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Procedure for Generation of C-DOT S/W (i.e.

BASE/CPC/BMDC etc ) from Combined S/W Cartridge

(Single Cart.)
In this procedure , a single cartridge having complete software (i.e
UNIX will be supplied to the site. From this Cartridge, individual S/W
Cartridge for BASE/CPC/BMDC/RGEN/ED Retro can be generated at
site itself using following procedure.
In the Standby IOP/Spare IOP follow the steps as stated below. Bring the
IOP to Warm start Level. Login to root account
Now at the UNIX prompt #>, execute the following commands
#> ulimit 150000
#> mate 1440
Now make a Directory
#> mkdir /data/copy
#> cd /data/copy
#> pwd
Now copy the content of combined cartridge in this directory
#> cpio icv<$TAPE
#> ls ls
This will list all the content copied from Cartridge in this Directory. Note
down the name as appear in this list on the extreme right column as the same
will be used as filename later for the making the individual s/w cartridges.
Generation of Individual S/W Cartridge
Insert a blank Cartridge, and copy the required file to generate S/W cartridge
using following command:
#> dd if=filename(say bmdc2216-xl) of=$TAPE

At the end Block size of the Cartridge will be shown.

Now remove the Cartridge and lable it properly. The content can be verified
by following along with the Cartridge Block size (from S/W Retrofit Doc.)
#> cpio icvt <$TAPE
Same way any number of S/W Cartridge can be generated at the site and it
avoids carrying large nos. of Cartridges.

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