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Part 3: Patriotics


SET Penthisilea costume in left side of couch ready to go

wig, shoes, shirt, jeans, jacket, belt, gloves, kneepads, mirror, wipes, makeup, small sword
SET Kassandra's make-up pencils at backstage mirror table
SET Hector and Achilles hearts in knit bag
TRISTAN page curtain
for Ajax carrying off Klytemnestra
for Kalchas dragging Iphegenia's body
for Kassandra's entrance
CHANGE Kalchas to Hecuba with SATOE
Casey does shoes then coat
SATOE does wig andcrown
Dana cleans off mustache (have wet rag for her)
STRIKE Kalchas
CASEY ASSIST CHANGE Iphigenia to Penthesilea @ couch
SHINE flashlight for Christine war-y makeup
give heart bag, then baby sling, then baby, then remarkable sweater-Make
sure she has her needles
STORMY CHANGE Helen to Amazon (Debbie) @ backstage
wig, make-up, shirt, biker jacket
QUICK CHANGE Myrmidon to Menelaus @ couch post Hector death
TRISTAN Assist armor change from Patrokolos to Hector
HELP Erin in to Achilles armor and mask at backstage
TRISTAN Track Bearistophones to Part 4 (may be at station downstairs)
TRISTAN make hot water with towels and bring to backstage

CUE Odd Jobs

PRESET Klytemnestra
Dotted dress, navy belt, dotted shoes, box (ring, lipstick)
umbrella, mirror
PRESET Odyssa at backstage: navy cloak, tie, and recorder
ADD recorder and cape
PRESET Myrmidon @ couch
QUICK CHANGE Odyssa to Kyltemnestra @ backstage
RESET Odyssa to 3 doors
QUICK CHANGE Klytemnestra to Odyssa @ 3 doors, ADD SWORD
WARDROBE QUICK CHANGE Orestes to Rhesus 1 @ bar
CHANGE Menelaus to Myrmidon @ lobby
STRIKE Klytemnestra
Wig, necklace, ring, dress, shoes to dressing room
umbrella, box w/ gloves to backstage
STRIKE Odyssa navy cloak and tie from Odyssa @ backstage

STRIKE Achilles cloak and hat, ADD mask

ASSIST Kassandra for war paint, help with hair
TRISTAN HELP Hector into Silver Armor @ backstage
take vest, clip into armor
CASEY CHANGE Mymidon to Menelaus @ couch
SET for Achilles arrow under stage, gloves and hoodie
ASSIST Erin into armor and mask @ backstage
SET foot under stage
SET Herakles armor, belt, shorts, sheep skin, sheep underwear, H20
CLOSE lobby curtain
FADE UP "Left Main" fader behind bar
CLEAN blood
TRISTAN CHECK props for Act 6
wet blood from stairs to sliding door, clean sliding door on
strike arrows from various stage places
TRACK Achilles mask to Zeke backstage
make sure sweet potato is set for the yam
SET wet and dry rag for grave
CHECK Straw foot and Strawdyssa are upstairs and yam
RESET Herakles belt @ backstage
TRISTAN Check Remarkable Sweater for blood
FADE DOWN "Left Main" fader behind bar
if clean give to Max
OPEN lobby curtain
SET Philoktetes wrapped wig backstage
CHANGE agamemnon to Herakles/Ram at backstage
HANDOFF wig then foot, wrap, and bow (in order) to Danny at sliding
HELP clear grave
STRIKE props from below grave during fire burning to backstage
RESET Agamemnon to bar
Fill yarn heart bag with Ajax, then sheep hearts
CHANGE Herakles/Ram to Ram at backstage
HELP Tien into sheepie, tie for her
SET soldier blood
STORMY Help Bourque from sheep to Menelaus
CHANGE Ram to Agamemnon @ lobby
MARISA Help Tien from sheep to Odyssa
TRACK Achilles mask to Zeke backstage
FILL yarn heart bag with Hecuba, Paris, and Agamemnon hearts
BLOODY Soldiers @ BS/WET rags: Lind, Danny, Zeke, Tien,Walt, John
FILL Bag (50) and skirt (10) with Troyfall hearts
CLOSE lobby curtain
TRISTAN & COSTUMES STRIKE sheepies to basement
FADE UP "Left Main" fader behind bar
CLEAN blood
STRIKE props with Knitty bin
TAKE wrap and baby to be cleaned, take downstairs
CLEAN blood
PLACE confetti bowl, covered with towel, in to OJ pit
wet blood starting on lower platform, start clean by sliding door
CLEAN out severed foot and place at gore table
FADE DOWN "Left Main" fader behind bar
SEND Philoktetes foot wrap to laundry
OPEN lobby curtain
TRISTAN MAKE mud for Elektra
UNTAPE plastic @ grave
TAKE down Troyfall yarn hearts to get washed if needed
TRISTAN SET cake on party cart in vom 3
PLACE black blanket, tea bag, and Menelaus tank top @ 2

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