to practise these
types of questions and gain the skills that you need. At the end of this module, you will be
able to bring all of your knowledge together by trying a full IELTS-style Listening practice
This module outlines the different features of the Speaking Test. In preparation for Part 1 of
the Speaking Test, we focus on some of the grammar that you can use to talk about your likes
and dislikes. Well also give you some examples of how to extend your answers, or make
them longer.
For Part 2 of the test, well then focus on the Individual Long Turn. Well look at how to
analyse the task effectively and how to organise your ideas so that you have a good start, and
end, to your talk.
For Part 3 of the test, we will focus on The Discussion. Youll learn to develop vocabulary
related to common Part 3 topics and also some of the common grammar features you need for
success in the discussion. This includes focussing on tenses and making comparisons. Later
in the unit, well introduce some strategies to make your pronunciation clearer.
In this module, you can watch and learn from videos of students taking different parts of the
test. You can also practice the test using our audio recorder and compare your talk with our
This module begins with an overview of the IELTS Reading Test and what it includes. This
will give you important information about what the test is designed to assess and the different
question types used in the test. There will be plenty of opportunities to practise the skills you
have learned, including a full IELTS-style practice Reading Test at the end of the module.
The module begins with an overview of the IELTS Writing Test and what it includes. Well
then look at the two tasks involved in the test. In preparation for Task 1, youll learn how to
identify different types of visuals, identify and describe the topic and the main features of
these visuals, and also how to write an overview paragraph to summarise the key information.
Well then look at describing data for Task 1 of the test. Youll learn about what language to
use to describe data, as well as how to select and group information. Well also look at the
language used for ordering ideas in paragraphs. In addition, this module offers the chance to
practise writing the opening and data description paragraphs, which you can grade with our
new assessment criteria. Additionally, you can get feedback on your writing from your peers
and give them feedback using the IELTSx criteria.
In preparation for Task 2, were going to take a closer look at the essay question to help you
answer all its parts and we will examine ways of planning and organising your essay. Well

also analyse the different parts of an IELTS essay, look in more detail at some possible task
types in Task 2, and explain how they are assessed. Well then look at how to write a good
essay with good structure and appropriate language.
Along the way, youll have a chance to practise writing an introduction, body paragraphs and
conclusion and submit these for assessment from other IELTSx students. There will also be
practice of proofreading and editing before you write full Task 1 and Task 2 essays under
timed conditions, and submit these for grading.

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