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24th november

In this lesson, Ross put us in our final groups. Our group consisted of Jamie, Vickie, Fiona,
Imogen and Myself after that, he made us play a game that would test our devising and
improvising skills, it was called the superhero name game and the aim was to stitch up our
the people entering after us with ridiculous names, it started off with Jamie being a
supervillain called The Skunk and the scenario was that he had trapped someone in the U
bend of a toilet. after that we showed it to the rest of the class, we didnt quite get it but the
exercise was fun all the same.

30th november

The lesson started off with the game bippity bippity bop in which the game starts off with
someone in the middle who points to someone and says bippity bipptiy bop quicker than it
takes the other person to say bop. afterwards we played wink murder, this game involves a
detective trying to figure out who is killing people by winking at them, after that we played
another game called two truths, one lie where we had to come up with... two truths and one
lie, the aim of this game was to confuse other players by not hinting the lie to the people
trynig to guess, the purpose of this game was to test our acting skills. the final part of the
lesson was to come up with our final scenes, Vickie came up with the idea that we should set
it during a pub quiz, there was no disagreement as everyone thought this was a good idea, the
characters were Joe, the vain one who always looked good, Imogen, the intellingent one who
gets very annoyed, Fiona, the stupid one who only knows science, Vickie, the one that cant
be bothered and Jamie, the quiz master. we had extra time in Chriss lesson to act these
scenes out.

1st december

John took our lesson and was eager to see what our scenes looked like, we showed him ours
and he made a few adjustments, John thought that the questions were too simple and he
wanted us to research more difficult answers, which is what we did for the rest of the lesson.

7th december

Chris wanted to make sure we knew what we were doing so we ran through the whole
performance, it was good practice for everyone.

8th december

Our dance teacher, Steph, took the class as she wanted to see what our last scenes looked like,
unfortunetely Imogen was away so we couldnt make any progress on our scene, luckily
Brandon, a member of another group, stepped up and helped us when it was time to show
them to steph.

14th december

In the first lesson, Ross made us run through the performance, unfortunetely as we were
waiting for everyone to turn up, we only managed to get through the first half, luckily we had
two lessons that day so we managed to get all done for show day, which was the next day

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