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Metro High School

Instructor: Michael Curry
Contact Information:
Office Hours:
Tuesdays 2:45-4:00
Thursdays 2:45-4:00 *by appointment only*
Class Overview:
This class is composed of Four Units and a Final Exam. In order to complete the course,
students must mastery each Unit and the
Final Exam.
Each Unit is composed of 5-11 Learning Objectives
In-Class Assignments and Homework will be scored but not weighted
Each Unit will have a Learning Project
Mastery & Remediation:
Students must score a 90% or higher on each Unit Test.
Unit Test retakes will be given within two weeks after the test ( students will only retest on
un-mastered Learning Targets).
In order to be eligible for the retake, students are asked to prepare for mastery by
completing: Test Corrections, Relevant Practice (usually a completion of Assessments for the
Corrections should be submitted at least two days prior to anticipated retake day to be given
adequate time for review.
Students will be asked to complete a Test Analysis for each problem missed, students will
write process notes describing the process for solving the problem, and explain in words what
mistakes were made on the previous attempt. Problems with only one point subtracted will only
need an explanation in words of what went wrong mathematically.
Re-Taking the Final Test: A Final Test may be retaken only after all Unit Tests are
satisfactorily completed. Before retaking the final, students must complete a review test. Any
questions missed on the review must be worked through in process note format. One-on-one
tutoring may be required.
Grading Policy:
Final Eam 25% of class grade (150/800 pts); 4x Unit Test Grades totally ~67% (100 pts
each); 2x Projects (25 pts each)
Additional Unit Learning Projects will count as up to 10% bonus to students unit grade. This
bonus will not be applied to student grades until after the usual remediation process.

Attendance: Absences will be reported but not weighted. Please refer to the student handbook
for school policies on attendance. It is the students responsibility to track-down missing
Behavior & Discipline: Be kind and accepting. For minor disruptions the teacher will be using a
5-step system:
(1) Verbal Cue: Teacher will privately tell the student exactly what behavior is unacceptable and
(2) Guardian(s) contacted via email or phone to discuss student behavior.
(3) Guardian-Student-Teacher after-school conference. An agreement will be reached.
(4) Twilight school will be served.
(5) Referral to School Administration / disciplinary team.
*Intentional Harm / Malicious behavior will not be tolerated.
Cheating: Dont. Any suspicion of cheating will be documented until the body of evidence is
irrefutable. Once a firm case has been built against a perpetrator, parents and administrators
will be call on to meet and discuss disciplinary action. Among other actions, the student will be
required to start the course over from the beginning.

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