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One can not forget. One can not let go.

A refined scholar, with appearance as calm as spring wind, elegant, and has
some sort aura of nobility.
A dignified young man in his twenties, his skill of martial arts cannot be
compared to low rank officers, still humble and also persistent pursue his ideal.
That man who come in every girls dreams, as a romantic lover, loyal husband, or
even ally of justice.
That man who experience sorrow, supressing his tears and resentment whenever
he look at her.
Her pale, ivory snow white skin,two eyes which once bright now closed and no
one can tell when they will open again. Two delicate hands hanging beside her
body.Black silk hair scattered, giving illusion of flowing river.Only tiny breath
which can not be heard except he gets closer, just to make sure she is still
alive.All of them pained him deeply.
He can not let go.Not knowing to give up.
One still unconscious.
Being in this state over ten years, all famous doctors from seven province had
failed to wake her. Thus, she still dreaming. Other person than the man who can
not let go is her mother. She wash her hair, her body, do makeup, giving cloth,
and all treatments everyday only to see her wake up someday. As word
someday seems far and further, the little hope gradually disappear from her
chest, giving uneasy feeling as tears cannot stop flowing.
Just then, the maid rushed to her room in a gloomy morning.
Madam ... ! Madam ... ! cried she, Young Miss has woken up!


: Encounter, after a Long Dream

It has been two month after his father sent him to a border. He being at his usual
calmness, before leaving to the capital, invited to attend a banquet as special
There present few ministers and high ranking officials as well officers from
neighbour country.
If it is not because you, the war between two countries was already started.
He pouring the wine, Master is exaggerating. This official didnt do anything.
The big old man in front of him drink the cup of wine with one gulp.
No, no, you are great help!
This official ...
Someone tapped his shoulder.
Why are you so stiff! a handsome man whose age not far from him sitting
casually, Pour me some
I think youve already get enough.

I wont stop drink untill you drink!

I dont want to get drunk.
A minister joined the group,
Your friend is right. We will not let you go before get drunk! We held this
banquet for you afterall ...
He was about to answer, but his bestfriend is lot faster,
Spare him, Minister Li. He had to go back to capital after this ..
Why rushed?
He looked at him jokingly,
even one day is a torture for man whose about to get married.How he managed
being separated for two months?
Never guessing this young man already had girlfriend.
I know right? Seeing from his stone expression? Hahahah
Is she pretty?
She is the most wanted bride in Capital.
The two still talking, left him dombfounded.
After galloping his horse for a full-night, he arrived at the Capital.
Although the sun has not yet rise completely, people already wake up and get
out from their house for work. One forged knives and swords, the other display
their goods to be sold.
He stop at usual place.
Oh My .. My .. look what we have here ... a handsome young man looking for
fresh flower!
He smiled.
How do you think about this red rose? Its popular among girls. Your girlfriend
will definitely like it!
She doesnt like strong colour. Give me the usual.
The florist do half of what he say. She slip one red rose between bunch of white
plain flower.
Its bonus.
He walk not long before catch a glimpse of figure he know.
Its misty, so he can not recognize that person well.
He looked down, his tears flowing and falling, make his palm wet.
He looked straight, and that person is disappear before his sight. He hold the
flowers tight, almost torn them into pieces.

He run like a madman. Looking to all direction.

He feels as if someone hammering his chest. Chaotic. Hurt.
Then an unexpected colour suddenly leapt into the corner of his eyes.
He is only stood there, slowly raising his eyes. That elegant colour in his eyes
slowly began to collect into a shape in the depths of his eyes, forming a tiny
spark. It seemed to wrestle out some of the sharpness in his gaze, as if erasing
the thick dust with a prick.
There was only one person, with just a single back view, that could so
wonderfully merge heaven and earth.
He hurriedly take a step forward and abruptly stopped his feet again, holding his
Dont, dont scare her.
If he did, she might instantly become smoke, magically turn into fog, and
disappear with the wind.
He didnt dare close his eyes to blink. As he stared at that back view, memories
of the past surged.Pain, regret, surprise, gratitude and overbearing love all
tumbled into his heart. His chest felt like it was swelling until it instantly broke
He lowered his voice, as if reading out a name that had constantly come back to
torture him.
Shi Lian
He couldnt stand it any longer, he tentatively reached out to grasp onto her
The palm he touched was soft, gentle and warm.
He looked in disbelief at the girl in front of him. She really didnt look like a
ghost. He loosened his grip before carefully clenching her delicate hand once
It was warm.
She is alive.
Starring at him.


: Stranger

Brother ...
His trembling hand being held by a young man whose appearance identical with
the girl she loves.
Shi Nian?
That youth expressions is kind of regret having disturb sentimental encounter,
but he must.
We need to talk, brother.
Since when Shi Lian gain consciousness?
A week after you leaving the capital.
Why no one tell me?!
His elegant face losing usual calmness, mess because track of tears and
The juvenile quiet for long before open his mouth again,
We decided not to tell anyone about this.
He is a lot calmer now, trying hard to prevent tangle feelings from burst out.
When maid reported my sister has finally woken up, our house flooded with joy.
We began talking, and calling her to tears. But she only lay on the bed without
answering or even looking at us.
Doctor said ...
Shi Nian take a deep breath. Considering whether to continue or not.
.... doctor said my sister lost ability to talk. And judging from her behavior, she
could not recognize us nor herself.
He clench his fist, the joy he had earlier evaporate in vain.
So now he know the reason behind Shi Lians empty stare.

Shi Lian looked at them coming.

Sorry, Sister. Tired of waiting?
Shi Lian doesnt answer, her eyes fixed on Jue Qing.
He bent down,
I beg your pardon of my rudeness earlier, Miss.
He pulled out his sword and giving it to Shi Lian. Saying with deep serious tone,
But if Miss desire is not to forgive me, then please give this lowly proper
punishment. One slash or even death, this lowly would gladly accept.
Shi Nian clasp his forehead, Brother-in-law, arent you promised me not to act
suspicious in front of my sister?
Shi Lian looked at her little brother. Her eyes filled with questions.

Ah, this .. Brother Jue Qing! Sometimes he come home to ...

... to look after his unconscious girl.
... to taught me .. and sparring with me ...


: Loss of words

Please give your daughter to me.

Madam of Moon Pavilion get chocked. Shi Nian too.
Brother, what are you---
Shi Lian shall be my bride. Now its perfect time.
Jue Qing, I consider none but you as my son-in-law. But now looking at Shi Lians
condition ... how can I handed her to you when she nearly lost herself?
Ill help her remember. Even if she doesnt, it doesnt matter.
Shi Nian smile a little. This big brother,really. Everytime he commit a decision, no
one can changed his mind.
Jue Qing ...
Madams eyes flooded with maternal love.
I know you have waited her over ten years. And I believe my daughter also
waited for you. I want to teach her about everything she forgot, her identity, her
family, her country, then Ill ask her about this marriage ...
Actually, mother-in-law ... Jue Qing smiling constantly.
.. the last thing you said, leave it to me.
I want to personally propose to her once again.


: Behind the Curtain

The moment she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was silver curtain.
Her entire body feeling numb. Her head aches. And everything was blur. Her
eyes catch a movement behind the curtain.
A fine woman suprised.
Young Miss?
She blinked few times.Expressing great disbelief.
Young Miss ... awake?
Her tears burst out, she shouted, Everyone! Tell Madam that Young Miss is
finally awake!
In couple minutes, the room was crowded with face she didnt know.
They keep calling her Shi Lian. She assume it must be her name.

Later, she learn, that old woman who hug her and almost faint from crying is
Madam of this pavilion,her mother. A young man who caresess her hair and keep
calling her name entire night is Shi Nian, her twin brother.
And a first person who found her awake is her personal maid, Zujiu.
A new doctor hired to check her condition.
Because of her traumatic experience, this Young Miss lost some of her
memories and cant talk properly...
What a fool doctor.
Shi Lian sneered.
Everyday after that night, Shi Lian learn everything she had to learn.
In the morning, reading scroll.
In the evening, ettiquete.
In the night until late, practice art and music.
At first, she messed them all. She found it difficult to read what is written on the
She cut her fingers when playing guqin. She lost count of plates she had broken
when trying to walk like a proper lady.
Now she much better on those fields, except for playing guqin.
After dinner, Shi Nian would usually came to bandage her fingers without utter a
Strange ... but one day he murmured, does lost memory affect ones skill?
Back then, you were famous guqin player and no one can beat you on ettiquete
The line are meant to be laughed, but he apologized when saw Shi Lians pale
No, please do not mind me, sister! I say improper and unecessary things, please
forget what this stupid brother said ...
Shi Nian keep apologized.
She reached her brothers palm and write some characters on it with finger,
Its okay.
Shi Nian kissed her joint fingers, Im sorry
In a complete seven weeks, Shi Lian finished reading all scrolls and books in
Library. She remember every name and every face in Moon Pavilion. From chef to
gatekeeper. She mastered basic ettiquete, thanks for the great teacher her
mother hired. She know some songs, and to everyone suprise, art.
Sister draw this?
Shi Lian could see how hard his brother trying to hide his Since when she could
drawing?! expression.

Now the time to gain more information.

Did my daughter ask for it?
Yes, madam.
Zujiu, dont you think she is being too rush?
Zujiu believe its a good time, Madam. Young Miss want to go outside, the
weather is pleasant today and the morning sun is good for Young Misss health.
Besides, judging from this early hour, the road will not be crowded with people
Madam giving a long thought before finally agree.
Shi Nian will go with her. You follow them from a far and report it to me.
Zujiu receive the order.
Zujiu retreat from Madams room happily. She cant wait to see Young Misss
excited face.


: Ruin Ones Fate

Moon Pavilion is lively, but the Capital is even more.

Shi Nian continously explained to her,
This is the most famous tea house in entire provinces. Our father help the
owner to built this tea house ... Do you want to take a look inside, sis?
I cant reveal my face now.
Shi Lian tighten her cloak, shook head vigorously.
Shi Nian patted her head, then showed her the other places.
The big building on the corner is public library.
Here is bakery. People is dying to taste the legendary bread. Everyday from
morning till late evening,people line up non-stop.
Since its still early morning the queries hasnt started yet, wish to try some?
Shi Lian smell fresh roasted bread and cake, trigger her desire to eat. She
Shi Nian pleased, Wait me here, kay? Ill be back bring the most delicious one!
Only then, she saw someone in front of flowershop.
Its the man.
Young Miss, the scroll is here. May I enter?
Shi Nian knocked the table three times, allowed her to enter the room.

Zujiu opened it, Today we have the only son of Governor of Liang Province.
Take civil exam at age of ten, the genius who ranked the first among
scholars.Master of archery, has keen knowledge, and definitely cant be beaten
at artistic fields.
Seems unreal to me, Shi Lian thought.
The corner of Zujius mouth curled up.
Master Jue Qing is your fiance.

Young Miss! What are you doing, standing in the middle of rain?!
Zujiu clumsily chase Shi Lians steps. Gosh,why Young Miss run like a man?
Shi Lian stood before the exit of Moon Pavilion. And she just standing there, as if
waiting for someone.Zujiu shadowed her delicate figure with umbrella.
What should I do if you get a cold?
Shi Lian push the umbrella. Pointing her maidservant clothes which get soaked in
the rain.
Kyaaah! Zujiu hurriedly cover her chest with spare hand.Shi Lian smiled.
Heavy steps coming closer.
Its the man. Her fiance. Jue Qing.
Zujiu follow her mistress gaze. She shocked and panickly blabbered,
Young Miss, how could you appear with wet clothes in front of Young Master?
Here,take my---
Jue Qing already take his outer robe and cover Shi Lian with it.
Im sorry for ruin your fate
But I need you to fall in love with me again.
Standing in the middle of rain, does Miss not fear getting cold?
Shi Lian looked up, to meet pair of deep eyes.
He holding her is so tenative and careful, as if she was glass that can be
scattered easily.
Guess you still love me.
Shi Lian take out a paper from her robe, giving it to him.
For me?
When he was about to read the letter, Shi Lian grab his hand. Stare at him with
adorable looks, bringing her index finger to her mouth.
Jue Qing gasped.
His heart being pierced with invinsible dagger called cuteness.His legs feel weak.
His hand feel itchy too.He pressed the urge to squeeze her.

Ill read it at home, but ...

.... can I ..
... can I, perhaps ...
Holding you.
Hug you.
Kiss you.
All of his wish clear written on his face. Zujiu quietly retreat.Blushing.But her ear
anticipated what Jue Qing would say.
... handshake .. with you?
YOUNG MASTER IS SO LAME !!! Protest Zujiu in her heart, almost kicking the
ground due to frustation.
So they handshake.
Young Master look so happy though ...


: Fell for Spell

Welcome home, Young Mas

Moran greeted Jue Qing, but he keep walking without glance.
Young Master?
He furrow his eyebrows, Was something delightful happen to Young Master?
Jue Qing almost bumped a bunch of maidservants.
Ah,Young Master ...
He reply with pleasant smile, Yes?
They hold their breaths, sweet scent of blossom fields spread. When quiet, Jue
Qing is eye-candy, but when he smiles, he resemble fairy from heaven so much.
His Excellency, Master Jue Ming, called for Young Master
His smile drop several points. He hold the letter tight before hide it under his
Lead the way.
In the courtyard, the grand banquet being held. Some servants prepare the
dishes and wines. The others decorate the garden with colorful flower in different
variety. In the centre, ten girls dancing and sing beautifully.
Jue Qing perform deep bow before his father. Sit. Only then he sits.

Is father celebrate something?

Your arrival, of course. But you prefer coming to her house than your own
house, such a good son.
Jue Qing dare not answer nor reply to his gaze.
If you have anything stuck on your throat, spit it out
Jue Qing knock his knee with his index fingers, habit when thinking.
Shi Lian ... he take a breath, ... she already awake.
He studied his fathers face. He find nothing.


: Its a deal, not a proposal

Here. Governor Liang handed one sheet of paper.

With ultimate courteous demanour, Jue Qing take it and carefully studied it.
The West Pavillion Jue Qing murmured, Father,this ...
Now your bride is already awake. We can hold banquet.


: Collecting the puzzle

Shi Lian tinggal di rumah Jue Qing. Malamnya, terjadi penyerangan.

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